AuthorsNo. of Publications
hui, clm 314
chang, wc 296
chan, kw 153
lee, hme 147
chan, skw 124
lee, ehm 108
suen, yn 80
wong, ghy 74
chen, ryl 64
chan, rck 60
chiu, cpy 55
law, cw 51
hung, sf 44
chan, clw 39
sham, pc 39
tang, jym 39
lam, mml 34
cheung, efc 33
lam, lcw 33
honer, wg 31
yeung, ws 30
chung, dws 27
chua, se 26
cheung, c 25
cheung, v 25
tso, s 25
chan, kt 22
chan, wf 22
dunn, elw 22
wong, ck 22
wong, csm 22
mcalonan, gm 21
chan, sherry kit wa 20
nordentoft, m 19
chang, wing chung 18
wong, smc 17
yip, kc 17
ran, ms 16
tang, ymj 16
wong, mth 16
conwell, y 15
ho, rth 15
li, t 15
chan, wc 14
khong, pl 14
lee, hm 14
mcgorry, pd 14
nelson, b 14
so, hc 14
tang, own 14
amminger, gp 13
lam, m 13
lin, jj 13
lui, ssy 13
ng, rmk 13
tai, ks 13
tang, wn 13
yuen, hp 13
chan, cky 12
chan, jkn 12
chan, kks 12
hickie, ib 12
hui, lm 12
lam, mlm 12
lin, j 12
lo, tl 12
mao, wj 12
miao, yk 12
mossaheb, n 12
nieman, dh 12
schlögelhofer, m 12
smesny, s 12
thompson, a 12
wong, yc 12
yip, psf 12
yung, ar 12
chan, si 11
chiu, hfk 11
de haan, l 11
lee, edwin ho ming 11
lui, sys 11
nguyen, dgh 11
riecher-rössler, a 11
schäfer, mr 11
verma, s 11
wong, ty 11
berger, ge 10
cheung, hk 10
chung, kf 10
hui, christy lai ming 10
hui, christylai 10
jim, ott 10
lai, dc 10
lee, edwin 10
markulev, c 10
ng, mk 10
wong, ick 10
chan, k 9
chan, kn 9
cheung, c 9
hu, sh 9
lau, esk 9
pang, epf 9
tam, wwy 9
tang, cp 9
wong, mys 9
xu, jq 9
chan, ghk 8
chan, kpm 8
chan, kws 8
chiang, tp 8
kwok, cl 8
kwong, wy 8
lau, jtf 8
lee, hc 8
lee, tmc 8
lin, fr 8
mckenna, pj 8
miao, myk 8
van os, j 8
wong, aws 8
wong, cf 8
wong, jgws 8
bebbington, p 7
chan, kl 7
chiu, ss 7
chong, csy 7
chu, oka 7
chui, slc 7
deng, y 7
lewis, g 7
lin, jjx 7
mak-lieh, f 7
ng, cm 7
suckling, j 7
wong, smy 7
xiang, mz 7
berger, m 6
chan, py 6
chan, ssm 6
chan, wsc 6
chen, sm 6
cherny, ss 6
hui, tck 6
lau, fc 6
lau, sk 6
lavoie, s 6
law, yw 6
lee, kw 6
lee, pwh 6
leung, kf 6
li, l 6
lin, jingxia 6
lin, jx 6
liu, z 6
lo, wtl 6
pearson, v 6
potash, js 6
ran, m 6
so, kf 6
su, w 6
suen, yi nam 6
sum, my 6
tsang, jtk 6
wo, sf 6
wong, jch 6
wong, pwc 6
yan, wc 6
yip, l 6
bullmore, e 5
chan, ew 5
chan, fl 5
chan, hkg 5
chan, sk 5
chang, w. c. 5
collier, d 5
de deyne, s 5
hartmann, ja 5
ho, ahy 5
honer, w 5
kan, cs 5
lam, bst 5
lam, iws 5
lau, bst 5
liehmak, f 5
liu, ky 5
lo, lhl 5
ng, sm 5
or, pcf 5
pang, pf 5
poon, lt 5
siu, mw 5
tay, m 5
tse, m 5
tso, f 5
wong, mys 5
au, jwy 4
au-yeung, fsw 4
berger, g 4
bola, jr 4
chan, gcf 4
chan, h 4
chan, tcw 4
ching, yne 4
chiu, cp 4
chiu, cpy 4
chong, syc 4
choy, lw 4
chua, gt 4
chung, ws 4
fong, tct 4
fu, kw 4
gold, j 4
ho, flv 4
hui, lmc 4
ip, p 4
jones, pb 4
ko, wt 4
kwong, vwy 4
lam, mm 4
lam, wc 4
lam, yh 4
lee, e 4
lee, eh 4
lee, jtm 4
li, awy 4
li, x 4
lo, hyp 4
lo, phy 4
macewan, gw 4
mizuno, m 4
mo, ym 4
moritz, s 4
myin-germeys, inez 4
or, cf 4
rao, n 4
stip, e 4
tam, pkh 4
tang, ym 4
tao, j 4
tse, ma 4
tse, s 4
verma, sk 4
waltz, j 4
wan, hya 4
wang, q 4
wilkins, aj 4
wong, cpk 4
wong, gloria hoi yan 4
wong, stephanie m.y. 4
wong, stephanie ming yin 4
wong, whs 4
wong, ys 4
woodward, ts 4
yee, bk 4
yew, cws 4
yung, ncl 4
allott, ka 3
au yeung, fsw 3
bastiampillai, t 3
bruce, ic 3
chan, ckp 3
chan, hyv 3
chan, sherry k.w. 3
chen, s 3
cheung, ept 3
cheung, jpy 3
ching, eyn 3
chiu, cy 3
chiu, sn 3
chiu, sy 3
chong, sa 3
chong, sy 3
chu, rst 3
chung, d 3
chung, dw 3
chung, yc 3
collier, da 3
deng, my 3
elvevag, b 3
elvevåg, b 3
fong, tct 3
galabru, j 3
he, z 3
ho, c 3
ho, cl 3
ho, cn 3
ho, ecn 3
ho, mhk 3
ho, wy 3
hui, christy l.m. 3
hui, lm 3
hui, wm 3
jim, tt 3
joe, gm 3
kam, ctk 3
kok, j 3
kwan, myw 3
lam, clk 3
law, eyl 3
lee, edwin h.m. 3
lee, vhc 3
lee, wk 3
leung, chungming 3
li, a 3
li, m 3
li, sg 3
li, yk 3
li, yuetkeung 3
liao, yk 3
lieberman, j 3
lin, ck 3
liu, b 3
liu, tt 3
liu, zn 3
longenecker, j 3
lui, sy 3
lui, tt 3
ma, cf 3
ma, x 3
mcgorry, p 3
merali, hs 3
meyer, bj 3
mitchell, tw 3
murray, r 3
murray, rm 3
ng, wyh 3
oades, rd 3
pintos, as 3
polari, a 3
see, shw 3
sham, p 3
siu, cmw 3
siu, mwc 3
strauss, gp 3
suen, y. n. 3
tang, sw 3
tao, h 3
thornton, ae 3
tong, acy 3
tsui, hkp 3
wilkins, a 3
williams, r 3
wong, ays 3
wong, dfk 3
wong, gh 3
wong, ghy 3
wong, hy 3
wong, k 3
wong, kha 3
wong, michael tak hing 3
wong, mmc 3
wong, scy 3
wong, sm 3
xiong, x 3
xu, mjq 3
xue, z 3
addington, j 2
ahmed, ao 2
alqarni, a 2
amminger, p 2
arango, c 2
barr, am 2
berrios, ge 2
besag, fmc 2
bolt, lk 2
butler, wl 2
cahn, w 2
caine, ed 2
chan, cch 2
chan, cw 2
chan, cwh 2
chan, cwt 2
chan, ewy 2
chan, ihh 2
chan, kai tai 2
chan, kp 2
chan, mcm 2
chan, my 2
chan, pkl 2
chan, pm 2
chan, skw 2
chan, ssi 2
chan, tracey chi wan 2
chan, wy 2
chang, w-c 2
chang, wingchung 2
chau, hs 2
chen, emily sze man 2
chen, esm 2
chen, py 2
chen, w 2
cheng, pwc 2
cheung, charlton 2
cheung, km 2
cheung, vyk 2
chi, s 2
chiu, c 2
chiu, s 2
chow, cb 2
chu, aok 2
chui, ch 2
correll, cu 2
deng, w 2
donohoe, g 2
dunn, e 2
falkai, p 2
fang, zq 2
farhall, j 2
feng, y 2
fung, rj 2
geng, x 2
gold, jm 2
han, f 2
hau, wkt 2
helmeste, dm 2
ho, gsm 2
ho, rwh 2
ho, vfl 2
hon, ekl 2
hu, j 2
hui, c 2
hui, c l m 2
hui, cl 2
hui, cl-m 2
hui, lmc 2
hui, pwm 2
ip, h 2
johnson, s 2
juran, s 2
kao, sys 2
kim, sw 2
lai, cdc 2
lai, wh 2
lam, byh 2
lam, m 2
lam, ml 2
lam, mlm 2
lam, mml 2
lam, st 2
lang, dj 2
lau, kmn 2
lau, nkm 2
law, cs 2
law, wy 2
law, yl 2
lee, ck 2
lee, dts 2
lee, edwin ho ming 2
lee, eh-m 2
lee, jenny t m 2
leung, c 2
leung, mc 2
leung, pwl 2
leung, sl 2
leung, yl 2
li, j 2
li, q 2
liao, zg 2
liu, cc 2
liu, h 2
liu, hh 2
liu, kcm 2
liu, l 2
liu, p 2
liu, t 2
lo, gg 2
lo, llh 2
lo, msm 2
longenecker, jm 2
lui, simon sai yu 2
lui, ss 2
luk, msk 2
malla, a 2
man, msc 2
mcdonald, c 2
merali, h 2
mo, f 2
mo, fym 2
mui, eyw 2
myin-germeys, i 2
ng, r 2
