AuthorsNo. of Publications
yuen, st 163
chan, asy 62
chung, lp 56
chan, tl 49
chu, km 46
wong, mp 31
lam, sk 29
tsui, wy 29
wong, bcy 29
ho, jwc 28
chen, x 24
yan, hhn 19
lai, kc 15
cheung, n 14
so, s 14
wong, wm 14
chan, as 13
stratton, mr 13
xia, hhx 13
chan, sy 11
li, r 11
wong, j 11
chan, yw 10
siu, hc 10
clevers, h 9
davies, h 9
edkins, s 9
fan, yw 9
stephens, p 9
yang, y 9
futreal, pa 8
ho, rsl 8
law, s 8
ng, thk 8
wyllie, ah 8
fung, cf 7
hu, whc 7
ji, j 7
ko, s 7
kung, hf 7
lam, pwy 7
li, vsw 7
tse, cw 7
wooster, r 7
branicki, fj 6
chan, aoo 6
chan, d 6
chan, kw 6
cho, ch 6
forbes, s 6
greenman, c 6
ho, c 6
ho, jci 6
law, syk 6
lee, ch 6
leung, wk 6
menzies, a 6
ng, hk 6
o'meara, s 6
smith, r 6
stevens, c 6
teague, j 6
bignell, g 5
brown, po 5
butler, a 5
chan, asw 5
chang, cm 5
cole, j 5
dicks, e 5
fu, kh 5
gray, k 5
hu, hc 5
hung, kn 5
hunter, c 5
kwan, kym 5
kwong, dlw 5
lin, mc 5
lin, mcm 5
ma, sky 5
parker, a 5
shepherd, r 5
siu, ty 5
varian, j 5
weber, bl 5
west, s 5
widaa, s 5
yu, yl 5
yue, sks 5
yuen, ky 5
brasseur, f 4
buck, g 4
chan, ck 4
chan, kl 4
cox, c 4
fong, ky 4
goldstraw, p 4
guo, d 4
gwi, e 4
halliday, k 4
hills, k 4
hinton, j 4
ho, cm 4
ho, j 4
ho, jcy 4
hui, wm 4
jones, d 4
kong, ck 4
kosmidou, v 4
kwan, k 4
kwong, wk 4
lau, yl 4
law, wl 4
lo, cm 4
luk, isc 4
nicholson, ag 4
perry, j 4
raine, k 4
rashid, a 4
sin, sy 4
small, a 4
tofts, c 4
wong, cw 4
wong, rwm 4
yates, a 4
zhang, j 4
zhao, w 4
avis, t 3
barthorpe, s 3
bignell, gr 3
bowman, ed 3
brackenbury, l 3
chan, akw 3
chan, gcf 3
clements, j 3
cooper, cs 3
easton, df 3
edwards, k 3
elia, g 3
farrington, sm 3
flanagan, am 3
goossens, m 3
guan, x 3
guo, dl 3
harris, cc 3
harrison, r 3
ho, sh 3
ho, sl 3
hoogerbrugge, n 3
huang, c 3
huen, msy 3
jiang, xh 3
knowles, m 3
kosinski, c 3
kuiper, rp 3
kung, h 3
kwong, yl 3
lau, skp 3
lee, kc 3
lee, sp 3
lee, tyh 3
li, m 3
ligtenberg, mjl 3
lugg, r 3
luk, jmc 3
mak, w 3
malkowicz, b 3
man, hy 3
man, k 3
mifflin, rc 3
ng, mh 3
ng, ssm 3
peng, y 3
petty, r 3
pierotti, ma 3
powell, dw 3
schetter, aj 3
stephens, y 3
sun, yw 3
teh, bt 3
tong, y 3
troyanskaya, og 3
tu, ip 3
woo, pcy 3
wright, na 3
xie, d 3
yuen, mf 3
zhou, l 3
artegiani, b 2
au, wy 2
bartfeld, s 2
barthorpe, a 2
bodmer, d 2
botstein, d 2
brunner, hg 2
burger, pc 2
campbell, pj 2
cavenee, wk 2
chai, s 2
chan, asw 2
chan, ctl 2
chan, e 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, kh 2
chan, kh 2
chan, kw 2
chan, oo 2
chan, tl 2
chan, vny 2
chau, ky 2
chen, js 2
chenevixtrench, g 2
cheng, ghw 2
cheng, swp 2
cheng, vcc 2
cheung, kl 2
cheung, kn 2
cheung, rtf 2
cheung, yt 2
chi, hc 2
ching, yp 2
chiu, dck 2
chow, sf 2
croce, cm 2
dalgliesh, gl 2
dunlop, mg 2
eggo, mc 2
fan, dm 2
fan, x 2
fan, xm 2
fan, ys 2
feng, re 2
fung, fmy 2
gibson, nw 2
gorton, m 2
green, a 2
gu, q 2
ha, sy 2
hawkes, je 2
he, h 2
he, ml 2
he, xx 2
hebeda, km 2
ho, fcs 2
ho, jw 2
ho, sl 2
ho, slr 2
hoenselaar, e 2
huang, xr 2
hui, hs 2
hui, hse 2
hung, ifn 2
ichimura, k 2
ip, hw 2
kam, sk 2
kan, j 2
kan, z 2
khoo, sk 2
kloor, m 2
ko, kh 2
kuhmann, c 2
lai, cl 2
lai, l 2
lam, ac 2
lam, ko 2
laman, r 2
lan, hy 2
lau, gkk 2
lee, tk 2
leung, wai keung 2
li, f 2
li, j 2
li, xs 2
lin, ch 2
liu, x 2
lo, ck 2
lo, mws 2
looijenga, lhj 2
loong, hc 2
louis, dn 2
ma, l 2
macpherson, gg 2
mak, tw 2
mao, m 2
marais, r 2
mathy, j 2
mironenko, t 2
morak, m 2
ng, ky 2
nicholson, a 2
plass, c 2
pocalyko, dj 2
popanda, o 2
rejto, pa 2
richard, s 2
roberts, pc 2
schmezer, p 2
sharma, r 2
shi, j 2
shi, st 2
shin, vy 2
so, kc 2
solomon, h 2
srivastava, g 2
stott, di 2
sun, j 2
tang, mhy 2
tang, mhy 2
tang, vsy 2
teh, b 2
tian, l 2
to, kkw 2
tong, dkh 2
tong, tsm 2
tse, h 2
tse, hy 2
tsoi, hw 2
tsun, lc 2
tu, sp 2
van kessel, ag 2
van krieken, jhjm 2
van meir, eg 2
voorendt, m 2
wang, e 2
wang, j 2
wang, j 2
wang, k 2
wang, wh 2
wang, wp 2
wang, x 2
webb, a 2
weigel, c 2
wong, jwh 2
wong, kw 2
wong, ssy 2
wong, tl 2
wong, vcn 2
wong, whj 2
wong, wy 2
xu, j 2
yao, h 2
yao, l 2
yue, sk 2
yuen, rmf 2
yuen, s 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, j 2
zhou, xm 2
a chi, jt 1
aalfs, cm 1
aburatani, h 1
aggarwal, a 1
agnese, v 1
akagi, k 1
al-mulla, f 1
alexandrov, lb 1
allenmersh, tg 1
an, xm 1
anami, k 1
anderson, kc 1
andrews, j 1
andré, f 1
annie, s 1
