AuthorsNo. of Publications
yeung, wsb 328
ng, ehy 72
ho, pc 62
chiu, cn 54
lee, cyl 46
pang, rtk 38
lee, cl 35
koistinen, h 34
koistinen, r 34
chiu, pcn 32
lee, yl 32
chung, mk 29
seppala, m 28
zhang, y 21
kodithuwakku, sp 20
liu, y 19
so, kh 18
ng, tb 17
xu, j 17
li, rhw 16
liu, w 16
cheong, awy 15
luk, jmc 14
sze, cws 14
zuo, y 14
tang, scw 13
tsang, h 13
xu, js 13
luk, jm 12
cheung, ty 11
chu, ik 11
fong, sw 11
kottawatta, ksa 11
lam, kw 11
wong, bpc 11
chen, x 10
fan, h 10
lam, kkw 10
lao, l 10
liu, j 10
tam, pc 10
wong, ck 10
wong, ckc 10
chai, j 9
gao, j 9
horne, aw 9
kwok, kl 9
wang, z 9
chen, ach 8
jiang, l 8
shaw, pc 8
tam, yt 8
yao, yq 8
chow, wn 7
liu, wm 7
tong, y 7
tsao, sw 7
chan, rws 6
cheung, any 6
chow, jfc 6
critchley, hod 6
lee, cl 6
leung, gph 6
ng, py 6
seppälä, m 6
sze, cw 6
tsang, hy 6
tse, jym 6
vijayan, m 6
aflatoonian, r 5
chan, sth 5
chen, ch 5
entrican, g 5
fazeli, a 5
lee, kc 5
lee, wwm 5
liu, yx 5
song, t 5
tang, ayb 5
wheelhouse, n 5
wong, bst 5
ye, t 5
yue, c 5
agarwal, a 4
cheng, kw 4
cheong, wya 4
gupta, sk 4
kodithuwakku kankanamge, spk 4
kodithuwakku, kspk 4
lam, jkw 4
lam, kk 4
lao, lx 4
lee, npy 4
lee, wm 4
leung, on 4
ngan, esw 4
peng, q 4
shum, ck 4
sze, scw 4
tsao, gsw 4
tse, pk 4
wang, s 4
wong, rns 4
wong, st 4
zhang, l 4
zhang, z 4
chen, hy 3
chen, j 3
cheung, hp 3
dong, y 3
duncan, wc 3
fernando, sr 3
guo, y 3
hong, s 3
lam, kh 3
lao, k 3
lao, tth 3
li, t 3
li, tkt 3
mcdonald, se 3
mok, bw 3
ng, ppy 3
ngan, hys 3
rathnayake, c 3
shaw, jlv 3
shi, j 3
shum, cky 3
siu, so 3
sumitro, sb 3
tong, mk 3
wang, x 3
yao, y 3
ye, tm 3
zhang, yb 3
ault, k 2
barratt, bm 2
brown, jk 2
cameron, s 2
cao, d 2
cao, dandan 2
cao, s 2
cheung, wkl 2
chiu, pc 2
dell, a 2
duan, y 2
fan, hj 2
feng, y 2
fernando, ts 2
fernando, tsr. 2
fung, wt 2
ho, jcm 2
hong, sj 2
horner, pj 2
hou, ycd 2
jabbour, hn 2
kam, k 2
kan, fwk 2
kelly, k 2
king, ae 2
kodithuwakku, spk 2
kodithuwakku, suranga p 2
kubi, ja 2
lai, pc 2
lai, ym 2
laitinen, jt 2
lee, wma 2
lee, yl 2
leung, con 2
leung, ll 2
leung, sn 2
li, kw 2
li, y 2
li, yx 2
lin, sws 2
lin, x 2
ling, l 2
liu, k 2
liu, s 2
lu, j 2
mcclure, mo 2
meng, w 2
morris, hr 2
mönkkönen, ks 2
neff, t 2
pang, pc 2
panico, m 2
shi, yg 2
song, jx 2
sze, scw 2
thach, tq 2
tissot, b 2
wan, h 2
wang, gc 2
wijayagunawardane, mpb 2
wills, gs 2
wong, kl 2
woo, j 2
yang, zm 2
yeung, william sb 2
yeung, ws 2
yip, cw 2
zhang, ky 2
zhang, kyb 2
zhang, zj 2
zhao, j 2
abegunawardana, ww 1
abidin, hb 1
aboussahoud, w 1
abrahams, vm 1
adin, ze 1
ahmad, sf 1
akthar, i 1
alexander, b 1
anderton, bh 1
au, cl 1
bai, k 1
boswell, l 1
brah, as 1
burgess, s 1
cai, yz 1
campbell, ll 1
cao, sb 1
chan, csy 1
chan, dw 1
chan, jyc 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, kw 1
chan, mc 1
chan, tkw 1
chan, vw 1
chan, yc 1
chan, yl 1
che, cm 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, ac 1
chen, andy chun hang 1
chen, hb 1
chen, k 1
chen, lf 1
chen, xx 1
chen, yc 1
cheng, swk 1
cheong, a 1
cheung, ch 1
cheung, kmc 1
cheung, mpl 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, jf 1
chow, jf 1
chow, km 1
cox, d 1
cox, o 1
dickinson, re 1
dinisri, i 1
elliott, s 1
fan, st 1
feng, y 1
fernando, sudini r 1
fernando, tsr 1
fong, sze wan 1
gaikoumelou, s 1
giesy, jp 1
guo, j 1
han, cs 1
hansen, sh 1
harlow, cr 1
he, q 1
he, qy 1
hecker, m 1
hillier, sg 1
ho, pc 1
ho, sm 1
hou, dyc 1
hou, yk 1
hu, xq 1
hu, zy 1
huang, dp 1
huang, l 1
hui, mn 1
ip, sm 1
jiang, luhan 1
kodikara, s 1
kodithuwakku, s.p. 1
koistinen, m 1
koscielniak, m 1
kottawatta, k.s.a. 1
kottawatta, ks 1
kottawatta, sa 1
krabsova, l 1
krishanthe, kac 1
kwan, pc 1
kwan, pck 1
lai, kp 1
lai, ky 1
lam, by 1
lam, k 1