oknina, l 2
ouyang, x 2
pang, e 2
pang, hh 2
pfueller, u 2
phillips, lj 2
pomarol-clotet, edith 2
pomarolclotet, e 2
poon, wyv 2
procyshyn, rm 2
purcell, sm 2
qin, z 2
qiu, dq 2
rabe-hesketh, s 2
saron, mf 2
schall, u 2
seidman, lj 2
shan, b 2
shum, pc 2
siu, cy 2
siu, lyl 2
skouras, s 2
srihari, vh 2
suen, y n 2
sun, x 2
swapna, v 2
tagata, h 2
takeuchi, h 2
tam, kp 2
tang, jy-m 2
tang, s 2
tang, wcy 2
tang, ym 2
tao, hj 2
tao, tj 2
thara, r 2
tsang, hss 2
tsang, skm 2
tse, ssk 2
tso, ssf 2
tso, wwy 2
tung, kts 2
tung, ts 2
veronese, mattia 2
waltz, ja 2
wan, ahy 2
wang, y 2
weissbrod, m 2
weng, x 2
wing, yk 2
wong, akh 2
wong, corine s.m. 2
wong, corine sau man 2
wong, gh 2
wong, gh-y 2
wong, gloria 2
wong, hk 2
wong, hyg 2
wong, m 2
wong, mc 2
wong, ming yin stephanie 2
wong, mmh 2
wong, mt 2
wong, ph 2
wong, ps 2
wong, rs 2
wong, rsm 2
wong, s m y 2
wong, sm 2
wong, tld 2
wong, wc 2
woo, mf 2
xu, j 2
xue, zm 2
yang, x 2
yao, tj 2
yew, cw 2
yung, a 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, hr 2
zhang, z 2
zhao, jh 2
zhou, y 2
adolfsson, r 1
agartz, i 1
agerbo, e 1
agosta, f 1
ahn, ym 1
albus, m 1
alexander, m 1
allott, kelly 1
alloza, c 1
amin, f 1
an, sk 1
andreassen, oa 1
au yeung, kmp 1
au, chy 1
au, jaw 1
auyang, cws 1
auyeung, b 1
bacanu, sa 1
barbato, a 1
baron-cohen, s 1
basaia, s 1
basil, p 1
bechdolf, a 1
begemann, m 1
begemann, marieke 1
beh, psl 1
belliveau jr, ra 1
benders, mjnl 1
bene, j 1
bergen, se 1
bergmann, a 1
berk, m 1
bevilacqua, e 1
beyer, f 1
bigdeli, tb 1
birmingham, cl 1
black, dw 1
blackwood, dhr 1
blais, je 1
blais, je 1
blashko, ca 1
bola, j 1
bolton, d 1
bonetto, c 1
booij, l 1
borglum, ad 1
bouchard, r h 1
bowden, cl 1
bramon, e 1
braun, kpj 1
bressington, d 1
brink, m 1
bruggeman, r 1
brunette, mf 1
buccola, ng 1
buckner, rl 1
buenaventura, r 1
bulik-sullivan, b 1
buxbaum, jd 1
byerley, w 1
byrne, l 1
cai, gq 1
caine, e 1
camchong, j 1
camchong, jy 1
campbell, dd 1
campion, d 1
cannon, dm 1
cannon, m 1
cantor, rm 1
cao, xy 1
carr, s 1
carr, vj 1
carrera, n 1
catts, s 1
catts, sv 1
chaim-avancini, tm 1
chak, wl 1
chambert, kd 1
chan, c 1
chan, ccl 1
chan, cl 1
chan, ct 1
chan, cyh 1
chan, dlk 1
chan, e 1
chan, els 1
chan, esm 1
chan, ewt 1
chan, fhy 1
chan, hc 1
chan, hce 1
chan, hk 1
chan, hy 1
chan, k 1
chan, k 1
chan, k t 1
chan, k. t. 1
chan, kcs 1
chan, kevin ka shing 1
chan, kit wa 1
chan, kit wa sherry 1
chan, kk 1
chan, kpk 1
chan, ksk 1
chan, lk 1
chan, m 1
chan, mwc 1
chan, p 1
chan, rc 1
chan, s 1
chan, s k w 1
chan, s. k w 1
chan, s. k.w. 1
chan, sherina suet in 1
chan, sherry k w 1
chan, sk-w 1
chan, sk-w 1
chan, sm 1
chan, swk 1
chan, swy 1
chan, tct 1
chan, vhy 1
chan, wahfat 1
chan, wc 1
chan, whc 1
chan, wt 1
chan, yh 1
chan, yk 1
chan, yy 1
chanen, am 1
chang, cl 1
chang, e 1
chang, r 1
chapman, hc 1
chau, twy 1
chau, wy 1
chen, ck 1
chen, ry 1
chen, sirong 1
cheng, calvin p.w. 1
cheng, jwy 1
cheng, w 1
cheung, asz 1
cheung, ef 1
cheung, ikm 1
cheung, rowan 1
cheung, ty 1
cheung, vinci 1
cheung, vk 1
cheung, yf 1
cheung, yh 1
chhim, s 1
chiang, jcs 1
chien, wt 1
chin, qp 1
ching, elaine y n 1
ching, elaine yee ning 1
chiu, c 1
chiu, cd 1
chiu, cindy 1
chiu, cp 1
chiu, pyc 1
chiu, tc 1
choi, o 1
choi, olivia 1
choi, sc 1
choi, yy 1
chok king hui, t 1
chong, c 1
chong, ws 1
chow, asy 1
chow, dhf 1
chow, ppl 1
chow, y 1
christy, hlm 1
chu, a. o.k. 1
chu, sc 1
chue, p 1
chui, ahc 1
chui, chk 1
chui, cs 1
chui, csl 1
chui, e 1
chum, kwc 1
chun, wy 1
chung, gkk 1
chung, ryn 1
chung, yl 1
cichon, s 1
cirtis, d 1
cloninger, cr 1
clotet, p 1
cohen, d 1
cohen, n 1
conwell, yz 1
cormican, p 1
corvin, a 1
craddock, n 1
craig, tj 1
crespo-facorro, b 1
crone, ea 1
crossley, n 1
crowley, jj 1
csillag, c 1
cullberg, j 1
daly, mj 1
dannlowski, u 1
darvasi, a 1
davidson, l 1
davidson, m 1
davis, kl 1
de haan, lieuwe 1
de sousa, ld 1
de zwarte, smc 1
degenhardt, f 1
dehaan, l 1
del favero, j 1
demontis, d 1
deng, michelle 1
devlin, j 1
dietsche, b 1
dikeos, d 1
dinan, t 1
diokno jr, gl 1
djurovic, s 1
do, kq 1
domenici, e 1
drapeau, e 1
duan, j 1
dudbridge, f 1
dunn, eva lai wah 1
durmishi, n 1
durston, s 1
díaz-caneja, cm 1
díaz-zuluaga, am 1
eacewan, gw 1
edwards, j 1
edwin, lhm 1
ehrenreich, h 1
eichhammer, p 1
emsley, r 1
eriksson, h 1
eriksson, j 1
escott-price, v 1
esko, t 1
essioux, l 1
estroff, se 1
eu-gei, 1 1
eu_gei, 2 1
eu_gei, 3 1
fan, s 1
fang, q 1
fang, z 1
fanous, ah 1
farh, kh 1
farrell, ms 1
fazel, s 1
filho, gb 1
filippi, m 1
fong, py 1
francey, sm 1
frank, j 1
franke, l 1
freedman, r 1
freimer, nb 1
friedl, m 1
friedman, jl 1
frodl, t 1
fromer, m 1
fu, kw 1
fuk chi cheung, e 1
fung, awt 1
fung, cmg 1
fung, sf 1
fung, vsc 1
galderisi, s 1
galling, b 1
ganesan, s 1
gao, j 1
garcia-barcelo, mm 1
garciabarceló, mm 1
gejman, pv 1
gendron, a 1
geng, x 1
genovese, g 1
georgieva, l 1
gibb, w 1
gicas, km 1
giegling, l 1
gill, m 1
giusti-rodriguez, p 1
godard, s 1
goldstein, jl 1
golimbet, v 1
gong, qy 1
gopal, s 1
gorges, m 1
gorwood, p 1
graff, b 1
gratten, j 1
gray, ja 1
gregory, ps 1
grosso, l 1
grotegerd, d 1
guloksuz, s 1
gurling, h 1
gąsecki, d 1
haan, l 1
haan, ld 1
habil, h 1
hadar, h 1
hai, shjj 1
hall, jm 1
hambrecht, m 1
hammer, c 1
hamshere, ml 1
hansen, m 1
hansen, t 1
hao, y 1
haroutunian, v 1
harrison, g 1
harrison, ga 1
hartmann, am 1
hawton, k 1
heinssen, rk 1
henderson, c 1
henskens, fa 1
herms, s 1
herwig, k 1
hester, r 1
hickie, i 1
hirschhorn, jn 1
ho, fkw 1
ho, garrett c.l. 1
ho, hya 1
ho, r 1
ho, w 1
ho, wh 1
hoffmann, p 1
hofman, a 1
hollegaard, mv 1
holleran, l 1
holmans, pa 1
holt, r 1
honer, william g 1
honer, william g. 1
hopman, hj 1
hou, zj 1
hougaard, dm 1
howes, od 1
howes, oliver d 1
howes, oliver d. 1
hranov, l 1
hsiao, j 1
hsiao, jhw 1
hu, x 1
hu, xz 1
hua zhao, j 1
huang, hl 1
huang, j 1
huang, ms 1