arends, mj 1
arizzi, cd 1
assenov, y 1
au yeung, khr 1
au, ch 1
au, gkh 1
au, ws 1
au-yeung, khr 1
baier, g 1
bair, e 1
bao, y 1
bapat, b 1
barbour, ja 1
bardelli, a 1
bazan, v 1
beare, d 1
becher, h 1
becker, n 1
belluco, c 1
berger, t 1
bermejo, j 1
bernstein, i 1
bertorelle, r 1
bhamra, g 1
bhut, pph 1
biankin, a 1
bigner, dd 1
bilardi, ra 1
birney, e 1
blow, m 1
bogatyrova, o 1
bohrer, mh 1
bosari, s 1
bottomley, w 1
boukamp, p 1
boussioutas, a 1
bouzourene, h 1
bowtell, d 1
bray, mark r 1
brooks, d 1
brändlein, s 1
buczacki, sja 1
bunyan, dj 1
byeon, js 1
büttner, r 1
cahill, dp 1
caldas, c 1
calin, ga 1
campbell, p 1
capellá, g 1
capellá, gm 1
cascio, s 1
castagnola, p 1
cha, as 1
chaisaingmongkol, j 1
chan, a 1
chan, a 1
chan, acl 1
chan, ak 1
chan, akl 1
chan, akw 1
chan, annie shuk yee 1
chan, anthony kin wang 1
chan, april s. 1
chan, ask 1
chan, asy 1
chan, bkc 1
chan, c 1
chan, ems 1
chan, fkl 1
chan, fs 1
chan, fsy 1
chan, gsw 1
chan, hl 1
chan, hye 1
chan, ihy 1
chan, kokhoe 1
chan, lc 1
chan, lh 1
chan, p 1
chan, s 1
chan, sc 1
chan, v 1
chan, wm 1
chan, y 1
chan, ys 1
chandarlapaty, s 1
chappuis, po 1
chau, l 1
chen, jg 1
chen, l 1
chen, yc 1
chenevix-trench, g 1
cheng, gh 1
cheng, grace h w 1
cheng, grace hw 1
cheng, kc 1
cheng, pw 1
cheng, ts 1
cheung, ak 1
cheung, akl 1
cheung, alm 1
cheung, carman nga man 1
cheung, cm 1
cheung, cym 1
cheung, hkl 1
cheung, knl 1
cheung, lk 1
cheung, lwt 1
cheung, st 1
cheung, tf 1
cheung, w 1
cheung, yh 1
chew, e 1
chiang, aks 1
chiecobianchi, l 1
chiew, ye 1
chik, s 1
chik, scc 1
chim, cs 1
ching, ck 1
ching, wilson yik pang 1
chirieac, lr 1
chiu, hm 1
chiu, j 1
chiu, jf 1
chiu, mc 1
choi, gcg 1
chong, tsz yan 1
chong, vh 1
choudhury, b 1
chow, bak yue 1
chow, jfc 1
chow, kc 1
chow, kin long 1
chow, lwc 1
chow, mzy 1
chow, yick hin 1
chu, h 1
chu, ik 1
chu, kent man 1
chung, hy 1
chung, lp 1
chung, sk 1
chung, sookja kim 1
chung, ssm 1
clarke, o 1
clegg, s 1
clevers, hans c. 1
collins, vp 1
cooper, c 1
coorens, thh 1
coral, h 1
corless, cl 1
corman, vm 1
cossu, a 1
cox, ma 1
crapez, e 1
cui, j 1
culver, jo 1
curtis, lc 1
curtis, lj 1
dachrut, s 1
dai, j 1
dalgliesh, g 1
dardanoni, g 1
darrow, tl 1
davis, n 1
de koning, l 1
defazio, a 1
delank, kw 1
den dunnen, jt 1
deng, shibing 1
deng, y 1
deng, yc 1
depinho, ra 1
di fede, g 1
diep, cb 1
diergaarde, b 1
dietz, a 1
dike, a 1
ding, yc 1
dive, c 1
dominguez-brauer, c 1
drosten, c 1
drozd, a 1
du sart, d 1
du, j 1
duffour, j 1
dunphy, n 1
dyckhoff, g 1
eccles, dm 1
el-nezami, hani 1
elia, aj 1
elsaleh, h 1
ewing, r 1
fabre, a 1
fan, b 1
fan, st 1
fang, h 1
fang, x 1
farrell, mp 1
fernández, julio raúl 1
feunteun, j 1
ficorella, c 1
flanagan, a 1
flensburg, c 1
fletcher, ja 1
flodman, p 1
floyd, y 1
focaccia, e 1
foglizzo, valentina 1
fong, dyt 1
fong, gcy 1
fong, jky 1
fong, lp 1
fortin, j 1
foster, r 1
franco, m 1
frayling, im 1
frebourg, t 1
fu, dtw 1
fung, cw 1
futreal, a 1
gao, y 1
garcía, ebg 1
garnett, mj 1
gebbia, n 1
genuardi, m 1
germer, c 1
gertsch, p 1
geurts van kessel, a 1
giacomini, cp 1
giang, hn 1
giaretti, w 1
gill, kt 1
gille, jjp 1
go, r 1
goh, kl 1
goldblum, jr 1
goldgar, de 1
grady, d 1
graham, t 1
greaves, mf 1
green, ar 1
greenblatt, ms 1
guo, xl 1
gusterson, ba 1
guzińskaustymowicz, k 1
haight, j 1
halbleib, jm 1
hall, s 1
hamanaka, y 1
hamilton, sr 1
hamoudi, ra 1
han, h 1
hardy, c 1
hargrave, d 1
harris, g 1
harrison, dj 1
harxhi, a 1
haußen, rhv 1
hawes, r 1
hawkins, c 1
he, q 1
he, qy 1
heikenwälder, m 1
heinen, cd 1
heinrich, mc 1
hendriks-cornelissen, sjb 1
hendrikscornelissen, sjb 1
hernandezboussard, t 1
herold-mende, c 1
hes, fj 1
hewinson, j 1
heyberger, s 1
hinoda, y 1
hiyoshi, y 1
ho, hc 1
ho, j 1
ho, jc 1
ho, joshua 1
ho, joshua wing kei 1
ho, jwk 1
ho, kn 1
ho, ky 1
ho, lc 1
ho, pc 1
ho, pl 1
ho, pwl 1
ho, siulun 1
ho, tp 1
ho, tsi lok 1
hodgson, k 1
hogervorst, fbl 1
hoiyee, g 1
holinski-feder, e 1
holinskifeder, e 1
hon chan, k 1
hooper, s 1
horikawa, i 1
hoshida, y 1
hsiang, fk 1
hsieh, ll 1
hsu, matthew s.s. 1
hu, wh 1
huang, f 1
huang, fp 1
huang, js 1
huang, y 1
huen, michael sy 1
hughes, j 1
hung, fni 1
hung, ivan fan ngai 1
hung, sf 1
hutter, p 1
hörmann, k 1
iacopetta, b 1
inamura, k 1
ip, p 1
ip, patrick 1
ip, philip pc 1
ishioka, c 1
issa, jpj 1