lam, kkh 1
lam, mei ting 1
lao, kq 1
lau, eyl 1
lau, kf 1
lau, km 1
lau, qmn 1
law, y 1
lee, kai chuen 1
lee, wc 1
lee, ww 1
lee, yin lau 1
leung, co 1
leung, ph 1
leung, pp 1
leung, s 1
leung, thy 1
leyden, jv 1
li, hwr 1
li, j 1
li, r 1
li, raymond hang wun 1
li, s 1
li, tc 1
li, tt 1
li, yc 1
li, yj 1
li, yl 1
liang, r 1
liang, xy 1
liao, s 1
liao, sy 1
lin, kl 1
lin, ssw 1
lin, yn 1
liu, hkh 1
liu, jy 1
liu, kh 1
liu, t 1
liu, vws 1
liu, ww 1
liu, x 1
liu, yn 1
lo, akf 1
lourenco, pc 1
lunnen, kd 1
mak, ans 1
mak, asc 1
mak, sl 1
man, ahy 1
matzuk, mm 1
mcfee, s 1
miller, ccj 1
mok, bwy 1
morley, sd 1
nagy, a 1
ng, ernest hung yu 1
ng, ernest hy 1
ng, ml 1
ngan, sw 1
nio-kobayashi, j 1
o, ws 1
oliver, c 1
oliver, e 1
pang, r 1
pang, rtk 1
pang, tkr 1
pathirana, i 1
petersen, nj 1
picone, sj 1
prasadani, m 1
qi, s 1
qiao, w 1
qin, y 1
qiu, q 1
ratnayake, cj 1
rong, j 1
ruan, hanzhang 1
ruan, hz 1
sai wah tsao 1
seppl, m 1
shi, yq 1
siriweera, e 1
siriweera, eh 1
siu, afm 1
sun, sj 1
suranimala, wmdh 1
sze, kh 1
sze, sc 1
tam, by 1
tam, vcg 1
tang, f 1
tang, yba 1
tian, s 1
ting, acw 1
tse, jmy 1
tse, jy 1
tuckerman, em 1
vong, qmp 1
wan, ht 1
wan, jh 1
wanasingha, rwsh 1
wang, b 1
wang, r 1
wang, x 1
wang, yl 1
ward, j 1
waterfall, m 1
wilson, gg 1
wong, ast 1
wong, bs 1
wong, hhv 1
wong, hk 1
wong, jh 1
wong, kf 1
wong, lh 1
wong, mh 1
wong, pc 1
wong, ryl 1
wong, vhh 1
wong, ym 1
wu, j 1
xi, w 1
xie, j 1
xu, k 1
yan, z 1
yang, c 1
yang, z 1
yao, rm 1
ye, w 1
yeung, as-y 1
yeung, kwk 1
yeung, sb 1
yeung, tt 1
yeung, twy 1
yeung, william shu biu 1
yeung, ws 1
yip, hc 1
yip, hkf 1
yong chuan wong 1
yu, j 1
yu, sl 1
yue, chaomin 1
yung, kkl 1
yung, mh 1
yung, ssf 1
yung, wkc 1
zeng, ht 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, s 1
zhang, sq 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, yb 1
zhang, z 1
zheng, l 1
zhong, j 1
zhu, r 1
zhuang, gl 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 25
animals 19
apoptosis 19
female 15
male 15
cells, cultured 14
mice 14
amino acid sequence 13
fallopian tube 13
rats 13
molecular sequence data 12
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 12
endometrium 11
estrogen 10
oviduct 10
adult 9
biology 9
embryo 9
gene expression profiling 9
glycoproteins - metabolism 9
implantation 9
olfactomedin-1 9
tubal ectopic pregnancy 9
wnt-signaling 9
acrosome 8
alzheimer's disease 8
appswe/ps1de9 8
aquaporin 9 8
beta-amyloid 8
cell line 8
embryo culture techniques 8
embryo implantation 8
glycodelin 8
glycoproteins - physiology 8
immunohistochemistry 8
menopause 8
rats, sprague-dawley 8
sp1 8
traditional chinese medicine 8
wnt signaling 8
acrosome - physiology 7
attachment 7
in situ hybridization 7
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 7
invasion 7
macrophage 7
ovary 7
pregnancy proteins - metabolism 7
protein structure, tertiary 7
proteins - genetics - metabolism 7
sequence alignment 7
spermatogenesis - physiology 7
spermatozoa 7
spermatozoa - cytology - metabolism 7
testis - cytology - physiology 7
tissue distribution 7
transfection 7
wnt proteins - physiology 7
zinc fingers 7
zona pellucida 7
5-fluorouracil 6
acrosome - metabolism 6
adolescent 6
alpha-macroglobulins - metabolism 6
angiogenesis 6
antioxidant activity 6
antioxidants - analysis - metabolism 6
apoptosis - drug effects 6
aquaporin-5 6
arctium - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 6
base sequence 6
blotting, northern 6
blotting, western 6
breast cancer 6
burdock 6
caffeoylquinic acids 6
cell differentiation - physiology 6
cell line, transformed 6
cell-signaling pathways 6
chemical constituent 6
chromatography, liquid 6
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6