huang, yq 1
hui, a 1
hui, c 1
hui, c. l m 1
hui, c. l.m. 1
hui, christy 1
hui, christy l m 1
hui, clm 1
hui, cws 1
hultman, cm 1
hung, fni 1
hung, gbk 1
hung, ifn 1
hung, sefong 1
hwang, a 1
hwu, hg 1
ikeda, m 1
inez, mg 1
ip, byt 1
ip, hang 1
irmansyah, i 1
iwata, n 1
jablensky, av 1
james, sh 1
jancke, l 1
jang, jh 1
jansen, a 1
jansen, j 1
janzen, hl 1
jiang, t 1
jing, l 1
joa, l 1
jodzio, k 1
joe, g 1
johannessen, jo 1
johnson, dl 1
jones, n 1
jonsson, eg 1
juarez, f 1
julia, a 1
juran, sa 1
kahler, ak 1
kahn, rs 1
kalaydjieva, l 1
kaleda, vg 1
kam, tk 1
kan, c 1
kan, co 1
kane, j 1
kane, jm 1
kaneko, y 1
kang , ni 1
karachanak-yankova, s 1
karjalainen, j 1
kassubek, j 1
kavanagh, d 1
keller, mc 1
kendler, ks 1
kennedy, jl 1
keshavan, m 1
keshavan, ms 1
khrunin, a 1
killackey, e 1
killackey, eoin 1
kim, yj 1
kim, ys 1
kingdon, dg 1
kircher, t 1
kirov, g 1
klosterkötter, j 1
klovins, j 1
knight, j 1
knowles, ja 1
ko, wai tung 1
koevoets, mgjc 1
kongsakon, r 1
konte, b 1
koops, sanne 1
kopala, lc 1
kostic, vs 1
krivko, a 1
kroyer, jm 1
krug, a 1
krystal, jh 1
kuang, wh 1
kucinskas, v 1
kucinskiene, za 1
kuzelova-ptackova, h 1
kwan, hs 1
kwan, kl 1
kwok, skv 1
kwon, js 1
kwong, p 1
kwong, ppk 1
kärkkäinen, h 1
lai, ct 1
lai, sl 1
lam, bess y.h. 1
lam, bess yin hung 1
lam, c 1
lam, carmen 1
lam, cob 1
lam, cyk 1
lam, fk 1
lam, hy 1
lam, ksc 1
lam, l 1
lam, lc 1
lam, ml 1
lam, obc 1
lam, rpk 1
lam, sc 1
lam, sy 1
lam, th 1
lamberti, js 1
lan kwok, c 1
lang, dl 1
lange, scde 1
lao, ksj 1
lao, s 1
lau, b 1
lau, charles fu chun 1
lau, ck 1
lau, cpt 1
lau, gkk 1
lau, gkw 1
lau, kc 1
lau, kk 1
lau, km 1
lau, kw 1
lau, rhw 1
lau, rsy 1
lau, terry tak yee 1
lau, tyt 1
lau, winnie wing yin 1
lau, wwy 1
laurent, c 1
law, btt 1
law, chi-wing 1
law, fyw 1
law, jwy 1
lawrie, sm 1
lebedeva, is 1
lee, am 1
lee, as 1
lee, atc 1
lee, by 1
lee, ckj 1
lee, e h m 1
lee, e. h m 1
lee, e. m.h. 1
lee, edwin h m 1
lee, ehm 1
lee, hme 1
lee, ho ming edwin 1
lee, hpy 1
lee, j 1
lee, jck 1
lee, jenny tsui man 1
lee, kh 1
lee, kkw 1
lee, m c y 1
lee, p 1
lee, sh 1
lee, sw 1
lee, tm 1
lee, wy 1
lee, y 1
lees, a 1
legge, se 1
lei, lks 1
lencz, t 1
leon, tyy 1
lerer, b 1
lessard, s 1
lett, ta 1
leung, c-m 1
leung, cm 1
leung, eric y.l. 1
leung, gty 1
leung, k-f 1
leung, lht 1
leung, m 1
leung, mk 1
leung, ppy 1
leung, sf 1
leung, sp 1
leung, syj 1
leung, w. g. 1
leung, wk 1
leung, wtww 1
leung, wwt 1
leung, yle 1
levinson, d 1
lewis, s 1
lewis, sjg 1
li, fw 1
li, fws 1
li, gyk 1
li, m 1
li, qgs 1
li, s. p. 1
li, sx 1
li, wto 1
li, xh 1
li, y 1
li, y-k 1
li, yandy y. 1
li, zj 1
liang, ky 1
liao, cwm 1
lieh mak, f 1
lieh-mak, f 1
liem, f 1
lienenkaëmper, n 1
lim, k 1
lim, ko 1
limborska, s 1
lin, hn 1
lin, j 1
lin, j. 1
lin, j. x. 1
lin, jessie j x 1
lin, jx 1
lin, x 1
ling, cheuk ying crystal 1
liu, c 1
liu, csm 1
liu, jj 1
liu, jtt 1
liu, k 1
liu, x 1
liu, xh 1
liu, y 1
liu, zhening 1
liu, zr 1
lo, awf 1
lo, gladys goh 1
lo, mcl 1
lo, msw 1
lo, wfa 1
lombardo, mv 1
long, maria 1
lonnqvist, j 1
loong, ky 1
lopez-jaramillo, c 1
lord, la 1
loughland, cm 1
louie, lht 1
louzã, m 1
lu, z 1
lubinski, j 1
lui, simon s.y. 1
luk, m 1
luk, sk 1
lung, slm 1
luo, h 1
luo, w 1
lwata, n 1
lópez-jaramillo, c 1
ma, xh 1
macek jr, m 1
macewan, w 1
magnusson, pke 1
maher, bs 1
mak, henry k.f. 1
mak, hkf 1
mak, hkf 1
mak, kfh 1
mak, wwm 1
maler, w 1
malhotra, ak 1
mallawaarachchi, sr 1
mallet, j 1
manfredi, r 1
mangala, r 1
manschreck, tc 1
marchira, c 1
marcy, p 1
margulies, ds 1
markett, s 1
markule, c 1
markuley, c 1
marques, p 1
marsal, s 1
martínez-zalacaín, i 1
masoubek, sk 1
matsumoto, k 1
mattheisen, m 1
mattingsdal, m 1
may, r 1
mcalonan, g 1
mccarley, rw 1
mccarroll, sa 1
mcdaid, d 1
mcelroy, hj 1
mcghee, s 1
mcghee, sm 1
mcglashan, th 1
mcguire, p 1
mchugh, mj 1
mcintosh, am 1
mckenna, peter j 1
mckenna, peter j. 1
mclaverty, a 1
mclntosh, am 1
mcphilemy, g 1
mcquillin, a 1
meier, s 1
meijer, cj 1
meinert, sl 1
melegh, b 1
melis, m 1
melle, i 1
menchón, jm 1
meng, h 1
meng, hq 1
merlo, mg 1
mesholam-gately, ri 1
metspalu, a 1
miao, ho yee 1
miao, my 1
miao, x 1
michael, tt 1
michael, wth 1
michie, pt 1
milani, l 1
milanova, v 1
mohan, t 1
mok, jwy 1
mok, ls 1
mokrab, y 1
moncrieff, joanna 1
montag, c 1
moran, jl 1
moreira, ps 1
moreno, c 1
morgado, p 1
morris, dw 1
mors, o 1
mortensen, pb 1
mosolov, s 1
mothersill, do 1
mowry, bj 1
mueser, kt 1
muller-myhsok, b 1
murphy, kc 1
mwansisya, te 1
männikkö, m 1
mérillat, s 1
müller, hp 1
nabulsi, l 1
najt, p 1
nam, sy 1
narkiewicz, k 1
naumczyk, p 1
neale, bm 1
nemoto, t 1
nenadic, i 1
nertney, da 1
nestadt, g 1
ng, ihc 1
ng, jyw 1
ng, mcm 1
ng, mkr 1
ng, mmc 1
ng, mym 1
ng, rmn 1
ng, roger 1
ng, rrm 1
nguyen, d 1
nguyen, dgm 1
nicodemus, kk 1
nieman, d 1
nightingale, s 1
nikitina-zake, l 1
nisenbaum, l 1
nordin, a 1
nothen, mm 1
o'callaghan, e 1
o'donovan, mc 1
o'dushlaine, c 1
o'neill, fa 1
oh, sy 1
oknina, lb 1
olincy, a 1
olsen, l 1
ophoff, ra 1
or, p. c.f. 1
oranje, b 1
ortiz-garcia de la foz, v 1
os, jv 1
owen, mj 1
palotie, a 1
pang, edwin pui fai 1
pang, hh 1
pang, hmh 1
pang, swt 1
pantelis, c 1
papadimitriou, gn 1
papiol, s 1
parkhomenko, e 1
paterson, jg 1
pato, cn 1
pato, mt 1
paunio, t 1
pawar, a 1
pejovic-milovancevic, m 1
peng, mm 1
penn, d 1
peper, js 1
perkins, d 1
perkins, do 1
pers, th 1
petryshen, tl 1
phillips, mr 1
phong, pl 1
pietilainen, o 1
pimm, j 1
pineda, ja 1
plessis, sd 1
pocklington, aj 1
pomarol-clotet, e 1
poon, pwf 1
poon, sp 1
poon, venessa wing yan 1
posthuma, d 1
powell, j 1
price, a 1
procyshyn, r 1
psychosis endophenotypes international consortium, ' 1
pu, wd 1
pulver, ae 1
quested, d 1
ran, ms 1
rao, h 1
rasmussen, hb 1
rasser, pe 1
raven, p 1
redlich, r 1
reichenberg, a 1
reimers, ma 1
repple, j 1
reuter, m 1
richards, al 1
riecher-rössler,, a 1