janschek, e 1
jansson, a 1
javed, a 1
jayatilake, h 1
jenkinson, a 1
ji, s 1
jia, m 1
jiang, sh 1
jones, s 1
kahnoski, rj 1
kampman, e 1
kandioler, d 1
kang, q 1
kao, ryt 1
kappel, s 1
kato, s 1
kaucher, s 1
ke, y 1
kempers, mje 1
kerr, d 1
khan, zaj 1
khaw, jv 1
kho, b 1
kiemeney, lalm 1
kim, yh 1
kircher, s 1
kluijt, i 1
ko, jasmine mk 1
ko, jm 1
kohonen-corish, m 1
kok, cy 1
kondo, y 1
kung, awc 1
kung, mhw 1
kwan, nh 1
kwok, e 1
kwong, a 1
kwong, sl 1
lai, cwj 1
lai, fp 1
lai, jcc 1
lakhani, s 1
lakhani, sr 1
lam, cck 1
lam, cm 1
lam, cw 1
lam, kf 1
lam, ksl 1
lam, shirley sau wing 1
lam, ss 1
lam, st 1
lam, yf 1
laporte, j 1
lasitschka, f 1
latimer, c 1
lau, ck 1
lau, cw 1
lau, eyl 1
lau, js 1
lau, jyw 1
lau, kam shing 1
lau, ks 1
lau, kui kai 1
lau, p 1
lauder, ij 1
law, simon ying kit 1
leahy, dt 1
lee, acw 1
lee, bch 1
lee, cc 1
lee, crystal p.i. 1
lee, hk 1
lee, horace hy 1
lee, jf 1
lee, s 1
lee, siupo 1
lee, vcy 1
lee-six, h 1
leong fung, lly 1
leroy, c 1
leter, em 1
leung, asp 1
leung, ay 1
leung, ayh 1
leung, css 1
leung, ewy 1
leung, hc 1
leung, kin sum 1
leung, kp 1
leung, pwl 1
leung, tk 1
li, c 1
li, c 1
li, iws 1
li, ksm 1
li, lsw 1
li, q 1
li, sr 1
li, vivian 1
li, x 1
liang, r 1
liang, rhs 1
lie, akw 1
lieberman, da 1
liehmak, f 1
liew, fy 1
lin, mcm 1
lin, ml 1
lin, sy 1
lippert, bm 1
liu, apy 1
liu, b 1
liu, cg 1
liu, cl 1
liu, esl 1
liu, roxanna k.c. 1
liu, s 1
liu, yu 1
lo, chelsea c.w. 1
lo, emily k.k. 1
lo, osh 1
lo, sh 1
looijenga, l 1
looijenga, lh 1
lothe, ra 1
louie, jimmy chun yu 1
lui, pcw 1
lui, thomas ka-luen 1
luk, jm 1
luk, kh 1
luk, sc 1
luk, th 1
lum, ct 1
lundholm, k 1
lung, m 1
luo, f 1
lönnroth, c 1
ma, es 1
ma, hty 1
ma, tkf 1
ma, w 1
macrae, f 1
maddison, m 1
maitland, n 1
majewski, ij 1
mak, syl 1
mak, tak wah 1
mak, tw 1
makharia, g 1
man chu, k 1
man, ahy 1
man, ch 1
man, jonathan l k 1
mann, ks 1
mao, mao 1
mao, s 1
maquire, s 1
mardis, er 1
marshall, cj 1
martincorena, i 1
martins, a 1
marx, a 1
massie, a 1
mathy, ja 1
mathé, ea 1
matsuda, t 1
maurus, k 1
mcbride, dj 1
mcgranahan, n 1
mclay, k 1
meling, gi 1
memish, za 1
middleton, g 1
miyaki, m 1
mok, cc 1
moller, p 1
montgomery, k 1
moreno, v 1
morgan, daniel 1
morimura, t 1
morris, j 1
mould, c 1
moyzis, r 1
mu, h 1
mudie, l 1
mulderrig, l 1
nagtegaal, id 1
nechanitzky, r 1
nelson, wj 1
ng, b 1
ng, ehy 1
ng, fh 1
ng, iol 1
ng, mankin 1
ng, nk 1
ng, s 1
ng, wcl 1
ng, wf 1
ngan, ahy 1
nguyen, gh 1
nicholls, jm 1
nie, x 1
nielsen, to 1
niessen, rc 1
nik-zainal, s 1
niklas, c 1
nystrom, m 1
o'donoghue, dp 1
oakes, cc 1
ockeloen, cw 1
okayama, h 1
olafsson, s 1
oláh, e 1
on behalf of, insight 1
onda, m 1
oosterlaan, j 1
or, cs 1
ostrowski, j 1
ou, w 1
palmleri, g 1
palomares, mr 1
pan, j 1
papp, j 1
patel, rm 1
paterson, h 1
peinado, ma 1
peltomaki, p 1
pian, c 1
pijarnvanit, tommy k.k.t.s. 1
pineda, m 1
plazzer, jp 1
pleasance, e 1
pollack, jr 1
pompaiah, m 1
poon, km 1
poulogiannis, g 1
pritchardjones, k 1
qi, m 1
qian, gordon 1
que, tl 1
quezada, sa 1
rahner, n 1
ramesar, r 1
ramroth, h 1
ramsden, db 1
rasmussen, lj 1
ratford, l 1
redeker, ejw 1
reis, m 1
rejto, paul a. 1
renee webb, c 1
rerknimitr, r 1
ricevuto, e 1
richardson, d 1
riggins, gj 1
robinson, kl 1
robinson, ps 1
rodón, j 1
rosenfeld, n 1
rosenwald, a 1
royds, j 1
royer-pokora, b 1
ru, b 1
rubin, bp 1
russo, a 1
salou, m 1
samman, n 1
sanders, ma 1
sano, y 1
santi, i 1
saunders, me 1
saw, ny 1
schackert, hk 1
schmidt, cr 1
schmidt, ee 1
schuck, s 1
scott, rj 1
seigler, hf 1
shannon, rl 1
shen, l 1
sheng, jq 1
shi, stephanie 1
shipley, j 1
shiu, kl 1
shorthouse, aj 1
sijmons, r 1
sijmons, rh 1
silverman, ml 1
sim, jp 1
sin, s 1
siu tsan yuen 1
siu, hoi cheong 1
siu, hoicheong 1
siu, lp 1
smith, dr 1
snow, be 1
so, jc 1
sohn, jj 1
sollano, j 1
song, z 1
soong, r 1
soria, jc 1
sotiriou, c 1
soussi, t 1
spence, ma 1
spurdle, ab 1
stange, de 1
stebbings, l 1
steinke, v 1
stoffel, em 1
subramanian, s 1
suehiro, y 1
sun, s 1
sun, xf 1
sung, jjy 1
swanson, j 1
swanton, c 1
sweet-cordero, ea 1
sy chan, a 1
syngal, s 1
sze, j 1
sze, kh 1
sääf, am 1
tabori, u 1
tai, jwm 1
tai, ss 1
tai, yt 1
tam, fky 1
tam, wy 1
tan, k 1
tan, mh 1
tan, p 1
tang, bsf 1
tang, cp 1
tang, g 1
tang, lok kan 1
tang, m 1
tang, r 1
tang, wf 1
tarpey, p 1
tarpey, ps 1
tavtigian, sv 1
