AuthorsNo. of Publications
sham, pc 82
cheah, kse 79
cheung, kmc 75
chan, d 56
luk, kdk 51
karppinen, j 44
leong, jcy 39
yip, sp 29
chan, d 26
chu, lw 26
li, y 25
fan, y 24
kao, pyp 22
rogaeva, e 20
kawarai, t 19
ott, j 19
bao, s 17
ho, dwh 16
zhang, y 16
ikegawa, s 14
sham, p 14
jin, d 13
yik, py 13
chen, f 12
cherny, ss 12
cheung, bmy 12
ho, dwh 12
tang, lf 12
jim, jjt 11
sato, c 11
st georgehyslop, p 11
yu, g 11
nishimura, m 10
wang, b 10
yue, m 10
cheung, jpy 9
farrer, la 9
jia, y 9
leung, wk 9
mak, w 9
samartzis, d 9
smith, dk 9
tam, pkh 9
zhang, z 9
zhou, x 9
chai, l 8
chiba, k 8
kawaguchi, y 8
liang, y 8
sorbi, s 8
arawaka, s 7
duara, r 7
fan, yh 7
fraser, pe 7
lam, ksl 7
lam, tk 7
li, j 7
li, m 7
mayeux, r 7
orlacchio, a 7
rogaeva, ea 7
supala, a 7
tandon, a 7
zee, ky 7
zhang, h 7
zhang, x 7
ala-kokko, l 6
chan, sy 6
chau, wh 6
chen, y 6
ho, sl 6
kung, awc 6
li, m 6
li, mx 6
mak, hkf 6
matsumoto, m 6
milman, p 6
st george-hyslop, p 6
to, kkw 6
tsunoda, t 6
wang, j 6
wang, y 6
wu, w 6
yee, afy 6
alini, m 5
chen, z 5
cheng, ts 5
gao, b 5
gao, y 5
hirose, y 5
ho, sl 5
jiang, l 5
kou, i 5
kwok, py 5
lam, hc 5
lee, ks 5
li, s 5
ma, x 5
medeiros, h 5
ng, gct 5
poon, scs 5
premkumar, s 5
roy, j 5
sahraravand, a 5
st georgehyslop, ph 5
tanner, ja 5
yeung, my 5
yuan, q 5
yuen, ky 5
zhou, j 5
zhou, j 5
bergeron, c 4
bruni, a 4
chan, kh 4
einarsdottir, e 4
fan, b 4
fan, yanhui 4
fraser, p 4
gerdhem, p 4
grad, s 4
grauers, a 4
hasegawa, h 4
ho, pwl 4
holmes, e 4
johnson, ta 4
kere, j 4
kolesnikova, t 4
lau, yl 4
lee, jh 4
leung, ryh 4
li, z 4
lin, s 4
liu, g 4
liu, s 4
miao, xp 4
ogura, y 4
qiu, y 4
ramsden, db 4
sham, mh 4
shea, yf 4
so, mt 4
su, ai 4
takeda, k 4
tam, s 4
tang, csm 4
tang, x 4
wang, h 4
watanabe, k 4
wong, kky 4
xu, l 4
yip, s.p 4
yiu, sm 4
yu, z 4
zhang, dm 4
zhang, l 4
abecasis, gr 3
adebamowo, ca 3
adewole, if 3
ajayi, i 3
alakokko, l 3
altshuler, d 3
an, d 3
aniagwu, t 3
baldwin, ct 3
ballinger, dg 3
barrett, j 3
barry, r 3
bellemare, g 3
belmont, jw 3
bentley, dr 3
bernardi, g 3
bird, cp 3
birren, bw 3
blumenstiel, b 3
bottolo, l 3
boudreau, a 3
brindle, n 3
brooks, ld 3
bruni, ac 3
burton, j 3
cai, d 3
camargo, a 3
cardon, lr 3
carter, np 3
chagnon, f 3
chakravarti, a 3
chan, csl 3
chee, ms 3
chen, bq 3
chen, l 3
chen, lh 3
chen, lp 3
chen, pe 3
chen, r 3
chen, y 3
chen, z 3
cheng, mh 3
cheng, r 3
cheung, cl 3
cheung, jason pui yin 3
cheung, pwh 3
cheung, rtf 3
cheung, wy 3
chiang, aks 3
chow, tc 3
chu, sf 3
chu, x 3
clarke, g 3
clayton, ew 3
clee, cm 3
collins, fs 3
cox, dr 3
cutler, dj 3
daly, mj 3
de bakker, piw 3
defelice, m 3
delgado, m 3
deloukas, p 3
dermitzakis, et 3
dixon, m 3
dong, hw 3
donnelly, p 3
eskola, pj 3
evans, dm 3
eyheramendy, s 3
faggart, m 3
fan, jb 3
feolo, m 3
ferretti, v 3
foster, mw 3
frazer, ka 3
freeman, c 3
fu, h 3
fu, l 3
fukushima, y 3
fulton, ll 3
gabriel, sb 3
galver, lm 3
garcia-barcelo, mm 3
garciabarceló, mm 3
gibbs, ra 3
godbout, m 3
goyette, m 3
griffiths, m 3
gu, y 3
guan, w 3
guan, xy 3
guo, wh 3
gupta, s 3
guyer, ms 3
gwilliam, r 3
han, h 3
hardenbol, p 3
he, y 3
hinds, da 3
ho, dty 3
ho, jt 3
holden, al 3
hu, h 3
hu, w 3
huang, d 3
huang, s 3
huang, w 3
hudson, tj 3
hunt, s 3
ikegawa, shiro 3
jamieson, r 3
jarvelin, mr 3
jiang, r 3
jin, dy 3
jin, l 3
jones, mc 3
kam, km 3
kang, l 3
karasugi, t 3
kashuk, cs 3
katayama, t 3
kato, k 3
kawaguchi, t 3
kelempisioti, a 3
kennedy, k 3
kent, a 3
kitamoto, t 3
knoppers, bm 3
koboldt, dc 3
krishnan, l 3
kubo, m 3
l'archevêque, p 3
leal, sm 3
leboeuf, m 3
lee, r 3
leppert, mf 3
leung, yh 3
levesque, g 3
li, c 3
li, g 3
li, q 3
li, x 3
lin, w 3
liu, jr 3
liu, r 3
liu, w 3
liu, y 3
lunetta, kl 3
macer, dr 3
maller, j 3
mannikko, m 3
marchini, j 3
marshall, pa 3
matsuda, i 3
mccarroll, s 3
mcclurg, p 3
mcewen, je 3
mclay, k 3
mcvean, g 3
meng, y 3
miller, rd 3
moliaka, i 3
montpetit, a 3
moore, j 3
morizono, t 3
morley, je 3
morris, ap 3
morrison, j 3
mullikin, jc 3
munro, hm 3
murray, ss 3
muzny, d 3
myers, s 3
nagashima, a 3
nakamura, y 3
nazareth, l 3
ng, ct 3
ng, mc 3
ng, mh 3
ng, pkm 3
nguyen, h 3
niikawa, n 3
nkwodimmah, c 3
noponen-hietala, n 3
ohnishi, y 3
oliphant, ar 3
olivier, jf 3
ong, kl 3
onofrio, rc 3
pan, h 3
pang, cp 3
parkin, m 3
pasternak, s 3
patterson, n 3
pawlikowska, l 3
pe'er, i 3
pei, y 3
peiffer, a 3
peterson, jl 3
phillips, ms 3
plumb, rw 3
powell, d 3
purcell, s 3
qin, zs 3
qiu, g 3
qiu, r 3
richter, dj 3
rogers, j 3
ross, mt 3
rotimi, cn 3
roumy, s 3
royal, cdm 3
saeki, k 3
sallée, c 3
sapozhnikov, g 3
saxena, r 3
schaffner, sf 3
sekine, a 3
shen, y 3
sherry, st 3
shi, m 3
shibata, n 3
sims, sk 3
siu, kl 3
smith, av 3
sodergren, e 3
song, x 3
spencer, c 3
spiegel, j 3
st george-hyslop, ph 3
stahl, e 3
stein, ld 3
stephens, m 3
stewart, j 3
stranger, be 3
stuve, ll 3
su, p 3
suda, e 3
sun, w 3
sun, xb 3
sung, lm 3
sze, kl 3
taillonmiller, p 3
takahashi, a 3
takahashi, y 3
tam, cm 3
tanaka, t 3
tang, plf 3
thomas, dj 3
thorisson, ga 3
tou, jf 3
tsui, lc 3
tsui, skw 3