riecherrössler, a 1
riecher‐rössler, a 1
rietschel, m 1
riley, bp 1
ripke, s 1
robinson, dg 1
robinson, g 1
robinson, j 1
roepcke, b 1
roffman, jl 1
rohrbaugh, r 1
rosa, pgp 1
rosenheck, ra 1
roussos, p 1
ruderier, dm 1
ruggeri, m 1
ruhrmann, s 1
ruigrok, anv 1
rujescu, d 1
röpcke, b 1
sabisz, a 1
salomaa, v 1
sanders, ar 1
santangelo, b 1
saron, m 1
schmidt, s 1
schmidt, sj 1
schoenbaum, m 1
scholtens, lh 1
schooler, nr 1
schubert, cr 1
schultzelutter, f 1
schulze, tg 1
schwab, g 1
schwab, sg 1
schweikert, c 1
schäfe, mr 1
scolnick, em 1
scott, rj 1
seedat, s 1
serpa, mh 1
severe, jb 1
shafran, r 1
sham, p. c. 1
sham, pak chung 1
shan, jj 1
shan, yh 1
sherry, ckw 1
shi, jx 1
shimodera, s 1
shipman, he 1
shum, d 1
sigurdsson, e 1
silagadze, t 1
silverman, jm 1
sim, k 1
sit, hlt 1
sit, lt 1
siu, ltt 1
siu, pjcy 1
siu, ts 1
sklar, p 1
slominsky, p 1
smith, gn 1
smoller, jw 1
so, hw 1
so, m 1
so, mm 1
so, mt 1
so, shw 1
soderman, e 1
sommer, iris 1
soriano-mas, c 1
sousa, n 1
spencer, cca 1
spiegel, d 1
st clair, d 1
stahl, ea 1
staley, cj 1
standen, pj 1
stefansson, h 1
stefansson, k 1
steinberg, s 1
stewart, sm 1
stogmann, e 1
stone, ws 1
straub, re 1
strengman, e 1
strohmaier, j 1
stroup, ts 1
stubbs, jh 1
stürup, anne emilie 1
su, ww 1
subandi, ma 1
subramaniam, m 1
suckling, john 1
suen, ym 1
sullivan, pf 1
sun, l 1
sun, xl 1
sun, yn 1
sutherland, sk 1
suvisaan, j 1
suzuki, m 1
svrakic, dm 1
szatkiewicz, jp 1
szurowska, e 1
tam, dk 1
tam, dkp 1
tam, fyk 1
tam, p 1
tam, s 1
tam, w 1
tam, w 1
tam, w. 1
tam, ww 1
tam, wwy 1
tam, wyw 1
tam, ykf 1
tang, csm 1
tang, cyw 1
tang, e y h 1
tang, eyh 1
tang, j 1
tang, jj 1
tang, jym 1
tang, lcs 1
tang, mn 1
tang, w 1
tang, wainang 1
tang, wesley chor yin 1
tang, wy 1
tay, sa 1
taylor, m 1
tedja, a 1
teng, i 1
the hong kong mental morbidity survey team 1
thirumalai, s 1
thornicroft, g 1
ting, kt 1
tiwari, a 1
tomyshev, as 1
toncheva, d 1
tong, cchy 1
tong, chun yat 1
tong, chy 1
tong, cy 1
tong, hycc 1
tordesillas-gutierrez, d 1
torous, j 1
torres, r 1
tosato, s 1
toulopoulou, t 1
tsang, hwh 1
tsang, samantha 1
tse, wyw 1
tseng, sm 1
tso, steve 1
tso, wyw 1
tsoi, oyy 1
tsujino, n 1
turkington, d 1
tze, m 1
uchida, h 1
valencia, m 1
valk, sl 1
van den berg,, lh 1
van den heuvel, mp 1
van der burgh, hk 1
van erp, tgm 1
van haren, nem 1
van leeuwen, jmc 1
veijola, j 1
veronese, m 1
vieta, e 1
villringer, a 1
vinas guasch, n 1
vinkers, ch 1
visscher, pm 1
vita, a 1
vollmar, c 1
waddington, j 1
walsh, d 1
walter, h 1
walter, l 1
walters, jtr 1
wang, d 1
wang, feiwen 1
wang, k 1
wang, l 1
wang, mj 1
wang, yh 1
wang, yn 1
wang, yx 1
wasan, k 1
wasan, km 1
webb, bt 1
weinberger, dr 1
weisbrod, m 1
weiser, m 1
wellcome trust case-control consortium 2, ' 1
wendland, jr 1
werge, t 1
westbrook, a 1
wildenauer, db 1
wildwall, n 1
wilkins, a j 1
wilkins, arnold 1
williams, nm 1
williams, s 1
witkowska, hc 1
witkowska, m 1
witt, sh 1
witte, av 1
wolen, ar 1
wong, aoy 1
wong, aw 1
wong, awm 1
wong, c. s.m. 1
wong, charlotte w.c. 1
wong, charlotte wan chi 1
wong, chikeung 1
wong, cs 1
wong, cw 1
wong, cy 1
wong, dy 1
wong, ehm 1
wong, g 1
wong, h 1
wong, hme 1
wong, hy 1
wong, j 1
wong, joy 1
wong, jps 1
wong, jws 1
wong, khtw 1
wong, kk 1
wong, m t h 1
wong, men heng marian 1
wong, michael t.h. 1
wong, michael tak hing 1
wong, nt 1
wong, oya 1
wong, smy 1
wong, t. y. 1
wong, ting yat 1
wong, w 1
wong, wh 1
wong, wye 1
wong, yli 1
woo, hsy 1
woo, j 1
woodward, ml 1
wormley, bk 1
wray, nr 1
wu, guowei 1
wu, gw 1
wu, hm 1
wu, mf 1
wu, qh 1
wunderink, lex 1
wykes, t 1
xi, hs 1
xiao, y 1
xiao, yy 1
xiaong, x 1
xu, m 1
yam, jcs 1
yamamoto, k 1
yan, jcs 1
yan, k 1
yan, kk 1
yang, jie 1
yang, jun 1
yang, kct 1
yang, q 1
yang, w 1
yao, n 1
yao, tj 1
yau, t 1
yau, yj 1
yau, yy 1
ye, b 1
yeoh, ek 1
yeung, etw 1
yeung, km 1
yeung, paul 1
yeung, waisong 1
yeung, wc 1
yew, c 1
yip, b 1
yip, k 1
yip, lawrance 1
yip, ps 1
yiu, gcm 1
yiu, mgc 1
youn, s 1
yu, terrence yat to 1
yu, x 1
yu, yh 1
yu, yt 1
yu, ytt 1
yuk lun chen, r 1
zai, cc 1
zanetti, mv 1
zayts, oa 1
zhang, c 1
zhang, r 1
zhang, t 1
zhang, tm 1
zheng, xb 1
zhong, maoxing 1
zimprich, f 1
zue, zm 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
schizophrenia 86
covid-19 53
first-episode psychosis 47
psychosis 44
negative symptoms 39
psychotic disorders 37
youth mental health 36
depression 35
mental health 32
early psychosis 29
stigma 29
predictors 28
risk factors 28
functioning 27
relapse 25
first episode 24
medical sciences 24
psychiatry and neurology 24
first-episode schizophrenia 23
duration of untreated psychosis 22
early intervention 22
humans 22
remission 22
cognitive impairment 21
epidemiology 21
hong kong 21
rumination 21
social unrest 21
cognition 20
physical activity 20
anxiety 19
insight 19
adolescent 18
antipsychotics 18
executive function 18
female 18
assessment 17
psychiatric status rating scales 17
psychopathology 17
stress 17
child psychosocial problems 16
coronavirus 16
delusional disorder 16
depressive symptoms 16
functional outcome 16
healthcare workers 16
home confinement 16
hospital policies 16
male 16
perceived stress 16
post-traumatic stress disorder 16
prevalence 16
psychological wellbeing 16
schizophrenic psychology 16
school closure 16
adolescents 15
age of onset 15
amotivation 15
cost-effectiveness 15
dopamine 15
employment 15
first-episode 15
quality of life 15
adult 14
avolition 14
medication adherence 14
randomized controlled trial 14
recovery 14
caregivers 13
chinese 13
early diagnosis 13
mental health services 13
outcome 13
premorbid adjustment 13
psychotic disorders - diagnosis 13
symptomatology 13
validation study 13
adherence 12
evaluation 12
experience sampling method 12
momentary positive affect 12
recurrence 12
diminished expression 11
long-term outcomes 11
longitudinal 11
longitudinal follow-up 11