thompson, ba 1
to, ckw 1
to, kw 1
tobin, c 1
tong, csw 1
tong, m 1
tong, t 1
tonon, g 1
tops, cm 1
tops, cmj 1
trendell-smith, nj 1
trendellsmith, nj 1
trzeciak, l 1
tsan yuen, s 1
tsang, hing wai 1
tsang, kl 1
tsao, sw 1
tse, ka yu 1
tse, yiu hei 1
tsin, tw 1
tsoi, th 1
tsui, m 1
tsui, sp 1
tsui, waiyin 1
tsui, ww 1
tung, hf 1
tung, keith t.s. 1
turner, r 1
turrell, k 1
turski, m 1
van de rijn, m 1
van der post, rs 1
van gijn, me 1
van haaften, g 1
van krieken, jh 1
van nesselrooij, bpm 1
vastrik, i 1
velculescu, ve 1
velsher, l 1
verwiel, etp 1
virwani, preeti dinesh 1
wai, mh 1
wai, yt 1
wakeham, ac 1
wallaschek, n 1
wan, yk 1
wang, d 1
wang, hy 1
wang, kai 1
wang, l 1
wang, lingling 1
wang, ll 1
wang, y 1
watt, s 1
webb, t 1
weber, t 1
weichenhan, d 1
wen, j 1
wen, lr 1
west, rb 1
wiegering, a 1
wijnen, j 1
wilson, r 1
winkler, v 1
woffendin, h 1
wong, alice st 1
wong, asl 1
wong, bhl 1
wong, bw 1
wong, bwy 1
wong, c 1
wong, cf 1
wong, cy 1
wong, d 1
wong, ho shing 1
wong, hs 1
wong, hyb 1
wong, kf 1
wong, kh 1
wong, kky 1
wong, sh 1
wong, sy 1
wong, yc 1
woods, mo 1
wray, p 1
wright, n 1
wu, a 1
wu, akl 1
wu, ayy 1
wu, kc 1
wu, tt 1
xia, hh 1
xian, jia wen 1
xie, tao 1
xu, c 1
xu, jiangchun 1
xu, m 1
xu, z 1
yam, ky 1
yam, wc 1
yan, helen h n 1
yan, hhn 1
yanaihara, n 1
yang, ch 1
yang, d 1
yang, d 1
yang, h 1
yang, z 1
yao, haobin 1
ychou, m 1
ye, yn 1
yeoh, kg 1
yeung, bhy 1
yeung, maximus cf 1
yeung, rwk 1
yeung, wsb 1
yip, sf 1
young, gp 1
young, j 1
yu, cw 1
yu, kho 1
yu, lf 1
yuan, yf 1
yue, sk 1
yuen, ctl 1
yuen, man fung 1
yuen, pw 1
yuen, sf 1
yuen, siu tsan 1
yun, sw 1
yun, ws 1
zalewski, b 1
zanetti, ka 1
zeng, h 1
zeng, w 1
zhang, c 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, mz 1
zhang, yy 1
zhao, g 1
zhao, x 1
zheng, c 1
zheng, t 1
zheng, tt 1
zheng, z 1
zhong, ssw 1
zhou, j 1
zhou, p 1
zhou, y 1
zhu, s 1
zhu, y 1
zou, b 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 41
male 30
adult 25
female 22
middle aged 21
animals 18
gastric cancer 18
aged 17
dna methylation 16
medical sciences 15
hong kong 14
molecular sequence data 14
base sequence 13
gene expression 13
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 13
immunohistochemistry 13
rhizopus microsporus 13
species index: fungi 13
aged, 80 and over 12
dna, neoplasm - genetics 12
mutation 12
amino acid sequence 11
tumor cells, cultured 11
arhgap fusions 10
biobank 10
blotting, western 10
drug screening 10
ebv genome 10
epigenetics 10
gene silencing 10
heterogeneity 10
mice 10
neoplasm proteins - genetics - metabolism 10
organoid culture 10
promoter regions, genetic 10
rhoa mutations 10
transcriptome sequencing 10
whole-exome sequencing 10
adolescent 9
arginine methylation 9
cancer stemness 9
cell line, tumor 9
colorectal cancer 9
cpg islands 9
e-cadherin 9
hcc 9
lymphatic metastasis 9
rna, messenger - metabolism 9
stomach neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 9
tumor-initiating cells 9
cadherins - genetics - metabolism 8
colonic neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 8
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 8
neoplasm staging 8
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods 8
apoptosis 7
asian continental ancestry group 7
child, preschool 7
chiroptera - virology 7
common cold - genetics 7
coronavirus 229e, human - genetics - physiology 7
coronavirus infections - genetics 7
dna mutational analysis 7
gastric adenocarcinoma 7
gene expression profiling 7
genome, viral 7
hong kong - epidemiology 7
immunoenzyme techniques 7
mice, transgenic 7
microarray 7
neoplasm invasiveness 7
phylogeny 7
prognosis 7
proto-oncogene proteins - genetics 7
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 7
rna, neoplasm - metabolism 7
sars virus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 7
sars virus - genetics - physiology 7
sequence analysis, dna 7
severe acute respiratory syndrome - genetics 7
transfection 7
treatment outcome 7
tumor markers, biological - blood 7
viral proteins - blood - genetics 7
adenocarcinoma - genetics 6
adenocarcinoma - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
adenoma - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
blood pressure monitoring, ambulatory 6
cell proliferation 6
china 6
colon carcinogenesis 6