varilly, p 3
verner, a 3
wallenburg, jc 3
wang, jj 3
wang, n 3
wang, r 3
wang, vo 3
wang, w 3
wang, z 3
watkin, j 3
waye, mmy 3
weinstock, gm 3
weir, bs 3
westaway, d 3
wheeler, da 3
whittaker, p 3
willey, dl 3
willis, td 3
wilson, rk 3
winchester, e 3
wise, ca 3
wong, amg 3
wong, jtf 3
wong, lyf 3
wong, sm 3
wu, n 3
wu, z 3
xiao, m 3
xiong, c 3
xiong, x 3
xue, h 3
yakub, i 3
yang, bf 3
yang, e 3
yang, h 3
yao, z 3
yu, f 3
yu, h 3
yu, j 3
yu, p 3
yuan, qiuju 3
yuan, zw 3
yue, ming 3
zacharia, lf 3
zeng, c 3
zhang, b 3
zhang, q 3
zhang, zg 3
zhao, h 3
zhou, h 3
ziaugra, l 3
au, wy 2
auton, a 2
azhar, a 2
barker, w 2
bei, jx 2
bohm, c 2
boss, ma 2
campbell, dd 2
cardin, n 2
chan, danny 2
chan, kh 2
chan, kh 2
chan, lc 2
chen, s 2
chen, yq 2
chen, zheyi 2
cheng, g 2
cheng, l 2
cheng, zs 2
cheung, any 2
cheung, cl 2
cheung, prudence wing hang 2
cheung, whp 2
cheung, wmw 2
chiu, pw 2
choi, vnt 2
choy, rkw 2
chretien, yr 2
chu, acy 2
chua, d 2
chung, hy 2
cupples, la 2
dai, j 2
erlich, p 2
fafel, kc 2
fan, bj 2
farrer, l 2
feng, x 2
fong, gcy 2
freedman, m 2
fry, b 2
gao, f 2
gunderson, k 2
ha, j 2
haass, c 2
haines, jl 2
herring, ja 2
herrup, k 2
ho, wl 2
huang, lm 2
huang, p 2
hung, fni 2
ikeda, m 2
ip, i 2
janus, c 2
jia, wh 2
jiang, h 2
jiang, q 2
jorge, r 2
kanayama, m 2
kao, p 2
kao, ryt 2
karppinene, j 2
khanshour, a 2
khanshour, anas m 2
khoo, us 2
kimura, t 2
ko, jmy 2
kubo, t 2
kwan, kyh 2
kwan, w 2
kwok, hh 2
kwong, yl 2
lee, bbc 2
lee, j 2
lee, pwh 2
lee, wm 2
leon, tyy 2
leung, aw 2
levesque, l 2
levitan, d 2
li, cun 2
li, lsw 2
li, t 2
lian, q 2
lim, lw 2
lin, z 2
lin, zx 2
liu, fq 2
liu, l 2
liu, l 2
liu, t 2
liu, xl 2
lui, vch 2
lui, vch 2
lung, ml 2
ma, es 2
makela, p 2
man, yb 2
mikami, y 2
miyake, a 2
mizuta, h 2
moliaka, y 2
momozawa, y 2
mundlos, s 2
ngan, esw 2
ngan, hys 2
niu, g 2
nonopone, nh 2
o'toole, c 2
otomo, n 2
pan, y 2
pang, a 2
paterson, a 2
paterson, ad 2
pinessi, l 2
plani-lam, jh 2
price, a 2
qin, dajiang 2
qiu, guixing 2
rai, fm 2
rainero, i 2
richard, e 2
rios, jonathan j 2
rockwood, k 2
rogaev, ei 2
roses, ad 2
rozmahel, r 2
sabeti, p 2
sandell, l 2
saunders, am 2
scott, wk 2
shi, d 2
shieh, jt 2
shigematsu, h 2
shum, cky 2
skol, a 2
smith, ej 2
song, l 2
steiner, h 2
sun, ch 2
tang, ayb 2
telloruiz, mk 2
tian, w 2
togawa, d 2
tsang, sl 2
tsang, wh 2
tu, wenwei 2
tycko, b 2
wang, bb 2
wang, l 2
wang, ld 2
wang, x 2
wang, xiaojun 2
wang, xiaolu 2
williamson, j 2
wise, carol a 2
wong, ehm 2
wong, ghy 2
wong, rlc 2
wong, swh 2
wong, sy 2
wong, syy 2
wong, tkf 2
wong, yc 2
wu, c 2
wu, meicheng 2
wu, nan 2
wu, zhihong 2
yan, ch 2
yang, ds 2
yang, sy 2
yang, w 2
yang, x 2
yee, fya 2
younkin, s 2
yu, sj 2
yue, jb 2
zeng, yx 2
zhao, sen 2
zhao, y 2
zheng, c 2
zhou, b 2
zhou, jie 2
zhou, t 2
zou, f 2
aboudonia, sm 1
abraham, cr 1
aebersold, r 1
ahern, gl 1
ahituv, n 1
ahituv, nadav 1
akdemir, zc 1
alattar, e 1
allegri, r 1
aman, a 1
ambalavanan, a 1
andersen, om 1
anthonappa, r 1
antunes, lilian 1
aquili, l 1
athan, es 1
auerbach, sa 1
babol-pokora, k 1
bao, sy 1
bird, cr 1
blacker, d 1
borowiec, m 1
bossé, yohan 1
bow, c 1
brandsma, corry anke 1
bujo, h 1
butler, k 1
byrne, eh 1
cacioppo, j 1
cai, jian-piao 1
cai, w 1
cai, zongwei 1
cao, h 1
cao, t 1
cappa, g 1
chakrabarti, la 1
chan, a 1
chan, ao 1
chan, asf 1
chan, awh 1
chan, ay 1
chan, csy 1
chan, cy 1
chan, eyt 1
chan, jck 1
chan, jlc 1
chan, kw 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, lc 1
chan, msy 1
chan, q 1
chan, sl 1
chan, tm 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, wcw 1
chan, ws 1
chan, yk 1
chang, rcc 1
chau, sc 1
chau, ss 1
cheah, k 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, bl 1
chen, bohao 1
chen, c 1
chen, d 1
chen, hs 1
chen, m 1
chen, smy 1
chen, w 1
chen, yl 1
chen, yu 1
chen, zhiwei 1
chen, zy 1
cheng, asz 1
cheng, j 1
cheng, minyi 1
cheng, oy 1
cheng, s 1
cheng, z 1
cheng, zhongshan 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kenneth m c 1
cheung, kw 1
cheung, mch 1
cheung, tt 1
chilk, tsh 1
ching, jcy 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, k 1
chiu, kcp 1
chiu, ky 1
chiu, man chun 1
chiu, mei sum 1
chiu, ms 1
chiu, pkc 1
chiu, pky 1
chong, wp 1
chou, kl 1
chow, eyd 1
chow, p 1
choy, kw 1
chu, cm 1
chu, cya 1
chu, h 1
chu, hin 1
chu, hin 1
chu, kkw 1
chua, dtt 1
chung, ph 1
chung, sk 1
ciappa, a 1
conneally, pm 1
cornelia, reuel 1
cotsapas, c 1
cranegatherum, a 1
crystal, as 1
cuenco, kt 1
cui, hening 1
daavittila, i 1
dai, eyl 1
dai, s 1
dearmand, s 1
deng, yb 1
der, sd 1
devi, g 1
dickson, d 1
disco, s 1
dolan, cv 1
dong mei zhang 1
dong, h 1
drummond, pb 1
du, r 1
du, y 1
du, z 1
duan, zg 1
dung, n 1
dung, nwf 1
durairajan, ssk 1
einarsdottir, elisabet 1
erdebil, s 1
evers, bret m 1
fallin, d 1
fanayan, s 1
fang, e 1
fang, y 1
farkas, bl 1
feng, z 1
feng, zhendong 1
fong, cy 1
fong, m 1
fornazzari, l 1
fosang, a 1
fotiou, a 1
friedland, rp 1
frommelt, p 1
fu, l 1
fu, x 1
fung, ml 1
gandy, s 1
gao, b 1
gao, bo 1
gao, bo 1