coculture techniques 6
colorectal cancer 6
cumulus cells - metabolism 6
cumulus matrix 6
cytotoxic activity 6
decidualization 6
dendrobium officinale polysaccharides 6
diet therapy 6
eg-vegf 6
embryo attachment 6
embryo development 6
embryonic and fetal development - drug effects 6
embryonic stem cells - cytology - metabolism - physiology 6
embryotrophic factor 6
endometrium - metabolism 6
erxian decoction 6
extracellular matrix proteins - metabolism 6
extracellular matrix proteins - physiology 6
fallopian tubes - cytology - metabolism 6
feeder cell 6
fibroblasts - cytology - metabolism - physiology 6
foreskin - cytology 6
gene expression regulation 6
gene expression regulation, developmental 6
gene knockdown techniques 6
genotype 6
gleditsia sinensis 6
glycosylation 6
golgi apparatus 6
growth factor 6
hippo signaling 6
ht-29 cells 6
human embryonic stem cell 6
human embryonic stem cells 6
human endometrium 6
hyaluronic acid 6
hyaluronic acid - metabolism 6
immunoprecipitation 6
in vitro implantation model 6
intestinal mucositis 6
lc-ms 6
leguminosae 6
lignans 6
lignans - analysis - metabolism 6
lung - cytology 6
maldi-qit-tof ms 6
mapk signaling 6
mass spectrometry 6
middle aged 6
mucin-5ac 6
nih 3t3 cells 6
oocyte 6
ovarian stimulation 6
p-pkb 6
pkr1 6
pkr2 6
plant extracts - analysis - metabolism 6
plant roots - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 6
pomegranate peel ellagitannins 6
pregnancy, tubal - physiopathology 6
progesterone 6
proliferation 6
protein isoforms - metabolism 6
proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 6
quinic acid - analogs & derivatives - analysis - metabolism 6
roots 6
seeds 6
seeds - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 6
sequence homology, amino acid 6
sermatogenesis 6
spectrometry, mass, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization 6
spermatogenesis - genetics 6
spermatozoa - metabolism 6
stem cells 6
steroid hormones 6
steroidogenic 6
structural identification 6
syntaxin 6
testis - metabolism 6
transforming growth factor alpha - deficiency - metabolism 6
transforming growth factor α 6
trophoblast 6
trophoblastic spheroids 6
trophoblasts 6
utmvec-myo 6
α2-macroglobulin 6
β-actin 6
acrosome reaction 5
acrosome reaction - drug effects - physiology 5
active components 5
amniotic fluid - chemistry 5
amniotic fluid - metabolism 5
angiopoietin 5
anoikis resistance 5
antibody 5
antigens, polyomavirus transforming - genetics 5
aquaporin 1 - metabolism 5
aquaporin 2 - metabolism 5
aquaporin 5 5
aquaporins 5
bioavailability 5
biochemistry 5
blastocyst - cytology - drug effects - physiology 5
blastocyst - drug effects - metabolism 5
bone defect repair 5
bone mineral density (bmd) 5
carbohydrate conformation 5
cell culture techniques - methods 5
cell death 5
cell proliferation 5
cell proliferation - drug effects 5
cercopithecus aethiops 5
choristoma - metabolism - pathology 5
claudin-19 5
culture techniques 5
cumulus oophorus 5
diabetes, gestational - metabolism 5
diabetic nephropathy 5
dioscorea spp protein 5
dogs 5
drug discovery 5
early development 5
edible plants 5
embryo implantation - genetics 5
embryonic development - drug effects - physiology 5
endocrine glands 5
endometrial attachment 5
endometrial receptivity 5
endometriosis 5
endometriosis - metabolism - pathology 5
endometrium - drug effects - metabolism 5
epithelial cells - cytology - metabolism 5
fallopian tubes 5
fallopian tubes - cytology 5
fallopian tubes - physiology 5
fas 5
fluorescent antibody technique 5
fucosyltransferase 5
gene regulation 5
genitalia, female - cytology 5
glycoprotein 5
glycoproteins - chemistry - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
glycoproteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
growth substances - immunology - isolation & purification - metabolism - pharmacology 5
growth substances - pharmacology 5
herbal interactions 5
herbal medicines 5
human spermatozoa 5
immune sera - pharmacology 5
in vitro culture 5
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis 5
intestinal absorption 5
ion transport 5
ishikawa cell line 5
kidney 5
kidney tubules, collecting - metabolism - pathology 5
kidney tubules, distal - metabolism - pathology 5
klf12 5
laser-captured microdissection 5
loop of henle - metabolism - pathology 5
lymphocytes - cytology - metabolism - secretion 5
m3 mucarinic acetylcholine receptor 5
matrix metalloproteinase 5
medical sciences 5
membrane protein 5
membrane proteins - metabolism 5
mesenchymal stem cells (mscs) 5
mice, inbred balb c 5
mice, inbred strains 5
microarray 5
mifepristone 5
mir-141 5
models, neurological 5
mouse model 5
mtor signaling pathway 5
n-acetylneuraminic acid - metabolism 5
neuroprotection 5
neurotoxicity syndromes - drug therapy 5
neurotoxins 5
oestrogen 5
oestrogen receptor 5
organ specificity 5
osteoblast differentiation 5
ovarian cancer 5
oviducts - chemistry 5
ovulation induction - adverse effects 5
paep 5
parkinson disease - drug therapy 5
parkinson's disease 5
phosphoproteins - metabolism 5
phytotherapy 5
pk1 5
placentation - drug effects - physiology 5
plant preparations - therapeutic use 5
plants, medicinal - chemistry 5
polycystic disease 5
polycystic kidney diseases - metabolism - pathology 5
pregnancy proteins - chemistry - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
pregnancy proteins - isolation and purification - metabolism 5
pregnancy proteins - physiology 5
primary endometrial cell culture 5
progestagen-associated endometrial protein 5
promoter 5
protein disulphide isomerase 5
protein subunits - drug effects - genetics 5
quality control 5
reproduction 5
rna, messenger - metabolism 5
serine endopeptidases - drug effects - genetics 5
sjögren's syndrome 5
sodium-potassium atpase 5
sodium-potassium-exchanging atpase - drug effects - genetics 5
spheroid 5
spheroid attachment 5
spheroids 5
steroid receptors 5
stimulated cycles 5
suppression subtractive hybridization 5
survivin 5
t-helper cells 5
tcdd 5
th-1/th-2 5
th1 cells - immunology - metabolism - secretion 5
th2 cells - immunology - metabolism - secretion 5
tight junction 5
tight junctions - metabolism - pathology 5
trophoblasts - metabolism 5
ulipristal acetate 5
up-regulation - physiology 5
urokinase plasminogen activator 5
vascular endothelial growth factor, endocrine-gland-derived - biosynthesis 5
vegf 5
vero cells 5
adenosine triphosphate - metabolism 4
adenylate cyclase - metabolism 4
adhesions 4
aromatase 4
blastocyst - metabolism 4
blastula - metabolism 4
c-x-c motif ligand 1 4
calcium - metabolism 4
calcium-binding proteins - genetics 4
capacitation 4
carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - pharmacology 4
cell transformation, viral 4
choriocarcinoma - genetics - pathology 4
cleavage stage, ovum - physiology 4
coculture 4
complement‐3 4
confocal microscopy 4
culture media, conditioned - chemistry 4
cumulus cells - physiology 4
cytokeratin 4
development 4
development origins of health and diseases 4
differentiation 4
dioscorea protein 4
dna primers - genetics 4
dna, mitochondrial - metabolism 4
down-regulation 4
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 4
embryo implantation - genetics - physiology 4
embryo, mammalian - physiology 4
embryonic development 4
energy metabolism 4
environmental insults 4
environmental pollutants - toxicity 4
epithelial cells - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