colorectal cancer genes 6
cross-sectional studies 6
disease progression 6
dna primers 6
down-regulation 6
early-onset colon cancer 6
fatty acids 6
gastroenterology 6
helicobacter infections - complications 6
helicobacter pylori 6
hypertension 6
in situ hybridization 6
incidence 6
macrophages - physiology 6
microbiota 6
microsatellite repeats - genetics 6
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 6
predictive value of tests 6
prevalence 6
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 6
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 6
sex characteristics 6
tumor markers, biological - genetics - metabolism 6
up-regulation 6
adenocarcinoma - blood - diagnosis 5
adenocarcinoma - diagnosis - genetics - mortality 5
antimetabolites, antineoplastic - pharmacology 5
azacitidine - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology 5
bioinformatics 5
biopsy 5
brain neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 5
cadherins - blood 5
cancer 5
cell transformation, neoplastic - genetics 5
child 5
chinese 5
chromosome deletion 5
codon - genetics 5
colonic neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 5
colorectal neoplasms - genetics 5
cpg islands - genetics 5
dna-binding proteins 5
dna-binding proteins - metabolism 5
down-regulation - drug effects 5
drug therapy, combination 5
endothelial growth factors - metabolism 5
fluorescent antibody technique 5
gene amplification 5
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - drug effects 5
hmlh1 5
hydroxamic acids - pharmacology 5
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 5
li-cadherin 5
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
liver transplantation - adverse effects 5
living donors 5
lymphokines - metabolism 5
methylation 5
microsatellite instability 5
microsatellite repeats 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism 5
promoter methylation 5
prospective studies 5
protein synthesis inhibitors - pharmacology 5
proteins - genetics 5
rna, messenger - genetics 5
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 5
rt-pcr 5
sarcoma - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
stomach - pathology 5
stomach neoplasms - blood - diagnosis 5
stomach neoplasms - diagnosis - genetics - mortality 5
stomach neoplasms - genetics 5
tissue distribution 5
transplantation, homologous - adverse effects 5
tumor markers, biological - genetics 5
tumour marker 5
vascular endothelial growth factor a 5
vascular endothelial growth factors 5
1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase - genetics 4
acp 4
adaptor proteins, signal transducing 4
adenocarcinoma 4
adenocarcinoma - etiology - genetics - metabolism 4
adenocarcinoma - genetics - metabolism 4
adenocarcinoma - metabolism - pathology 4
adp-ribosylation factors - metabolism 4
aldehyde reductase - genetics - metabolism 4
algorithms 4
allelic imbalance 4
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
anti-infective agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
anti-ulcer agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
antibodies, bispecific 4
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 4
axons - enzymology - pathology 4
azacitidine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 4
base pair mismatch 4
bax 4
bcl-2 4
bcl-2-associated x protein 4
biopsy - instrumentation - methods 4
bismuth 4
breath tests 4
cadherins 4
carbon isotopes - diagnostic use 4
carcinoembryonic antigen 4
carcinoma 4
carcinoma - genetics - pathology - virology 4
carrier proteins 4
carrier proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
caspase 3 4
caspases - metabolism 4
ccl 4
cdx2 4
cell cycle - physiology 4
cell division - drug effects 4
cell growth processes - physiology 4
cell line 4
cell movement - genetics 4
cell movement - physiology 4
cervical vertebrae 4
chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 4
chemokines, cc - genetics - immunology 4
ci 4
clarithromycin - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
confidence interval 4
dermatomyositis - etiology - therapy 4
diabetic neuropathies - enzymology - genetics - physiopathology 4
diagnosis 4
disease models, animal 4
dna damage 4
dna microarray 4
dna mismatch repair - genetics 4
dna modification methylases - antagonists & inhibitors 4