gao, hongfei 1
gao, plf 1
gao, wj 1
garcia-bloj, b 1
gaudet, r 1
gavrilova, s 1
gbadamosi, a 1
georgehyslop, ps 1
georgehyslop, pst 1
gerdhem, paul 1
ghiso, j 1
golimbct, v 1
gong, hr 1
gong, r 1
gordon, d 1
graffradford, n 1
grant, wb 1
green, rc 1
griffin, j 1
grishin, nick v 1
grubber, j 1
gu, jin 1
gu, yj 1
guan, x 1
gurnett, ca 1
gurnett, christina a 1
ha, ct 1
ha, ctj 1
ha, jct 1
hampe, w 1
han, shunhua 1
hancock, w 1
hao, dj 1
hao, ke 1
harvey, rp 1
harwood, d 1
herring, john a 1
hill, dm 1
ho, d 1
ho, daniel w h 1
ho, dt 1
ho, jwm 1
hossain, mf 1
hostetter, e 1
hsei, m 1
hsu, sj 1
hsu, yh 1
hsueh, yi ching 1
hu, meixia 1
hu, y 1
hu, y 1
hu, yong 1
hu, yong 1
huang, ds 1
huang, fp 1
huang, h 1
huang, hb 1
huang, j 1
huang, j 1
huang, jd 1
huang, jd 1
huang, jingjing 1
huang, pengyun 1
huang, q 1
huang, qy 1
huang, t 1
huang, yf 1
hui, al 1
hui, alc 1
hui, kc 1
hui, kjws 1
hung, ifn 1
huriletemuer 1
hyslop, psg 1
ingley, e 1
inzelberg, r 1
ip, msm 1
ip, wct 1
ismail, z 1
iwasaki, y 1
janczar, s 1
japan scoliosis clinical research group (jscrg) 1
japanese scoliosis clinical research group 1
je, jsh 1
ji, fei 1
jia, l 1
jia, yz 1
jiang, shibo 1
jin, w 1
jscrg, j 1
jyrinji, d 1
kamiya, n 1
kao, py 1
karjalainen, u 1
karpinen, j 1
kcryanov, sa 1
kertesz, a 1
khanshour, am 1
khanshour, anas m. 1
khor, cc 1
kidane, yared h 1
kidane, yh 1
king, n 1
klein, wl 1
koike, yoshinao 1
kong, ekp 1
koo, i 1
korovaitscva, gi 1
kum, wf 1
kumari, m 1
kung, mhw 1
kwan, jsc 1
kwan, jsk 1
kwan, sh 1
kwok, hau yee 1
kwok, khh 1
lai, m 1
lai, mkl 1
lai, st 1
lai, w 1
lai, y 1
lain, qz 1
laird, nm 1
lam, j 1
lam, kky 1
lam, tp 1
lam, v 1
lander, es 1
lang, ae 1
lantigua, ra 1
lao, l 1
lau, ccy 1
lau, cs 1
lau, dss 1
law, syk 1
lee, b 1
lee, bcb 1
lee, i 1
lee, tmc 1
lee, ws 1
lei, l 1
leong fung, lly 1
leong, johncy 1
leong, lly 1
leong, ly 1
leung, awl 1
leung, gm 1
leung, kk 1
leung, kkh 1
leung, wc 1
leung, wcw 1
leung, wl 1
leung, ws 1
li, c 1
li, cm 1
li, d 1
li, ghy 1
li, hy 1
li, jieqing 1
li, l 1
li, lanjuan 1
li, mj 1
li, mx 1
li, qz 1
li, weiping 1
li, xiaoling 1
li, xu 1
lian, cj 1
liang, c 1
liang, changhong 1
liang, ryh 1
liauw, j 1
lim, cyh 1
lin, j 1
lin, m 1
lin, q 1
lin, rz 1
lin, scl 1
lin, x 1
lin, zhi xiu 1
ling, l 1
ling, s 1
liu, c 1
liu, d 1
liu, j 1
liu, mf 1
liu, p 1
liu, wt 1
liu, x 1
liu, xiaodong 1
liu, xiaojuan 1
liu, z 1
liu, zaiyi 1
lo, cm 1
lohmueller, j 1
londono, d 1
lui, vc 1
luk, kdk 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
luk, keith dipp kei 1
luk, ty 1
luk, wk 1
luo, d 1
lupski, jr 1
mak, sht 1
mak, tsh 1
mak, wk 1
mak, ww 1
makki, n 1
man, k 1
man, kwan 1
marshall, cr 1
martin, er 1
mathews, pm 1
mccarroll, sa 1
mcclug, p 1
mcculloch, d 1
mcgraw, wt 1
medieros, h 1
medrano, m 1
mendez, ha 1
meschino, w 1
mills, j 1
mlynarski, w 1
mo, y 1
mohun, tj 1
moliaha, y 1
mount, h 1
mount, htj 1
mu, n 1
muhammad, fr 1
mullan, m 1
nailer, pj 1
nandakumar, k 1
ng, km 1
ng, ks 1
ng, mw 1
ng, mym 1
ngan, es 1
ngan, esw 1
ngo, fy 1
nguyen, v 1
ni, yanxiang 1
ni, yx 1
nicolaou, m 1
niinimaki, j 1
niu, gang 1
niu, m 1
niu, y 1
nixon, ra 1
noponenhietala, n 1
o reilly, pf 1
o'reilly, pf 1
obeidat, ma'en 1
okuloff, a 1
otomo, nao 1
pan, z 1
pang, syy 1
pardossipiquard, r 1
paria, n 1
patel, c 1
pei, jimin 1
peiris, jsm 1
peiris, m 1
peng, x 1
percy, m 1
pericak vance, ma 1
pericakvance, ma 1
petanceska, s 1
petersen, rc 1
petruk, s 1
plani-lam, jhc 1
poon, ch 1
poon, km 1
posey, je 1
posthuma, d 1
prall, owj 1
pu, wt 1
qian, w 1
qin, l 1
qiu, x 1
qiu, xj 1
rabie, a 1
ranganathan, r 1
rios, jj 1
rios, jonathan j. 1
roberge, b 1
rogaev, e 1
rogaev, el 1
romas, sn 1
romeo, g 1
rondon, h 1
rong, j 1
rong, lei 1
rong, li 1
rouleau, ga 1
sabeti, pc 1
sadovnick, ad 1
samartzis, d 1
santana, v 1
sato, ca 1
scherer, s 1
schmechel, d 1
schmidt, sd 1
schmitt-ulms, g 1
schmittulms, g 1
selczncva, nd 1
seltzer, wk 1
sequeiros, rb 1
serneels, l 1
sham, ps 1
shang, c 1
shao, z 1
sharma, s 1
shcrbatich, t 1
sheng, rory r 1
shi, l 1
shum, dky 1
singhania, r 1
small, gw 1
smith, d 1
smith, m 1
so, cc 1
so, jcc 1
solovieva, s 1
song, g 1
sorbl, s 1
st georgchyslop, ph 1
st. george-hyslop, p 1
stern, y 1
strekalova, t 1
su, dy 1
su, hx 1
su, pq 1
sun, ht 1
sun, wg 1
sun, xr 1
tai, als 1
takatalo, j 1
tam, ar 1
tam, cn 1
tam, em 1
tam, p 1
tam, pk 1
tam, plp 1
tam, pp 1
tam, ppl 1
tam, v 1
tan, guangming 1
tan, z 1
tan, zhiwu 1
tang, j 1
tang, mx 1
tang, n 1
tang, p 1
tang, pl 1
tang, s 1
tang, sm 1
tang, xm 1
tang, y 1
tang, yz 1
tanzi, re 1
tao, c 1
terao, chikashi 1
tervonen, o 1
teuscher, c 1
the international consortium for scoliosis genetics 1
tin, pc 1
to, k 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
to, kf 1
to, mkt 1
to, wk 1
torres, m 1
toshitaka, k 1
toulina, a 1
toyama, y 1
toyoma, y 1
tsang, oty 1
tsang, ssl 1
tsang, st 1
tse, h 1
tse, man ho 1
tsrhc is clinical group 1
tsrhccg, t 1
tsui, kc 1
tsui, w 1
tu, jie 1
tuite, p 1
tung, lf 1
tymoniuk, b 1
uddin, mg 1
