Name Card
rp00366 picture

Professor Yuen, Kwok Yung 袁國勇

Chair of Infectious Diseases
Professor (Clinical)
Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
03040282A multilocus sequence typing system for Penicillum marneffei: an international molecular cyber system for tracking the origin and transmission of Penicillium marneffei7114722005
HKU 781008MMolecular characterization of human coronavirus HKU15815412008
N/ARelationship of Campylobacter pylori with gastritis and peptic ulcerations in children272041989
HKU 7616/05MThe role of a novel coronavirus, coronavirus HKU1, in respiratory illness and its epidemiology and molecular evolution7189572005
AF/90/97Oral DNA vaccines49450001997
HKU 333/93MApplication of molecular techniques in clinical and laboratory studies of tuberculosis8660001993
HKU 7388/00MThe identification and characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus antigen(s) for the rapid diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis7632002000
MSS 088Establishment of core facilities for the HKU HIV/AIDS research laboratories80000002001
01030282An oral mucosal DNA vaccine for SARS coronavirus infections8023602003
04050232Wild animal surveillance for coronavirus HKU1, a novel coronavirus associated with pneumonia in patients in Hong Kong, and potential variants of other coronaviruses that infect human7969162005
08070712Molecular epidemiological investigation of PARV-4-related viruses in HK and southern China4668282007
N/ADiscovery and characterization of novel microbes with epidemic potential5459172006
COVID1903010Preparing for COVID-19 upcoming challenges by clinical and virological investigations335233652021
N_HKU728/14Understanding the evolution and interspecies transmission of betacoronaviruses by structural and biophysical approaches10989112014
CID-HKU1Research for the control of emerging or important acute microbial infections with public health threat to HKSAR280000002020
17126919Common metabolic pathway harnessed by multiple emerging human viruses as potential broad spectrum antiviral target11147282019
COVID190123Clinical study of flu-based and PD1-based vaccines for the SARS-CoV2203379342019
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
SRFS2122-7S04Discovering Bismuth and Relevant Metallo-agents for Medicinal Applications: From Molecular Mechanism of Action to Translational Research77983802021
C7042-21GOrganoid-based investigations of COVID-19: Assess infectivity of mutant viruses, Evaluate vaccine efficacy and Explore disease pathogenesis65710802021
T11-709/21-NEcology, molecular virology and pathogenesis of SARSCoV-2: From bedside to bench and back311360002021
T11-707/15-RMolecular Basis for Interspecies Transmission and Pathogenesis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus356200002015
IMQIntrademal quadrivalent influenza vaccine with topical imiquimod in elderly & chronic illness subjects, a double-blind randomized controlled tria104943402018
HKU 768313MEfficacy and safety of a novel intradermal live-attenuated varicella zoster vaccine in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation donors: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial6912672013
HKU 1/05CPathogenesis, cell signaling and virus evolution of avian influenza A (H5N1)46000002005
HKU 7542/03MGenetic variation of the SARS coronavirus: molecular epidemiology and antigenic variation10120002003
22210952An open label randomised controlled trial on inhaled remdesivir for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infection14992002023
05050012Random exploration of the Labribacter hongkongensis genome5093542005
201409176024Investigating the outcome of MERS-CoV infection in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.480482014
17108223Deciphering the roles of Influenza A matrix protein M1-mediated host PFKFB3 SUMOylation during virus infection 14735802023
HKU 7531/05MAntibiotic susceptibility profiles and cloning and characterization of antibiotic resistance genes of <I>Laribacter hongkongensis</I>6669572005
MSS 083Penicilliosis marneffei in AIDS patients8018802001
17121714Molecular dissection of the pathogenic adipose-vascular signaling axis associated with obesity - focusing on polyamination and deamidation of lipocalin-217317632014
04050072Methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP) as a novel target for development of antibiotic therapeutics against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) - a proteomic approach7958602005