down-regulation - genetics 4
doxycycline - pharmacology 4
drug resistance 4
drug synergism 4
dyspepsia - pathology 4
endoscopy, digestive system - instrumentation 4
enzyme inhibitors - therapeutic use 4
epigenesis, genetic 4
epstein-barr virus 4
equipment reuse 4
exome 4
experimental design 4
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 4
flow cytometry 4
galactitol - metabolism 4
galactosemias - enzymology - genetics - physiopathology 4
ganciclovir 4
gastric carcinoma 4
gastric mucosa - physiology 4
gastritis 4
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - immunology 4
genes, ras 4
genes, ras - genetics 4
genes, tumor suppressor 4
genes, tumor suppressor - genetics 4
glioblastoma - genetics - metabolism - pathology 4
glioma 4
glutathione - metabolism 4
gpi-linked proteins 4
hazard ratio 4
helicobacter 4
helicobacter infections - drug therapy - pathology 4
helix-loop-helix motifs 4
herpesviridae infections - complications 4
herpesvirus 4, human - isolation & purification 4
herpesvirus 4, human - pathogenicity 4
histone deacetylase inhibitors 4
homeodomain proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
hong kong chinese 4
hr 4
hydroxamic acids - therapeutic use 4
hyperglycemia - enzymology - genetics - physiopathology 4
id4 4
ihc 4
inhibitor of differentiation proteins 4
intestinal metaplasia 4
lymph node metastasis 4
lymphatic metastasis - genetics 4
macrophage migration-inhibitory factor 4
macrophage migration-inhibitory factors - blood 4
map kinase signaling system 4
matrix metalloproteinase 4
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
membrane transport proteins 4
metagenomics 4
metaplasia - metabolism 4
metronidazole - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
microbiome 4
mmp 4
motor neuron disease - etiology - therapy 4
mucosal immunity 4
mutagenesis 4
mutational signature 4
muts homolog 2 protein 4
myositis - etiology - therapy 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - complications 4
neoplasm proteins - genetics 4
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - complications - therapy 4
nerve fibers, myelinated - enzymology - pathology 4
nerve tissue proteins - biosynthesis - genetics - physiology 4
nerve tissue proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
neural conduction - genetics 4
next generation sequencing 4
nuclear proteins 4
nuclear proteins - genetics 4
omeprazole - pharmacology - therapeutic use 4
organ transplant 4
oxidative stress - genetics 4
paraneoplastic inflammatory myopathy 4
paraneoplastic motor neuropathy 4
paraneoplastic syndromes - etiology - therapy 4
polymerase chain reaction 4
precancerous conditions - metabolism 4
protein biosynthesis 4
proto-oncogene proteins - metabolism 4
proto-oncogene proteins b-raf - genetics 4
ranitidine - analogs & derivatives 4
ras proteins - genetics 4
receptors, transforming growth factor beta - genetics 4
reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction 4
rna, messenger - biosynthesis - genetics 4
schwann cells - cytology - enzymology 4
sequence homology, amino acid 4
smoking - adverse effects 4
specimen handling - instrumentation - methods - nursing 4
ssc 4
standard saline citrate 4
stomach neoplasms - blood - diagnosis - mortality 4
stomach neoplasms - etiology - genetics - metabolism 4
stomach neoplasms - genetics - pathology 4
stomach neoplasms - genetics - pathology - virology 4
stomach neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 4
stress, physiological - enzymology - genetics - physiopathology 4
survival analysis 4
t-lymphocytes - immunology 4
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 4
transcription factors - genetics 4
transcription factors - metabolism 4
transcription, genetic 4
tumor marker 4
tumor suppressor proteins 4
tumor virus infections - complications 4
tβrii 4
up-regulation - genetics 4
urea - analysis 4
adenocarcinoma - complications - microbiology 3
adenocarcinoma - drug therapy - enzymology - pathology 3
adenocarcinoma - enzymology - pathology 3
adenocarcinoma - ethnology - genetics 3
adenocarcinoma - genetics - pathology 3
adenocarcinoma - metabolism 3
adenoma 3
adenoma - enzymology - pathology 3
adenoma - etiology - pathology 3
adenomatous polyposis coli - genetics - pathology 3
age factors 3
