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Name Card
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Professor Lu, Liwei 呂力為


Teaching List, Current
2018 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2018 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2020 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2023 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2023 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2023 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2021 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2021 S2PATH60102ARenal Pathology, Immunology and Transplant Related Pathology
2021 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2022 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2023 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2018 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2019 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2019 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2019 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2019 S2PATH60102ARenal Pathology, Immunology and Transplant Related Pathology
2022 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2019 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2022 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2020 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2018 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2021 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2020 S2MMPH61762ACurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2021 S2MMPH61762CCurrent Topics and Techniques in Immunology
2020 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
2022 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2024 S1BCHM36051AImmunology
2024 S2PATH62022ACurrent topics and techniques in immunology
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Immunology2023 Phd
Zhao Yue
The Role of IL-17 in the Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Intervention of Experimental Sjogren’s SyndromeImmunology2014 Phd
Xiao Fan
Development of Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus Delivering Short-hairpin RNAs to Inhibit the Replication of Influenza A VirusesVirology and Immunology2007 Phd
Zhang Gui
The generation and mechanism of tolerogenic dendritic cells in systemic lupus erythematosus and its therapeutic application in lupus mouse modelRheumatology/Immunology2009 Phd
Wu Haijing
The Role of Regulatory B cells in the Development of Autoimmune Diabetes in NOD MiceImmunology2011 MPhil
Liu Yang
The role of IL-17A in modulating B cell response during influenza virus infectionAllergy/Immunology2009 Phd
Wang Xiaohui
Study on Influenza virus-like particlesVirology and Immunology2008 Phd
Zhang Naru
Role of Natural Killer (NK) Cells in the Development of Autoimmune ArthritisImmunology2004 Phd
Lo Kam Chun
Leptin modulates T cells responses in autoimmune arthritisRoles of B cells in the development of autoimmune arthritis2010 Phd
Deng Jun
Development of Novel Therapeutic Strategies against the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome CoronavirusVirology and Immunology2013 Phd
Shuai Huiping
The Role of B Cell-Activating Factor in B Cell Development and AutoimmunityImmunology2003 Phd
Zhang Min
Leptin Modulates B Cell Responses in Autoimmune ArthritisImmunology2013 Phd
Chen Qian
Mechanisms underlying Differential Infection by Pandemic H1N1 Influenza A Virus of Human Classically Activated and Alternatively Activated MacrophagesImmunology of Viral Infections, Pasteur Research Centre2010 MPhil
Li Jibin
Small Interfering RNAs with a Novel Motif Potently Induce an Early β-Defensin 4 Production which Provides Strong Antiviral EffectsVirology and Immunology2006 Phd
Lin Yongping
Examining the Tolerance Effect to Non-inherited Maternal Antigens in Allogeneic Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells in Response to Allogeneic Stimulator CellsImmunology2011 Phd
Kwok Siu Yin Janette
A complementary activation of peripheral NK cell immunity in EBV related nasopharyngeal carcinomaStudies of Immune Therapy for EBV Related NPC2003 MPhil
Zheng Ying
Role of Regulatory B cells in Autoimmune DiseaseImmunology2008 Phd
Yang Min
Hoxb3 mutation leads to Interleukin-6 dependent plasmacytomaMolecular and Developmental Genetics2004 MPhil
Wong Pui Man
Genetic polymorphisms of type I interferon receptor 1 affect the susceptibility to chronic HBV infection: association analysis and mechanistic investigationImmune Therapy for Chronic Viral Infections and Associated Cancers2002 Phd
Zhou Jie
Cancer Immunology2022 Phd
Liu Xinqi
The Role of Leptin in Regulating Dendritic Cell Maturation and FunctionImmunology2004 Phd
Lam Lai Kwan Queenie
Leptin modulates B cell responses against influenza infectionImmunology2013 MPhil
Chen Miao
Role of B-1 Cells in the Development of Murine LupusImmunology 2014 Phd
Yang Xi
Cancer Immunology: Macropinocytosis of Tumor-associated Macrophages2023 Phd
Wu Yibing
Inflammation, Immunology and Liver Cancer2022 Phd
Shen Rui
The roles of NK cells in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndromeImmunology2016 Phd
Huang Enyu
The role of IL-25 in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndromeImmunology2017 Phd
Deng Chong
The role of B cells in the development of Sjögren's syndromeImmunology2017 Phd
Du Wenhan
Immunology2020 Phd
Wang Shiyun
Immunology2021 Phd
Zhou Yingbo
The role of interferon lambda in the pathogenesis of Sjӧgren's syndromeImmunology2019 Phd
Tang Yuan
Immunology2022 Phd
Zhao Mengna
Immunology2024 Phd
Ng Lam
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2003-10-282005-10-27Faculty of Medicine, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2000-10-282003-10-27Faculty of Medicine, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2012-07-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2007-09-012012-06-30Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2005-10-282007-08-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
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