17124717Structure and function study of Mp1p of pathogenic Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei: a novel virulence mechanism for the evasion of host defense11960042017
13120842Identification of innate immune defect predisposing to severe influenza in a Chinese population4948922013
HKU 7363/03MScreening antigenic proteins in penicillium marneffei for seroepidemiology and vaccination6240002003
N_HKU 712/01Functional studies of dendritic cells in chronic Chinese Hepatitis B patients6866002001
09080812Cross-protective efficacy of immunization with different forms of M2 vaccines and their combinations with HA vaccines against highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A viruses in mice8000002009
HKU 779307MMechanistic characterization of a novel virulence factor, Mp1p, in Penicillium marneffei9482522007
04050222A prospective study on the epidemiology of coronavirus-associated respiratory tract infections in Hong Kong and the role of rapid disgnostic tests8019162005
COVID190125An open-label randomized controlled trial on interferon β-1b and hydroxychloroquine combination versus hydroxychloroquine alone, as treatment for COVID-19 infection29990402019
17119122Epigenetic modulation as a novel approach to establish antiviral state for the control of emerging viral pathogens11605482022
19180442Investigation of rat hepatitis E virus and genotype 4 hepatitis E virus infections among immunocompromised persons, patients with hepatitis and rats in Hong Kong6998342019
N/AClinical and microbiological study of prediction and diagnosis of pneumonia in bone marrow transplant recipients10151991
HKU 777512MInvestigation of the binding of cell wall proteins of Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigates with proinflammatory lipid signaling molecules: A mechanism of pathogens evasion of host defense?8728002012
HKU 768010MMechanism of novel antagonists of influenza A nucleoprotein trafficking: A chemical genetics approach10000002010
02040212Environmental surveillance of Laribacter hongkongensis, a diarrheal pathogen discovered in Hong Kong6098842004
04050112Development of a multilocus sequence typing system for Laribacter hongkongensis4801252005
09080762Co-administration of antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents against avian influenza virus H5N1 infection in animal model8000002009
HKU 489/96MMolecular study of Penicillium marneffei and its applications in rapid diagnosis of penicilliosis marneffei infection6920001996
20190362A multi-cohort study of rat hepatitis E seroprevalence in Hong Kong using state-of-art serological tests8765122020
07060582Study of AAV- and peptide-based vaccine candidates against influenza virus H5N1 infection in animal model8000002007
RRG-18Treatment of severe influenza A infection with celecoxib: a double blind randomized controlled trial7863522014
HKU 7546/06MA feasibility study on the inhibition of avian infuenza virus H5N1 replication using siRNA9325002006
17105420Establishing Human Alveolar Organoids for Evaluating Infectivity and Pathogenicity of Influenza Virus11955422020
HKU 7236/02MMolecular characterization of anaerobic Gram-positive non-sporulating rods and its clinical significance5573512002
17118621Human coronaviruses activate Notch signaling to potentiate virus replication11730622021
HKU 783611MMolecular evolution and interspecies jumping in picornaviruses5520002011
HKU 780709MUnderstanding interclass jumping between mammalian and avian coronaviruses7000002009
HKU 7364/00MThe effects of Helicobacter pylori products on human respiratory mucosa in vitro7632002000
16150442Novel human neutralizing antibodies against HIV/AIDS11998562016
HKU 7282/97M[beta]-lactam / [beta]-lactamase inhibitor resistance and extended spectrum [beta]-lactamase in Burkholderia pseudomallei6868801997
HKU 7341/03MApplication of chemical genetic approaches to dissect the molecular basis of virulence and dimorphism in Penicillium marneffei13370002003
17123319Unraveling the novel role of casein kinase II in Zika virus infection using a quantitative phosphoproteomics approach9820132019
HKU 770010MMolecular characterization of novel animal bocaviruses6648442010
INF-HKU-1A double-blind, randomised, controlled trial on flufenamic acid, clarithromycin and oseltamivir combination for hospitalized influenza infection47701442018
17108614A double blind randomized controlled trial of intradermal hepatitis B vaccination with topical imiquimod in dialyzed patients with chronic renal failure5513192014