epithelial cells - physiology 4
erk 4
estrogen receptor 4
estrogen-stimulating protein 4
etu 4
extracellular matrix - physiology 4
extracellular matrix proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
extracellular signal-regulated kinase 4
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - metabolism 4
fallopian tubes - cytology - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
fallopian tubes - metabolism 4
fas/fasl 4
female reproductive tract 4
fertilization 4
fertilization in vitro 4
gardenia jasminoides ellis 4
gene expression regulation - genetics - physiology 4
gene expression regulation, developmental - genetics 4
gene expression regulation, developmental - genetics - physiology 4
glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 4
gsis 4
hescs 4
hpv 16 e6/e7 4
human leukocyte antigen g 4
human oviduct-specific glycoprotein 4
human oviductin 4
immortalization 4
immunoblotting 4
in vitro maturation 4
indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 4
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 4
interleukin-6 4
intracellular calcium 4
keratins - metabolism 4
mancozeb 4
maternal diabetes 4
membrane proteins - genetics 4
micellar electrokinetic chromatography (mekc) 4
microrna 4
micrornas - genetics - metabolism 4
micrornas - metabolism 4
mitochondria 4
mitochondria - drug effects - metabolism 4
morphology 4
motility 4
network pharmacology 4
oe-e6/e7 cells 4
olfactomedin 4
oocytes - drug effects - metabolism 4
ovarian granulosa cells 4
oviduct-specific glycoprotein 4
oviductal cells 4
oviductal secretion 4
papillomaviridae - genetics 4
peak alignment 4
phenotype 4
phytochemical 4
preimplantation embryo 4
prkag1 4
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - metabolism 4
receptors, estrogen - metabolism 4
regenerative medicine 4
rna, messenger - biosynthesis - genetics 4
rt-pcr 4
schisandra chinensis fructus 4
self-renewal 4
serine endopeptidases - biosynthesis - genetics 4
sperm 4
sperm acrosome reaction 4
sperm-ovum interactions - drug effects - physiology 4
spermatogenesis 4
spermatozoa - chemistry 4
spermatozoa - drug effects - physiology 4
stem cell 4
steroid hormone receptors 4
steroidogenic acute regulatory protein 4
stimulated cycle 4
t-helper cell 4
telomerase 4
telomerase - metabolism 4
temperature-correlated mobilities 4
testis 4
type 2 diabetes 4
type 2 diabetes (t2d) 4
uncoupling agents - pharmacology 4
yuye decoction 4
5' flanking region 3
antibodies, monoclonal - metabolism 3
basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors - drug effects - metabolism 3
beta catenin - metabolism 3
binding sites 3
bisphenols 3
blastocyst - cytology - drug effects 3
blastomeres - cytology - drug effects 3
c-terminal binding protein 1 3
cadherins - genetics 3
cadherins - metabolism 3
canonical wnt-signaling 3
caudal-related homeobox 2 3
cdh17 3
cell adhesion - drug effects 3
cell division - drug effects 3
cell line, tumor 3
cell size 3
cilia 3
co-culture 3
codon, initiator 3
culture media - pharmacology 3
cumulus cells 3
cytochrome p-450 cyp1a1 - biosynthesis 3
detoxification 3
dicer 3
differential display 3
dormant blastocyst 3
dose-response relationship, drug 3
down-regulation - genetics 3
embryo implantation - drug effects 3
embryo, mammalian - cytology - drug effects - embryology 3
embryo-containing 3
embryonic development - genetics 3
endocrinology pharmacy and pharmacology 3
endometrium - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
environment 3
enzyme induction 3
epithelial cells - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
estradiol 3
estradiol activation 3
exons 3
follicle 3
g protein 3
genes, reporter 3
granulosa cells 3