maintenance treatment 11
pandemic 11
pattern glare 11
perceptual distortions 11
processing speed 11
prospective follow-up 11
self-reference 11
young people 11
youth 11
antipsychotic 10
antipsychotic agents - therapeutic use 10
cognitive function 10
cognitive functions 10
community-based intervention 10
disengagement 10
double blind 10
f-dopa 10
maintenance 10
mindfulness 10
positron emission tomography 10
relapse prevention 10
sex difference 10
stereotyping 10
striatal dopamine capacity synthesis 10
treatment adherence 10
youth-friendly 10
affect 9
attitude 9
caudate 9
delusions 9
early medical intervention - methods - trends 9
epidemiological youth 9
esm 9
exercise 9
hallucination 9
health education - methods 9
ideas of reference 9
internalized stigma 9
intervention 9
life events 9
loneliness 9
memory 9
mental health services - trends 9
momentary assessment 9
motivational deficits 9
neuropsychological tests 9
omicron 9
program development 9
psychotic disorders - therapy 9
psychotic symptoms 9
psychotic-like experiences 9
public stigma 9
smartphone overuse 9
social context 9
time factors 9
traumatic events 9
treatment outcome 9
brain - ultrastructure 8
cluster analysis 8
cognition disorders - etiology 8
community 8
corpus striatum 8
delusions - diagnosis 8
delusions - etiology 8
diffusion tensor imaging 8
discontinuation 8
dose-dependent effect 8
drug-naive 8
eye-gaze perception 8
follow-up studies 8
fractional anisotropy 8
growth mixture modeling 8
interview, psychological - methods 8
latent class analysis 8
long-term outcome 8
mass screening 8
mass screening - methods 8
media 8
mentalization 8
meta-analysis 8
mode of onset 8
mortality 8
mri 8
panss 8
persistent psychotic experience 8
prediction 8
prospective study 8
psychotic disorder 8
psychotic disorders - complications 8
ptsd symptoms 8
raclopride 8
remission induction 8
resilience 8
review 8
schizophrenia - complications 8
schizophrenia - diagnosis 8
schizophrenia - pathology 8
self-discrepancy 8
self-stigma 8
semantic 8
suicide 8
temporal lobe - ultrastructure 8
trauma exposure 8
age factors 7
amino acid substitution - genetics 7
anti-stigma campaigns 7
antipsychotic agents - administration and dosage 7
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 7
behavioral symptoms - etiology - psychology - therapy 7
big five 7
clozapine 7
cognitive structure 7
content-dependent process 7
course 7
duration of untreated psychosis (dup) 7
effort-cost computation 7
endophenotype 7
executive function - physiology 7
extended early intervention 7
first episode psychosis 7
first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorder 7
functional remission 7
gender 7
genotype 7
health service accessibility 7
help-seeking 7
help‐seeking 7
hospitalization 7
illness disclosure 7
late-onset psychosis 7
latent class growth analysis 7
long-term follow-up 7
longitudinal course 7
maternal age 7
medication-naïve 7
mental health literacy 7
mental health services - organization and administration 7
motivational impairment 7
mutations 7
network analysis 7
neuregulin 1 7
neuregulin-1 - genetics 7
neurobiology 7
neuropsychology 7
nomenclature 7
overcontrolled 7
paternal age 7
pathways 7
persistent primary negative symptoms 7
personality 7
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 7
predictive value of tests 7
prodrome 7
prognosis 7
psychoeducation 7
psychosocial 7
psychotherapy - methods 7
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - drug therapy - therapy 7
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - psychology 7
psychotic disorders - drug therapy 7
ptsd symptoms, women mental health 7
questionnaires 7
real-world functioning 7
rehospitalization 7
resilient 7
risk taking 7
schizophrenia - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology - therapy 7
schizophrenia - genetics 7
sex characteristics 7
sex factors 7
six elements 7
sociodemographic correlates 7
stability 7
stigmatization 7
stressful life event 7
suicide attempt 7
suicide, attempted - psychology 7
terminology as topic 7
treatment delay 7
undercontrolled 7
unemployment 7
v266l 7
violence 7
adults 6
affective psychoses 6
anti-psychotics 6
antipsychotic agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 6
anxiety disorders 6
app 6
arhgap4 6
asia 6
asian continental ancestry group 6
at‐risk mental state 6
balloon analogue risk task 6
blinking 6
brain 6
brain - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 6
categorization 6
category fluency 6
china 6
chinese zodiac signs 6
chizophrenia 6
clinical high‐risk 6
clinical predictors 6
clozapine-resistant schizophrenia 6
cognitive clusters 6
cognitive flexibility 6
cognitive heterogeneity 6
cognitive insights 6
communityolder 6
compliance 6
concepts 6
cultural sensitivity 6
culture 6
delivery of health care - standards 6
dementia 6
depressive mood 6
development 6
dibenzothiazepines - therapeutic use 6
digit symbol test 6
digital technologies 6
double-blind method 6
drug naïve 6
early intervention service 6
early medical intervention - standards 6
effort allocation 6
effort discounting 6
effort-based decision-making 6
ethnic minority 6
fitmind 6
fractionation 6
genetics 6
genome-wide association study 6
global functioning 6
guideline 6
han chinese 6
health surveys 6
history 6
human 6
illness attributional belief 6
immersive 6
incidence 6
internal feed-forward 6
interview, psychological 6
knowledge 6
labelling 6
letter 6
lifetime prevalence 6
long-term trajectories 6
longitudinal negative symptoms 6
magnetic resonance imaging 6
mecp2 6
mental disorders / epidemiology 6
mental health services - standards 6
meta analysis 6
mhealth 6
mindfulness-based intervention 6
naturalistic 6
negative treatment attitude 6
neurocognition 6
neuroleptic agent 6
neuronal plasticity - drug effects 6
outcomes 6