ushiki, aki 1
van der sluis, s 1
van leuven, f 1
vance, jj 1
vaughn, d 1
vilarino, d 1
virtanen, im 1
voshresenshaya, s 1
wakutani, y 1
wan, zhixin 1
wang, dong 1
wang, kun 1
wang, m 1
wang, na 1
wang, q 1
wang, xiwei 1
wang, xiwei 1
weekes, b 1
wen, yang 1
wilcox, ma 1
willnow, te 1
wise, carol a. 1
wise, sa 1
witonsky, j 1
wong, alan 1
wong, aty 1
wong, bc 1
wong, bcw 1
wong, ds 1
wong, dsm 1
wong, hwe 1
wong, kc 1
wong, kh 1
wong, kk 1
wong, r 1
wong, t 1
wong, whs 1
wu, akl 1
wu, wl 1
wu, x 1
wu, xz 1
wu, zhi yong 1
wu, zz 1
xian, y 1
xian, yan fang 1
xian, yf 1
xiao, g 1
xie, l 1
xie, x 1
xing, c 1
xu, a 1
xu, am 1
xu, cx 1
xu, dh 1
xu, juntao 1
xu, ms 1
xue, w 1
xue, wq 1
yam, lyc 1
yamaoka, lh 1
yan, cw 1
yan, q 1
yan, z 1
yang, a 1
yang, ciqiu 1
yang, dawei 1
yang, dong 1
yang, es 1
yang, es 1
yang, jl 1
yang, mei 1
yang, sl 1
yang, xifei 1
yang, xm 1
yang, xz 1
yang, ym 1
yau, kk 1
yeung, ml 1
yim, ly 1
yip, bhk 1
yip, ms 1
yip, s 1
yip, sy 1
yu, c 1
yu, e 1
yu, hao 1
yu, s 1
yu, yifei 1
yuan, b 1
yuan, qj 1
yuen, kwok yung 1
yuen, kwok-yung 1
yuen, ky 1
yung, sk 1
yung, wh 1
zahorchak, r 1
zhan, x 1
zhang, chunming 1
zhang, f 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, jc 1
zhang, jianguo 1
zhang, lc 1
zhang, liulu 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, michael q. 1
zhang, p 1
zhang, qiangzu 1
zhang, terry jianguo 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, xie 1
zhang, yi 1
zhang, yichi 1
zhang, yl 1
zhang, zhigang 1
zhang, zhonghai 1
zhao, gp 1
zhao, j 1
zhao, p 1
zhao, s 1
zhao, w 1
zhao, xk 1
zheng, bj 1
zheng, bo jian 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, shufa 1
zheng, w 1
zheng, y 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, dongyan 1
zhou, l 1
zhou, n 1
zhou, q 1
zhou, r 1
zhou, s 1
zhou, tf 1
zhou, xy 1
zhou, y 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, hin 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, q 1
zhu, teng 1
zou, j 1
zou, juntao 1
zuo, p 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
female 37
humans 35
male 34
genetic predisposition to disease 27
polymorphism, single nucleotide 26
genotype 24
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 24
adult 22
middle aged 22
single nucleotide polymorphism 19
adolescent 17
genetic susceptibility 17
young adult 16
case-control studies 15
aged 14
genetics 14
antigens, cd - genetics 13
bile duct atresia 13
cell adhesion molecules - genetics 13
chromosome 10q 13
controlled study 13
gene function 13
gene identification 13
gene locus 13
genetic association 13
human 13
l-lactate dehydrogenase - blood 13
major clinical study 13
priority journal 13
risk factor 13
risk factors 13
age factors 12
china - epidemiology 12
cohort studies 12
gwa 12
ret 12
lumbar 11
mutation 11
animals 10
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 10
child 10
chromosomes, human, pair 6 - genetics 10
databases, genetic 10
development 10
gene expression regulation 10
haplotypes 10
lumbar disc degeneration 10
mutations 10
alleles 9
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology 9
association 9
family health 9
gene deletion 9
gene frequency 9
genome-wide association 9
genome-wide association study 9
haplotypes - genetics 9
lumbar vertebrae 9
pedigree 9
aged, 80 and over 8
allelic imbalance 8
alzheimer's disease 8
b-cell suppression 8
cartilage 8
china 8
chinese 8
copy number variation 8
covid-19 8
cross-sectional studies 8
degeneration 8
degenerative disc disease 8
disc 8
dna mutational analysis 8
gene duplication 8
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 8
genetic variation 8
intervertebral 8
intervertebral disc degeneration 8
mitochondrial dysfunction 8
mri 8
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 8
sars-cov-2 8
scoliosis 8
superoxide dismutase - genetics 8
5' untranslated regions - genetics 7
a(h1n1)pdm09 influenza 7
a(h7n9) influenza 7
bmd 7
bone density - genetics 7
bone/joint abnormalities 7
candidate gene 7
cartilage diseases - genetics 7
causality 7
cer1 7
charcot-marie-tooth 7
charcot-marie-tooth disease - genetics - pathology - physiopathology 7
connexins - genetics 7
disease progression 7
electromyography 7
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics 7
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics - physiology 7
gene library 7
genetic correlation 7
genetic diseases, x-linked - genetics 7
genetic variation - genetics 7
genome scan 7
genomics 7
genotype-phenotype correlations 7
gjb1 (connexin32) 7
haplotype 7
intervertebral disc - pathology 7
intervertebral disk 7
intervertebral disk displacement - complications - epidemiology - genetics 7
linkage analysis 7
linkage disequilibrium 7
lung eqtl 7
mapping complex traits 7
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 7
microscopy, electron, transmission 7
neural conduction - genetics - physiology 7
neuropathy 7
non-coding region 7
osteoarthritis 7
peripheral nerves - pathology - physiopathology - ultrastructure 7
phenotype 7