hepatic nuclear factor 1α 3
hepatocellular carcinomas 3
hormonal control 3
kidney - cytology 3
lin28a 3
lrp5 3
luciferases - metabolism 3
male reproductive tract 3
maternal-embryo communication 3
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
menstrual cycle 3
micrornas - antagonists and inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 3
microsomal epoxide hydrolase 3
migration 3
mir-212 3
morula - cytology - drug effects 3
mouse embryos 3
mtor 3
mutagenesis, site-directed 3
obstetrics and gynecology medical sciences 3
olfactomedin 1 3
outgrowth 3
ovariectomy 3
ovum 3
p-binding protein alpha subunit, gi2 - biosynthesis 3
pdi 3
pdi inhibitors 3
pfoa 3
pltp 3
ppar 3
preimplantation 3
primordial follicle activation 3
promoter regions, genetic 3
protein binding 3
real-time pcr 3
receptors, aryl hydrocarbon - drug effects - metabolism 3
regulation 3
signal peptide 3
sp1 transcription factor - genetics - metabolism 3
sp2 3
sp3 3
spheroids, cellular 3
tetrachlorodibenzodioxin - toxicity 3
transcription initiation site 3
transcriptional activation 3
trophoblasts - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
tumor cells, cultured 3
ubiquitin-protein ligases - genetics - metabolism 3
vitamin a deficiency 3
wnt 3
wnt signaling pathway - drug effects 3
zona pellucida binding 3
zygotic gene activation 3
actins - metabolism 2
activin receptors, type i - genetics - metabolism 2
blastocyst - physiology 2
carrier proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
cell nucleus - metabolism 2
chlamydia trachomatis 2
cho cells 2
circular dichroism 2
cloning 2
cloning, molecular 2
cricetinae 2
cryptorchidism 2
dna 2
dna, complementary - biosynthesis - chemistry 2
dna-cytosine methylases - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
ectopic pregnancy 2
embryo/oocyte-containing oviduct 2
emsa 2
endocrine disruptors - toxicity 2
endometrial stromal cell 2
escherichia coli 2
escherichia coli - enzymology 2
escherichia coli proteins - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
estrogens - physiology 2
gene expression 2
gene library 2
genitalia, female - physiology 2
glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics 2
golgi apparatus - metabolism 2
gonadotrophin 2
gpr-54 2
human 2
hypothalamo-hypophyseal system - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
interaction 2
iq calmodulin-binding motif 2
kisspeptin 2
latent membrane protein 1 2
methyltransferase 2
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 2
neoplasm invasiveness 2
neoplasm proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 2
nucleic acid hybridization - methods 2
obstetrics and gynecology 2
ovary - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
perinuclei 2
protein structure, quaternary 2
protein structure, secondary 2
protein subunits - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
protein-dna interaction 2
protein-serine-threonine kinases 2
receptor 2
receptors, transforming growth factor beta - genetics - metabolism 2
recombinant proteins - biosynthesis - metabolism 2
recurrent pregnancy loss 2
repeated implantation failure 2
restriction-modification system 2
secretory protein 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
sequence analysis, dna 2
sequence deletion - genetics 2
sequence homology, nucleic acid 2
signal transduction 2
steroidogenesis 2
surface plasmon resonance 2
syntaxin 1 - metabolism 2
testis - drug effects - growth and development - metabolism 2
tgfβ1 2
transforming growth factor beta - genetics 2
transforming growth factor beta1 2
trs4 2
uterus 2
uterus - physiology 2
viral matrix proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 2
alu elements - genetics 1