paranoid schizophrenia 6
passivity experiences 6
path analysis 6
pilot 6
pilot trial 6
polypharmacy 6
population surveys 6
predictive validity 6
primary negative symptoms 6
priority journal 6
psychiatric comorbidity 6
psychological symptoms 6
psychosocial functioning 6
recommendation 6
reliability 6
renbp 6
risk aversion 6
risky–gains task 6
schizophrenia - drug therapy - physiopathology 6
schizophrenia-spectrum disorder 6
selective attention 6
self-monitoring 6
smartphone 6
social functioning 6
subjective quality of life 6
suicide-statistics-and-numerical-data 6
switching 6
symptomatic remission 6
systematic review 6
treatment 6
treatment resistant schizophrenia 6
treatment-resistant schizophrenia 6
ultra-high risk 6
validation 6
virtual reality 6
vocational outcome 6
voxel-based morphometry 6
vr 6
web-based 6
yoga 6
10-year follow-up 5
10-year outcomes 5
1st episode 5
adolescent onset 5
adult onset 5
affiliate stigma 5
aggressive behavior 5
alogia 5
anhedonia 5
asian network for early psychosis 5
asociality 5
at-risk mental state 5
auditory cortex 5
auditory hallucination 5
behavior 5
blunted affect 5
brain size 5
caregiver 5
caregivers’ distress 5
case management 5
chinese population 5
chronic schizophrenia 5
clinical high-risk 5
cognition disorders - psychology 5
community mental health service 5
community mental health services 5
community mental health services - organization and administration - utilization 5
contact 5
cortical thickness (brain) 5
dangerous 5
diagnostic specificity 5
discrimination 5
disease severity 5
drug knowledge 5
early detection 5
early medical intervention 5
express emotion 5
face concern 5
family caregiver 5
females 5
financial deprivation 5
first psychosis 5
first-episode mania 5
firstepisode psychosis 5
first‐episode psychosis 5
follow-up study 5
formal thought disorder 5
gad-7 5
gender differences 5
gender effect 5
general self-efficacy 5
genetic high-risk 5
glucose supplement 5
health-care professionals' attitude 5
hong kong - epidemiology 5
hopelessness 5
knowledge about psychosis 5
knowledge of medication 5
language 5
language disorganization 5
learned irrelevance 5
media report violent 5
mediators 5
medication 5
medication discontinuation 5
medication knowledge 5
meta-aggregation 5
metabolic screening 5
metabolic syndrome 5
neurocognitive impairment 5
neurological examination abnormalities 5
newspapers 5
patient demographics 5
perceived public stigma 5
physical exercise 5
positive symptoms 5
predictive factors 5
program 5
programme evaluation 5
psychiatric emergency admission 5
psychiatry 5
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - drug therapy - psychology 5
psychotic-like experience 5
public awareness 5
qualitative 5
qualitative systematic review 5
rasch model 5
relapse risk perception 5
salivary cortisol 5
schizophrenia, first-episode 5
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders 5
school-based programme 5
seasonality 5
severity of illness index 5
sex differences 5
social contact 5
social stigma 5
stigma of mental illness 5
stigma reduction 5
striato-thalamic volume 5
suicidal behavior 5
suicidal ideation 5
suicide - statistics & numerical data 5
syntax 5
tai-chi 5
trait 5
trial 5
validity 5
video 5
working memory 5
youth and adult 5
youth psychosis 5
acute coronary syndrome 4
aged 4
attribution questionnaire 4
bipolar disorder 4
cardioprotective medications 4
case-control studies 4
celebrity death 4
chinese context 4
family - psychology 4
flow model of rumination 4
gene-environment interaction 4
health service utilization 4
hippocampus 4
hong kong sar 4
imitation 4
latent structure 4
mental disorders 4
mental disorders - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
mental illness 4
population surveillance - methods 4
psychotherapy 4
randomized controlled trial (rct) 4
revascularization 4
salience 4
schizophrenia - drug therapy 4
suicide - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
suicide, attempted - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
technological advances 4
treatment inequality 4
treatment response 4
adaptation, psychological 3
aerobic exercise 3
affective disorders 3
art therapy 3
attention 3
attitude to health 3
bart 2 3
cbt 3
china - epidemiology 3
citizenship 3
cognitive behavioural therapy 3
communication 3
community arts 3
complication burden 3
context-memory 3
cortisol 3
criminal behavior 3
cspg5 3
cultural characteristics 3
cultural differences 3
decision making 3
diabetes 3
diabetes complications 3
diabetes mellitus 3
distortions 3
diurnal slope 3
empathy 3
erbb4 3
excess life-years lost 3
family 3
family therapy 3
forensic psychiatry 3
genetic association 3
group psychotherapy 3
hayling 3
homelessness 3
housing 3
interaction 3
ischemic stroke 3
lateral ventricles 3
life expectancy 3
life years lost 3
living environment 3
logistic models 3
long term 3
mental disorders - epidemiology 3
middle aged 3
mind-body intervention 3
mortality gap 3
mortality trend 3
mortalityschizophrenia 3
multivariate analysis 3
needs assessment 3
neighbourhood 3
neuregulin-1 3
neurological soft signs 3
non-affective psychoses 3
optimism 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
patients - psychology 3
physician-patient relations 3
population-based 3
population-based study 3
prejudice 3
premature mortality 3
prose memory 3
psychological adaptation 3
psychological autopsy 3
psychological distress 3
psychosocial intervention 3
psychotic disorders - rehabilitation 3
risk factor 3
risky decision-making 3
rural area 3
schools 3
social change 3
social support 3
stroke 3
structural neuroimaging 3
students - statistics & numerical data 3
suicide, attempted - statistics & numerical data 3
tai chi 3
temporal cortex 3
unemployment - psychology - statistics & numerical data 3
verbal memory 3
years of potential life lost 3