pleiotropy 7
point mutation - genetics 7
polygenic score 7
prevalence 7
promoter regions, genetic 7
pyrophosphatases - genetics - physiology 7
sequence analysis 7
severity of illness index 7
spinal diseases - genetics 7
tmprss2 7
vertebral disk displumbar vertebrae 7
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 6
als 6
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - enzymology - genetics - pathology 6
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - genetics 6
anisotropy 6
asian continental ancestry group 6
back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
ciliary neurotrophic factor - genetics 6
clustering 6
cntf 6
col9a2 6
col9a3 6
collagen 6
collagen type ix - genetics 6
computational biology - methods 6
cytokines - genetics 6
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 6
dna mutational analysis - methods 6
dti 6
exons - genetics 6
familial 6
familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 6
fracture 6
fractures, bone - genetics 6
genetic disease 6
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 6
genome-wide haplotype association mapping (ham) 6
image processing, computer-assisted 6
immunohistochemistry 6
in situ hybridization 6
incidence 6
intervertebral disc displacement - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
intervertebral disc displacement - epidemiology - genetics 6
intervertebral disc herniation 6
isoleucine - genetics 6
low back pain 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology 6
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - radiography 6
magnetic resonance imaging 6
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 6
mice 6
mice, inbred strains 6
nonsymptomatic 6
patterns of degeneration 6
polymerase chain reaction 6
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 6
population based study 6
predictive value of tests 6
proteins - genetics 6
receptors, calcitriol - genetics 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods 6
sciatica - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
sod1 6
sod1 mutation 6
southern chinese women 6
spinal diseases - etiology - genetics - pathology 6
statistics, nonparametric 6
taq i 6
taq polymerase - genetics 6
threonine - genetics 6
trp2 6
trp3 6
vascular endothelial growth factor a - genetics 6
vegf 6
vitamin d receptor 6
alzheimer’s disease 5
apolipoprotein e4 - genetics 5
candidate gene approach 5
carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - genetics 5
child, preschool 5
chromosomes, human, pair 3 - genetics 5
cnv 5
congenital scoliosis 5
congenital vertebral malformation 5
congenital vertebral malformation (cvm) 5
copy number variant 5
crispr/cas9 5
genes 5
genes, tumor suppressor 5
hemivertebrae 5
hirschsprung disease - epidemiology - ethnology - genetics 5
loss of heterozygosity 5
lung neoplasms - genetics 5
mapk7 5
mild cognitive impairment 5
nucleic acid hybridization 5
oncogene proteins - genetics 5
polymorphism, genetic 5
power 5
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - genetics 5
reproducibility of results 5
sex factors 5
snp 5
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 5
tbx6 5
tbxt 5
wga 5
whole genome association 5
whole-exome sequencing 5
zebrafish 5
abbreviated metal test 4
algorithms 4
alzheimer disease - genetics 4
alzheimers disease assessment scale cognitive subscale 4
amyloid beta protein 4
antidepressive agents 4
antigens, cd55 - genetics - immunology 4
apoe ɛ4-negative 4
apoe4 4
association study 4
behavior, animal 4
binding sites 4
brain 4
cardiovascular disease 4
chromosomes, human, y - genetics 4
cobb angle 4
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 - biosynthesis - genetics 4
cytokines 4
dna, mitochondrial - genetics 4
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 4
erbb4 4
europe 4
extracellular matrix proteins - genetics 4
familial aggregation 4
functional magnetic resonance imaging 4
gene expression profiling - instrumentation - methods 4
gene mapping 4
genetic linkage - genetics 4
genetic polymorphism 4
genetic predisposition to disease - epidemiology 4
genetic testing 4
genome, human 4
glutamatergic system 4
heart failure 4
host susceptibilities 4
ibd 4
inbred mouse lines 4
influenza (h7n9) virus 4
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 4
influenza, human - genetics - immunology - pathology - virology 4
information storage and retrieval - methods 4
inherited escc 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - genetics - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk displacement - genetics - metabolism - physiopathology 4
introns - genetics 4
late-onset alzheimer's disease 4
low back pain - genetics - physiopathology 4
lumbar disk degeneration 4
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - genetics 4
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 4
mirna-seq 4
mlkl 4
mouse 4
mrna-seq 4
neuritic elongation 4
nrg3 4
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis - instrumentation - methods 4