alternative splicing 3
amoxicillin-potassium clavulanate combination - therapeutic use 3
angiogenesis 3
angiopoietin-1 3
angiopoietin-2 3
angiopoietins 3
anti-infective agents - therapeutic use 3
anti-obesity agents - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 3
anti-ulcer agents - therapeutic use 3
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 3
apoptosis - drug effects 3
apoptosis - drug effects - physiology 3
apoptotic cells 3
ascaris lumbricoides - isolation & purification 3
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 3
astrocytoma - blood supply - genetics 3
astrocytoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 3
astrocytoma - metabolism - pathology 3
autoimmunity 3
bacterial artificial chromosome 3
bar 3
base pair mismatch - genetics 3
bcl-6 3
bile - chemistry 3
bile acids and salts - chemistry 3
blotting, northern 3
blotting, southern 3
brain neoplasms - blood supply - genetics 3
brain neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 3
brain neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology 3
brain neoplasms - epidemiology - metabolism - pathology 3
brain neoplasms - genetics - pathology 3
brain neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 3
cancer cell 3
carcinoma - genetics 3
carcinoma - genetics - metabolism - pathology 3
carcinoma - metabolism - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma - metabolism - virology 3
carcinoma - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - blood supply - metabolism 3
carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - metabolism 3
carcinoma, non-small-cell lung - virology 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - ethnology - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - metabolism - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - parasitology 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - virology 3
caspase 7 3
caspases 3
cell cycle - drug effects 3
cell cycle proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
cell division 3
cell transformation, neoplastic 3
cell transformation, neoplastic - metabolism 3
central nervous system neoplasms - chemistry - genetics - pathology 3
cerebellar neoplasms - blood supply - genetics 3
chemokine ccl2 - biosynthesis 3
chemokine ccl2 - metabolism 3
children 3
china - epidemiology 3
cholesterol - metabolism 3
choristoma-complications 3
chromosomal instability 3
chromosome aberrations 3
chromosomes, human, pair 14 - genetics - metabolism 3
chromosomes, human, pair 9 - genetics 3
chronic disease 3
clonality 3
colitis, ulcerative - etiology - pathology 3
colon 3
colon - metabolism - pathology 3
colon carcinoma 3
colonic neoplasms - enzymology - pathology 3
colonic neoplasms - etiology - pathology 3
colonic neoplasms - metabolism 3
colorectal neoplasms - ethnology - genetics 3
colorectal neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 3
colorectal neoplasms - genetics - pathology 3
colorectal neoplasms, hereditary nonpolyposis - genetics 3
combigem 3
combination therapy 3
combinatorial genetics 3
comparative genomic hybridization 3
complementary dna 3
crispr 3
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 3
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 3
cyclins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
cyclosporine - therapeutic use 3
cystadenoma, papillary - complications - metabolism - pathology 3
cysteine endopeptidases - physiology 3
cysteine proteinase inhibitors - pharmacology 3
dendritic cells 3
dexamethasone - administration & dosage 3
dextran sulfate - toxicity 3
diabetes-insipidus-etiology 3
diploidy 3
dna primers - chemistry 3
dna repair 3
dna repair - genetics 3
dna, complementary - chemistry - isolation & purification - metabolism 3
dna, satellite - genetics 3
double-blind method 3
ebna2 3
ebv 3
ebv proteins 3
endothelial growth factors - biosynthesis 3
endothelial growth factors - genetics - metabolism 3
endothelial growth factors - genetics - physiology 3
energy intake 3
enzyme activation - drug effects 3
enzyme inhibitors - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 3
ependymoma 3
ependymoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 3
epidemiology 3
epididymal cystadenoma 3
epididymis - pathology 3
epithelial cells - metabolism 3