CS-07Harvesting convalescent plasma for hyperimmune intravenous globulin production: a multicentres, randomised double-blind controlled trial for treatment of patients with serious S-OIV H1N1 infection28257542009
AoE/M-12/06Control of Pandemic and Inter-pandemic Influenza760000002007
HKU 768709MThe role of a novel rhinovirus species, rhinovirus C, in respiratory illness and its molecular epidemiology5312162009
07060432A pilot study for development of anti-influenza A compounds800002007
17107415Study of the genome evolution, interspecies transmission and pathogenicity of a novel animal picornavirus6589792015
ITS/091/03Gene therapy for the treatment of HBV infection, HBV-induced liver cancer15000002003
HKU 781608MThe Role of Complement Activation in Severe Pneumonia Caused by Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 Infection5064822008
17124220Deciphering the novel role of casein kinase 1 alpha as a key regulator of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection ​with quantitative phosphoproteomics10768942020
HKU 776808MMolecular characterization of anaerobic Gram-negative rods and its clinical significance2876832008
HKU1/CRF/11GMolecular mechanisms of innate antiviral response42530002011
17123920Differential transcriptional responses between human primary macrophages and dendritic cells identified transmembrane serine protease 13 (TMPRSS13) as a novel host dependency factor for Zika virus infection.9962852020
HKU 7532/03MEnzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) - based antigen test for rapid diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)5000002003
N/APossible pathoaetiological role of the cytomegalovirus and Ebstein Barr virus in SLE01993
N/AClinical and microbiological study of prediction and diagnosis of pneumonia in bone marrow transplant recipients96801989
GHP/008/06A novel anti-H5N1 avian influenza virus agent using silver nano-particle40000002006
HKU 479/96MHuman herpesvirus 6 and 7 infections in bone marrow transplant recipients: differentiation of active infection from chronic persistence and correlation with disease7610001996
17119820A double blind randomized controlled trial on baloxavir marboxil and flufenamic acid combination for severe hospitalized influenza infection11618192020
HKU 768707MThe role of bats in the origin of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus7407312007
CHP-PH-11Serological study of H7N9, H5N1 and H9N2 influenza among animal handlers2973462013
08070592Toward a Bioshield against Influenza Virus Infection by Commensal Bacteria Secreting Antiviral Peptide8000002007
ZIKA-HKUCommissioned Study on Conducting Tests for Zika Virus among Asymptomatic People Returning from the 2016 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games4637952016
N/AGenetic basis of ganciclovir resistance of human cytomegalovirus isolated from local bone marrow transplant patients200001993
07060572Development of bacteria-mediated oral vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses for veterinary use8000002007
10090242Safety and efficacy of dose sparing intradermal S-OIV H1N1 influenza vaccination with the novel microneedle delivery device4097682009
C7019-16EEstablishment of Third Generation Sequencing Core Facility64445142016
HKU 786911MCharacterization of KLF15 as a crucial transactivator for hepatitis B virus gene expression and viral replication in vitro and in vivo6500002011
03040212Antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens causing well-defined episodes of uncomplicated cystitis among adult women in primary care settings4517442005
N/AHospital staff compliance to vaccination01987
17124415Pathogenesis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)-associated renal failure11371322015
C7011-15RMolecular Mechanism of PACT-dependent Innate Antiviral Response75557312015
HKU 7357/04MThe role of a novel bacterium, Laribacter hongkongensis, in gastroenteritis, and its epidemiology and pathogenesis5220342004
HKU 770211MGenomic and serological characterization of novel animal paramyxoviruses7000002011
F-HK40/07TA feasibility study of human T cell epitope-based vaccines against H5N1 avian influenza virus600002007
201511159193Characterization and determination of animal reservoirs of a novel animal flavivirus.804702015
C7103-22GDissecting the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and emerging variants61100002022
C7002-23YDevelopment of non-nucleoside inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 RdRp-nsp7-nsp8 replication complex45601792024