organogenesis 4
p21 4
polymorphism 4
positioning 4
pro-neuronal survival 4
prognosis 4
protein blood level 4
ptpn21 4
radiograph 4
reference values 4
regional index: eurasia 4
sle 4
snp array 4
spinal cord 4
spine 4
susceptibility 4
temporal dynamics 4
twin studies 4
whole exome sequencing 4
abca1 3
age of onset 3
aging 3
alzheimer disease - blood 3
alzheimer disease - blood - diagnosis - ethnology 3
alzheimer disease - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics 3
alzheimer disease - ethnology - genetics 3
alzheimer disease - genetics - physiopathology 3
amyloid-β formation 3
analysis of variance 3
association studies 3
atp-binding cassette transporters - genetics 3
axonal transport 3
beta-thalassemia - genetics 3
bioinformatics 3
biological availability 3
biological markers - blood 3
body mass index 3
body weight - physiology 3
bone mineral density 3
case-control 3
cell line, tumor 3
cerebral amyloid angiopathy 3
child development 3
cholesterol metabolism 3
chondrocytes 3
chondrogenesis 3
chromosomes, human, 16-18 3
chromosomes, human, x 3
cognition - physiology 3
cognition disorders - blood 3
cognition disorders - genetics - physiopathology 3
community health centers - trends 3
complex disease 3
computer simulation 3
cyp46a 1 3
developmental spinal stenosis 3
disease susceptibility loci 3
dna primers 3
dna, intergenic - genetics 3
family 3
fetal hemoglobin - genetics - metabolism 3
follow-up studies 3
genetic linkage 3
genetic markers 3
genetics, population 3
genome - genetics 3
genomics - methods 3
geriatric assessment 3
glucosephosphate dehydrogenase - blood - genetics 3
glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiency - genetics 3
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - adverse effects 3
heterozygote detection 3
hypertension 3
hypertension - blood - genetics 3
hypertension - genetics 3
immunoprecipitation 3
infant 3
insulin resistance 3
interleukin-6 - genetics 3
intervertebral disc degeneration - epidemiology - genetics - pathology 3
linear models 3
linkage 3
men 3
meta-analysis 3
meta-analysis as topic 3
metabolic syndrome 3
microsatellite repeats 3
microscopy, electron 3
models, genetic 3
neuropsychological tests 3
osteoporosis 3
osteoporosis - genetics 3
polymorphism, genetic - genetics 3
polymorphisms 3
population 3
population admixture 3
prospective studies 3
psychiatric status rating scales 3
pyrophosphatases - genetics 3
quantitative trait loci - genetics 3
quantitative trait, heritable 3
receptors, androgen - genetics 3
restriction mapping 3
set-based association test 3
siblings 3
simulation 3
single nucleotide polymorphisms (snp) 3
software 3
steroid hydroxylases - genetics 3
testosterone 3
testosterone - blood 3
tgcrnd8 mice 3
tissue donors - statistics & numerical data 3
transmission/disequilibrium test 3
urotensin ii 3
urotensins - genetics - metabolism 3
waist circumference - physiology 3
ad biomarkers 2
adenine 2
aggressive periodontitis - genetics - immunology 2
aging - metabolism 2
allelic expression 2
alzheimer disease - diagnosis - enzymology - genetics 2
alzheimer disease/*genetics 2
alzheimer’s disease (ad) 2
amyloid beta-peptides - antagonists & inhibitors - biosynthesis - toxicity 2
amyloid plaques 2
amyloid precursor protein 2
analysis 2
antioxidants - pharmacology 2
apolipoproteins e/*genetics 2
apolipoproteins e/genetics 2
arterial spin labeling 2
autophagy 2
axonopathy 2
aβ aggregating elisa 2
aβ plaque pathogenesis 2
benzofurans - pharmacology 2
blood–brain barrier (bbb) 2
case-control study 2
cell aggregation - drug effects 2
cerebral blood flow 2
cerebral perfusion 2
cerebrospinal fluid 2
chromosome mapping 2
chronic periodontitis 2
chronic periodontitis - genetics 2
chronic periodontitis - genetics - immunology 2
circadian rhythm 2
circular dichroism 2
circular dichroism spectroscopy 2
clu polymorphisms 2
cluster-randomized controlled trial 2
cognitive decline 2
complement c5 2
complement c5 - genetics 2
crhr1 2
cyp46a1 2
cytosine 2
cytotoxicity 2
data interpretation, statistical 2
dementia 2
dentistry 2
disordered proteins 2
electron microscopy 2
electronic microscope 2
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 2
elsa 2
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 2
evolutionary rate 2
fcγ receptor 2
gene frequency - genetics 2
gene regulation 2
geneeenvironment interaction 2
genome structure 2
glucosephosphate dehydrogenase - genetics 2
glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiency - epidemiology - genetics 2
guanine 2
hippocampal volumetry 2
hla 2
hong kong 2
igg. 2
immunologic factors - genetics 2
kw048 - embryonic stem cell 2
kw064 - functional motifs 2
kw092 - inheritance patterns 2
kw151 - regulation of transcription 2
kw164 - systems biology 2
leisure activities 2
lineage specificity 2
linkage disequilibrium - genetics 2
loneliness 2
medial temporal atrophy 2
medical sciences 2
melatonin 2
memory performance 2
meta& 2
microfibrils - drug effects - ultrastructure 2