"endophenotypes" 2
age distribution 2
antipsychotic drugs 2
attitudes 2
australia 2
awareness 2
basal ganglia 2
candidate gene 2
caregivers - psychology 2
carer 2
case-control 2
cerebral 2
cerebral ventricles - abnormalities 2
chinese caregivers 2
chinese health beliefs 2
computational semantics 2
confidence intervals 2
connectome analysis 2
copy number variation 2
cost of illness 2
cross-cultural comparison 2
curriculum development 2
data collection - methods - statistics and numerical data 2
delirium - psychology 2
dementia - psychology 2
demography 2
diffusion weighted mri 2
family burdens 2
first-episode psychotic disorder 2
frontal lobe dysfunction 2
functional laterality 2
gender identity 2
genome-wide association 2
grey matter morphology 2
grounded theory 2
haplotype 2
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 2
high-risk 2
ht1001 2
impulse control 2
insula 2
international 2
linkage 2
longitudinal study 2
medical sciences - psychiatry and neurology 2
mental disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology 2
models, neurological 2
network 2
neural networks (computer) 2
neurocognitive deficit 2
neuropsychiatry 2
neuropsychological deficits 2
north american ginseng extract 2
nutrition-based intervention 2
other diagnostic or tool 2
parahippocampal gyrus 2
parkinson disease - psychology 2
patient readmission 2
peacefulness 2
period of untreated psychosis 2
phototherapy 2
prediction error 2
prefrontal cortex 2
prevention strategies 2
psychometrics 2
public health 2
public opinion 2
rating scale 2
rehabilitation 2
rgs4 2
schizophrenia - diagnosis - genetics - rehabilitation 2
schizophrenia - epidemiology 2
schizophrenia - physiopathology 2
screening 2
seasonal affective disorder 2
semantic networks 2
sex distribution 2
sick role 2
spirituality 2
subjective 2
suicide - statistics and numerical data 2
supramarginal gyrus 2
teaching methods 2
verbal behavior 2
volume 2
volumetric 2
weight dissatisfaction 2
weight perception 2
willpower 2
acculturation 1
acute mania 1
african americans - psychology 1
african continental ancestry group 1
amnesia - physiopathology 1
analysis of variance 1
antipsychotic agents - administration & dosage 1
antipsychotic agents - adverse effects - economics - therapeutic use 1
antipsychotic agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
antipsychotic agents - pharmacology 1
artificial neural network 1
asian continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 1
attention - drug effects 1
attenuated psychotic symptoms 1
attitude change 1
backpropagation rule 1
basal ganglia - physiopathology 1
basal ganglia diseases - diagnosis - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
basic symptoms 1
bias (epidemiology) 1
blink rate 1
body weight - physiology 1
brain - physiopathology 1
brain damage, chronic - physiopathology 1
brain injury 1
cambridge neurological inventory 1
catatonia - diagnosis - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
category 1
cerebral cortex - physiopathology 1
chinese language 1
chlorpromazine - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
cholesterol 1
chronic disease 1
cingulate 1
clinical benefit 1
clozapine - adverse effects - economics - therapeutic use 1
clozapine - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
cognition disorders - diagnosis - etiology 1
cognition disorders - etiology - psychology 1
cognitive 1
cognitive assessment 1
cognitive behavioral therapy 1
cognitive biases 1
cognitive therapy 1
cognitive-behavioural therapy 1
color perception 1
consumer survivor service user measures 1
cooperation 1
cross-sectional studies 1
cross-validation 1
data interpretation, statistical 1
decision support techniques 1
default mode network 1
definitions 1
delayed-action preparations 1
delusions - chemically induced 1
delusions - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology - psychology 1
depersonalization - chemically induced 1
depressive disorder - drug therapy 1
diagnosis, differential 1
dipole 1
discordant siblings 1
disease progression 1
dopamine system 1
dose-response relationship, drug 1
drug-induced liver injury - etiology 1
dynamic causal modeling 1
dyskinesias - diagnosis - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
early intervention in psychosis 1
eastern europe 1
editorial 1
effective connectivity 1
endpoint determination 1
england 1
erectile dysfunction - chemically induced 1
evidence-based medicine 1
executive functions 1
extrapyramidal signs 1
eye movements 1
fatty acids 1
fmri 1
frontal cortex 1
frontal lobe - physiopathology 1
functional connectivity 1
game theory 1
games, experimental 1
group cognitive behavioural therapy 1
group therapy 1
health care surveys 1
health planning 1
hippocampus - physiopathology 1
implementation 1
informed consent 1
injections, intramuscular 1
intelligence tests 1
language disorders - diagnosis - etiology 1
language tests 1
levodopa - administration & dosage - adverse effects 1
lipid biology 1
lipids 1
lipids - blood 1
lithium 1
liver function tests 1
longitudinal studies 1
matched-pair analysis 1
medical education 1
memory disorders - etiology 1
memory, short-term 1
mental competency 1
mental disorders - classification - diagnosis - psychology 1
mental health recovery measures 1
mental recall 1
mental recall - physiology 1
methodological study 1
mismatch negativity (mmn) 1
monotone counting 1
motor coordination 1
motor program 1
motor sequencing 1
motor skills disorders - etiology 1
movement disorder 1
multilayer perceptron 1
neurocognitive dysfunction 1
neurologic examination 1
neurologic manifestations 1
neurological manifestations 1
neurological signs 1
norms 1
observer variation 1
obsessive-compulsive disorder 1
omega-3 1
omega-3 fatty acids 1
omega-3 index 1
outcome measures 1
paranoia 1