average daily intake 1
bpb 1
bpf 1
bps 1
cadmium - toxicity 1
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases - genetics 1
cat assay 1
cell survival - drug effects 1
chlamydia infections - complications - pathology 1
chromosomes, artificial, yeast - genetics 1
clone cells 1
conjugation, genetic 1
cotinine - blood - pharmacology 1
cumulus oocyte complexes 1
decidua 1
deoxyribonucleases, type ii site-specific - genetics 1
dna primers - chemistry 1
dna, bacterial 1
elafin 1
endocrine disruptor 1
enterobacter - genetics 1
epithelial cells - drug effects - metabolism 1
escherichia coli - genetics 1
fallopian tubes - anatomy and histology - drug effects - metabolism 1
fallopian tubes - metabolism - microbiology - pathology 1
glycogen synthase kinase 3 1
glycogen synthase kinases 1
integrins 1
metallothionein - biosynthesis - genetics 1
nerve tissue proteins - analysis - genetics - metabolism 1
nf-kappa b - metabolism 1
nucleic acid conformation 1
oocyte maturation 1
pfod 1
pregnancy, ectopic - etiology 1
pregnancy, ectopic - metabolism - microbiology - pathology 1
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 1
prostate - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
protein subunits 1
receptors, immunologic - analysis - genetics - metabolism 1
receptors, nicotinic - metabolism 1
recombination, genetic 1
rna, catalytic - chemistry - metabolism 1
secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor 1
shsy5y 1
signal transduction - drug effects - genetics 1
smoking 1
smoking - adverse effects 1
tata box - genetics 1
transcription, genetic 1
yeast artificial chromosome 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
adrenomedullin, human oviduct, inflammation, single nucleotide polymorphism, tubal ectopic pregnancy 5
embryo attachment, endometrial receptivity, human embryonic stem, in vitro fertilization, prediction model for ivf, trophoblastic spheroids 5
embryonic stem cells, histone deacetylation, induced pluripotent stem cells, mircro rna, sirtuin 1 (sirt1) 5
endometrial, lactate, lactobacillus, outcomes, predicting, pregnancy 5
fertilization, reproduction, sperm dysfunction 5
spermatogenesis, vad1.3 5
adult stem cells, clonogenic, endometriosis, endometrium 4
aromatase, estrogen, letrozole, misoprostol, termination of pregnancy 4
birth weight, exposure, impacts, matter, pm2.5, surface extinction 4
co-culture, contraception, endometrial receptivity, implantation, small molecules 4
differentiation, human embryonic stem cell, implantation, spheroid attachment, trophoblastic stem cell 4
embryo 4
implantation 4
molecular cloning, zona-binding inhibitory factor-1 4
b-catenin, embryo, ivf, mir-125a-3p, protein 1 (ctnnbip1), wnt-signaling 3
bisphenols, embryo attachment, human endometrium, in vitro fertilization, reproduction 3
blastocyst, implantation, microrna 3
differentiation, glycodelin, microrna, notch, trophoblast 3
embryo, factor-3, molecular interaction 3
embryo-derived factors, endometrium, human chorionic gonadotrophin, implantation, microrna 3
endometrial stem cells, matrix metalloproteinase 3, myometrial cells, wnt signaling 3
fertilization, glycodelin 3
fertilization, spermatozoa, zona pelluoida 3
trs4 3
blastocyst, diapause, implantation, let-7, polyamines 2
embryos, gene 2
endometrium, implantation, membrane protein, protein disulfide, receptivity 2
gene 2
recurrent pregnancy loss, decidualization, senescence 2
ahr receptor, embryos, endometrium, estrogen receptor, imprinted genes 1
clinical translational research, non-invasive embryo viability test ,nievt 1
clinical translational research, non-invasive, embryo viability test, nievt 1
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