microfluidic chips 2
mild behavioural impairment 2
next-generation sequencing 2
paravascular space 2
parenchymal plaques 2
periodontitis 2
periodontitis - genetics - immunology 2
presenilin-1 2
presenilin-2 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
receptor 2
receptors 2
receptors, igg - genetics 2
salvianolic acid b 2
serum lipids 2
single-nucleotide 2
sleep 2
smoking 2
social environment 2
tetrazolium salts 2
thiazoles - pharmacology 2
thioflavine t 2
three-dimensional ad model 2
tissue specificity 2
trem2 2
variation and function 2
x chromosome inactivation 2
β amyloid 2
β-amyloid fibrils 2
*alleles 1
*caenorhabditis elegans proteins 1
*genetic linkage 1
*genomic library 1
*point mutation 1
*polymorphism, genetic 1
*signal transduction 1
-491 a/t polymorphism 1
9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene - toxicity 1
activity profiles of signalling pathways (apsp) 1
adenocarcinoma 1
adenocarcinoma - physiopathology 1
african continental ancestry group/genetics 1
age distribution 1
alanine 1
alpha-macroglobulins/*genetics/metabolism 1
alternative splicing 1
alzheimer disease 1
alzheimer disease - complications - genetics - pathology 1
alzheimer disease - epidemiology - genetics 1
alzheimer disease/*enzymology/epidemiology/genetics 1
alzheimer disease/*ethnology/*genetics 1
alzheimer disease/*physiopathology 1
alzheimer disease/blood/*genetics 1
alzheimer disease/diagnosis/*genetics 1
alzheimer disease/epidemiology/*genetics 1
alzheimer disease/epidemiology/*genetics/metabolism 1
alzheimer disease/metabolism 1
amino acid sequence 1
amyloid beta-peptides - metabolism 1
amyloid beta-peptides/*genetics/metabolism 1
amyloid beta-peptides/biosynthesis/genetics 1
amyloid beta-peptides/metabolism 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor - metabolism 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor/*metabolism 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor/genetics 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor/genetics/*metabolism 1
amyloid beta-protein precursor/metabolism 1
amyloid precursor protein secretases 1
amyloid β-peptide 1
apoe ε2/ε3/ε4 polymorphism 1
apolipoprotein e4 1
apolipoproteins e/genetics/metabolism 1
apolipoproteins e/metabolism 1
apoptosis 1
apoptosis - drug effects 1
app cleaving enzyme 1
aspartic acid endopeptidases 1
aspartic acid endopeptidases - genetics 1
aspartic acid/*genetics 1
aspartic acid/analogs & derivatives/genetics/*metabolism 1
association analysis 1
autosomal dominant 1
aβ deposition 1
base sequence 1
binding sites/physiology 1
biological markers 1
body weight - drug effects 1
boston 1
brain - pathology 1
brain/metabolism/ultrastructure 1
breeding 1
burrows-wheeler aligner 1
caenorhabditis elegans 1
caenorhabditis elegans/*genetics/metabolism 1
carcinogens - toxicity 1
caribbean region/ethnology 1
cell compartmentation 1
cell culture techniques 1
cell division - drug effects 1
cell line 1
cell line, tumor - cytology - drug effects - physiology 1
cell membrane 1
cell membrane/*metabolism/ultrastructure 1
cell proliferation 1
cell proliferation - drug effects 1
cells, cultured/cytology/metabolism 1
chickens - genetics 1
chromatin immunoprecipitation 1
chromosome 12 1
chromosome aberrations/genetics 1
chromosome disorders 1
chromosome mapping/*veterinary 1
chromosomes, human, pair 12 - genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 12/*genetics 1
chromosomes, human, pair 14/genetics 1
cleidocranial dysostosis 1
cleidocranial dysplasia 1
clu and picalm 1
clusterin - genetics 1
coagulation factor viii 1
codon/genetics 1
cr1 1
cyclin d1 - metabolism 1
cysteine endopeptidases/*genetics 1
cysteine/*genetics 1
damage assessment of genomic mutations (dagm) 1
de novo assembly 1
disease severity 1
dna - isolation & purification 1
dna binding 1
dna binding motif 1
dna probes 1
dna synthesis 1
dna, complementary 1
dna, complementary/genetics 1
dna/analysis 1
dna/analysis/genetics 1
dominican republic/ethnology 1
endopeptidases 1
endopeptidases/genetics/metabolism 1
endopeptidases/metabolism 1
endosomes - metabolism 1
estrogen metabolic pathway 1
ethnicity 1
european continental ancestry group/*genetics 1
european continental ancestry group/genetics 1
exome sequencing 1
exons 1
f8 gene 1
familial alzheimer's disease 1
feasibility study 1
foot 1
freezing 1
genes, dominant 1
genetic association studies 1
genetic testing/*methods 1
germline rare coding mutations 1
glycine 1
gtp phosphohydrolases - genetics 1
gtp-binding proteins 1
gwas 1
haemophilia 1
helminth proteins/genetics/*metabolism 1
her2 signalling pathway 1
her2-negative breast cancer 1
high-throughput nucleotide sequencing 1
hispanic americans/*genetics 1
hispanic americans/genetics 1
immune suppression 1
inflammation 1
inhibitor 1
interaction 1
introns 1
ldl-receptor related proteins - genetics 1
lin-12 1
lod score 1
mammary carcinogenesis 1
mammary neoplasms, experimental - chemically induced - metabolism - pathology - prevention & control 1