paranoid disorders - psychology 1
parkinson disease - drug therapy - psychology 1
patient admission 1
patient compliance 1
personality assessment 1
phenotypes 1
phosphatidylcholine 1
phosphatidylethanolamine 1
phosphatidylserine 1
poly-unsaturated fatty acids 1
prefrontal function 1
premotor cortex 1
priapism - chemically induced 1
problem-solving 1
prospective studies 1
psychiatric service 1
psychiatrists 1
psychomotor performance - physiology 1
psychotic disorders - diagnosis - psychology - rehabilitation 1
quetiapine extended release 1
rct 1
reaction time 1
reading 1
reflex, abnormal 1
resting-state 1
risperidone - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
risperidone - therapeutic use 1
roc curve 1
rsvp 1
schizophrenia - blood - drug therapy 1
schizophrenia - complications - diagnosis - physiopathology 1
schizophrenia - complications - epidemiology 1
schizophrenia - complications - physiopathology 1
schizophrenia - diagnosis - rehabilitation 1
schizophrenia - drug therapy - economics 1
schizophrenia - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
schizophrenia - physiopathology - therapy 1
schizophrenia - therapy 1
schizophrenia/drug therapy 1
schizophrenic language 1
self mutilation - psychology 1
semantic store 1
semantics 1
sensitivity and specificity 1
sensorimotor cortex 1
sma 1
social adjustment 1
social behaviour 1
social environment 1
soft neurological signs 1
south east asia 1
specificity 1
spect 1
sphingomyelin 1
strategy 1
stroop effect 1
subjective distress 1
supervisory attention 1
supervisory attention system 1
supervisory attentional system 1
sustained attention 1
symptom trajectories 1
synapses - physiology 1
task performance and analysis 1
theory of mind 1
transdiagnostic 1
transition to psychosis 1
treatment resistant 1
triglycerides 1
triglycerides - blood 1
ultra high risk 1
ultra-high risk for psychosis 1
ultra-high-risk 1
unaffected sibling 1
urethra - injuries 1
valproate 1
verbal fluency 1
verbal learning 1
visual perception 1
wechsler scales 1
west indies - ethnology 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
aerobic exercise, clinical trial, early psychosis, neuro-cognition, yoga 9
mri, population-based, psychosis, psychotic experiences, subclinical psychotic symptoms, youth 9
at risk mental state, clinical high risk, longitudinal neuroimaging, multimodal mri, psychosis prediction 8
at-risk for depressive disorders, experience sampling method 7
at-risk mental states, community, psychosis 7
bipolar affective disorders, cognitive function, long-term follow up, schizophrenia 7
caregivers of patients, internet-based psychosis education program, web-based self-help psychoeducation 7
cognitive functions, environmental risks, general population, psychotic-like 7
cognitive functions, first-episode bipolar disorder, first-episode schizophrenia, longitudinal follow up, multimodal mri 7
compound heterozygous, de novo, genes, mutations, schizophrenia 7
predictors, schizophrenia, treatment resistance 7
schizophrenia, self-referential gaze 7
schizophrenia, clozapine, long-term outcomes, mortality, hospitalization 7
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, self-harm, early intervention, early intervention service 7
10-year follow-up, adult-onset, delusional disorder, functioning, long-term outcome, schizophrenia 6
1h-mrs, at-risk mental state, clinical high risk, glutamate, psychosis prediction 6
at risk mental state, endophenotype, first-episode psychosis, psychosis prediction, reward learning 6
cognitive enhancement, direct current stimulation, psychosis, rct 6
dopamine, late-onset, psychosocial stressors, schizophrenia 6
early intervention, follow-up study, long-term outcome, psychosis 6
early-onset schizophrenia, gene-environment interaction, genetic, neuroimaging 6
fitmind exercise, improving cognition, mental health caregivers 6
functionaml magnetic, magnetic resonance, schizophrenia, treatment resistant, ultra resistant, visual stress 6
mindfulness, psychosis, randomized controlled trial, relapse, stress 6
schizophrenia, spectroscopy, treatment resistant 6
adults, early intervention, first-episode psychosis, outcome, pathway to care, treatment delay 5
antipsychotic, dopamine, first-episode, pet/mr, relapse, schizophrenia 5
brain stimulation, negative symptom, rct, schizophrenia 5
cognitions, epidemiology, longitudinal, network analysis, schizotypy 5
community case management, early psychosis, optimal duration, randomized controlled study 5
community integration, mental health policy, mental illness, model, stigma 5
computational modelling, schizophrenia, semantic networks, spreading activation 5
early intervention, follow-up study, long-term outcome, psychosis, treatment 5
long-term outcome, maintenance, recovery, relapse prevention, schizophrenia 5
mental wellness, women 5
digital phenotyping, first-episode psychosis, negative symptoms, psychosocial functioning, ecological momentary survey 5
association, bioinformatics, genome-wide, psychiatry, schizophrenia 4
chinese, cortisol, randomized controlled trial, schizophrenia, tai-chi 4
chinese, mental illness, rehabilitation, schizophrenia, spirituality 4
early intervention program, psychosis 4
emotion-behaviour decoupling, negative symptoms, functional outcomes, longitudinal, schizophrenia 4
antipsychotic drugs, berberine, metabolic syndrome, schizophrenia, side effects 3
arts-based, community engagement, mental health promotion, mental illness, social change 3
null 3
centre, ethnic, minority, well-being 1
early intervention, longitudinal, psychosis 1
mental health outcomes, objective recovery, personal recovery, service-user recovery measures, traditional recovery measures 1
placebo-control, relapse prevention, schizophrenia 1
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