manhattan plot 1
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
matrix metalloproteinase 2 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
membrane glycoproteins/*genetics 1
membrane glycoproteins/genetics/*metabolism 1
membrane glycoproteins/genetics/*metabolism/*physiology 1
membrane proteins - genetics 1
membrane proteins/*genetics 1
membrane proteins/*genetics/*metabolism 1
membrane proteins/*genetics/metabolism 1
membrane proteins/*metabolism 1
membrane proteins/deficiency/*physiology 1
membrane proteins/genetics/*metabolism 1
membrane proteins/genetics/*physiology 1
membrane transport proteins - genetics 1
mice, inbred c57bl 1
mice, knockout 1
microglia activation 1
models, statistical 1
molecular sequence annotation 1
molecular sequence data 1
monomeric clathrin assembly proteins - genetics 1
moscow/epidemiology 1
multi-allelic 1
multivariate analysis 1
mutagenesis 1
mutagenesis, insertional 1
mutation, missense/physiology 1
mutation/*genetics 1
mutation/physiology 1
neurofibrillary tangles/metabolism 1
ngs platforms 1
ngs tools 1
norisoprenoids - pharmacology 1
north carolina 1
notch 1
ontario/epidemiology 1
open reading frames - genetics 1
organ specificity 1
paraplegia - complications - genetics - pathology 1
peptide fragments/*genetics/metabolism 1
peptide fragments/*metabolism 1
peptide fragments/metabolism 1
peptidyl-dipeptidase a/genetics/*metabolism 1
plaque, amyloid - pathology 1
point mutation/*genetics 1
point mutation/genetics 1
polymerase chain reaction/veterinary 1
polymorphism, genetic/*genetics 1
presenilin 1
presenilin complexes 1
proliferating cell nuclear antigen - metabolism 1
protease nexins 1
protein conformation 1
protein processing, post-translational 1
protein structure, tertiary/genetics 1
protein structure, tertiary/physiology 1
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - metabolism 1
puerto rico/ethnology 1
qq plot 1
quality control 1
rats 1
rats, sprague-dawley 1
receptors, cell surface - metabolism 1
receptors, complement 3b - genetics 1
receptors, notch 1
referral and consultation 1
regulatory sequences, nucleic acid/*genetics 1
retrospective studies 1
risk assessment 1
rna, messenger - analysis 1
runx2 1
sel-12 1
sequence homology, amino acid 1
short read mapping 1
short reads mapping 1
signal transduction/*physiology 1
signal transduction/genetics 1
software - standards 1
spinal cord - pathology 1
spine/*abnormalities 1
stomach neoplasms 1
stomach neoplasms - physiopathology 1
supernumerary teeth 1
survival analysis 1
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 - genetics 1
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 - genetics 1
transfection 1
turkeys/*genetics 1
united states/epidemiology 1
up-regulation - drug effects 1
vesicular transport proteins - metabolism 1
β-amyloid precursor protein 1
β-ionone 1
β-site 1
γ-secretase 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
degenerative, disorders, functional, genomic, skeletal, variation 14
genomics and skeletal research 10
chronic periodontitis, genome-wide, single nucleotide 8
hiv-1, host, immunity 6
influenza, innate immunity, pandemic, severe, single nucleotide polymorphism 5
alzheimer’s disease using repurposed drugs, amyloid β plaques, inhibition of pax6 signaling, neurofibrillary tangles 4
biomarkers, esophageal carcinoma, genome editing, orthotopic animal model, targeted genomics 4
bone mineral density (bmd), genetic mapping, mouse geentics, qtls 4
degenerative disc disease, linkage, southern chinese 4
gene regulation, hirschsprung disease, mouse genetics, non-coding regulatory 4
(npc) 3
adolescent idiopathic scoliosi, mouse model, mutation, wgs 3
advanced platform, combination therapies, high-throughput, three-way 3
alzheimer's disease 3
cognitive processes, glutamate, normal aging, proton mr spectroscopy, task-based bold-fmri 3
congenic mouse lines, congenital heart defects (chd), genome-wide linkage analysis 3
congenital heart defects, hnrnpa1, mutation 3
congenital, factors, genetic, identifying, scoliosis, underlying 3
disc degeneration, human genetics, mouse genetics, protective factors, spine 3
genetic linkage, linkage disequilibrium (ld) mapping, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc), resistance to virus infection, snp 3
hapmap 3
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chromosome 8q24 2
beta thalassaemia, genetic modulation, haemoglobin 2
cataract, closed eyelid, microphthalmia 2
genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium (ld) mapping, mhc, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) 2
pedigree data 2
antiviral drug discovery, machine intelligence, web application 2
alzheimer’s disease, neuronal apoptosis, pax6 1
behavioral activation, genetic and biomarkers, loneliness, mindfulness, older adults 1
cognitive, impairment, older persons, randomized controlled, tai chi, therapeutic effects 1
congenital heart defects 1
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