epstein-barr virus infections - complications 3
european continental ancestry group - genetics 3
eye neoplasms - pathology - virology 3
flt-1 3
founder effect 3
gallbladder - drug effects - physiology 3
gene deletion 3
genes, p53 3
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 3
germ cell tumour 3
germ-line mutation 3
germline mutation 3
glioblastoma 3
glioblastoma - genetics - pathology 3
glioblastoma - metabolism - pathology 3
glioma - chemistry - genetics - pathology 3
glioma - metabolism - pathology 3
haplotypes - genetics 3
head and neck neoplasms - metabolism - virology 3
helicobacter infections - complications - drug therapy - pathology 3
helicobacter infections - complications - microbiology 3
helicobacter pylori - isolation & purification 3
helicobacter pylori - isolation and purification 3
hemangioblastoma 3
herpesviridae infections 3
herpesviridae infections - complications - pathology 3
herpesvirus 4, human 3
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics 3
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - isolation & purification - metabolism 3
herpesvirus 4, human - immunology - isolation & purification 3
high-throughput screening 3
hndrg2 3
hnpcc 3
hnpcc syndrome 3
hong kong - ethnology 3
immunosuppressive agents - therapeutic use 3
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - metabolism 3
interleukin-1beta - genetics 3
intestinal mucosa - enzymology - pathology 3
intracranial 3
intragenic deletion 3
jumonji domain-containing histone demethylases 3
kdr 3
lacrimal apparatus - pathology 3
lacrimal apparatus diseases - pathology 3
lacrimal sac 3
lactones - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 3
large intestine 3
leukemia, lymphoid - complications - drug therapy 3
leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive - pathology 3
leupeptins - pharmacology 3
lipase - antagonists & inhibitors 3
lipids - analysis 3
lmp-1 3
loss of heterozygosity 3
lung 3
lung carcinoma 3
lung neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism 3
lung neoplasms - metabolism 3
lung neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 3
lung neoplasms - virology 3
lupus 3
lymphoepithelial carcinoma 3
lymphoepithelioma 3
lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 3
lymphoid tissue - pathology - virology 3
lymphokines - biosynthesis 3
lymphokines - genetics - metabolism 3
lymphokines - genetics - physiology 3
lymphoma - epidemiology - metabolism - pathology 3
lymphoma, b-cell, marginal zone - complications - microbiology 3
lysozyme 3
macrophage 3
macrophages - pathology 3
membrane glycoproteins - biosynthesis 3
metronidazole - therapeutic use 3
mice, inbred balb c 3
microglia 3
mismatch repair gene mutation 3
mitoxantrone - administration & dosage 3
monocyte chemoattractant protein- 1 3
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 3
multienzyme complexes - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 3
multivariate analysis 3
muramidase - biosynthesis - genetics 3
mutation - genetics 3
necrotic cells 3
neoplasm proteins - biosynthesis 3
neoplasms - enzymology - genetics 3
neoplasms - epidemiology - genetics - pathology - virology 3
neoplasms, second primary - genetics - pathology 3
neoplastic syndromes, hereditary - genetics - pathology 3
neovascularization, pathologic 3
neovascularization, pathologic - etiology 3
neovascularization, pathologic - metabolism 3
nerve degeneration - etiology 3
non-small cell lung carcinoma 3
nose neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 3
nucleic acid hybridization 3
obesity - drug therapy - metabolism 3
oligodendroglioma 3
oligodendroglioma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 3
omeprazole - therapeutic use 3
oncogene proteins - genetics 3
oncogene proteins, viral - genetics 3
organ specificity 3
osteolysis - pathology 3
oxidoreductases, n-demethylating - genetics 3
p53 3
p53 mutation 3
paraffin embedding 3
paranasal sinus neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 3
paraneoplastic polyneuropathy - etiology 3
paresthesia - etiology 3
parietal lobe 3
pedigree 3
pilocytic astrocytoma 3
pineal gland 3
pituitary-gland 3
ploidies 3
polymerase chain reaction - methods 3
polymorphism, single-stranded conformational 3
precancerous conditions - epidemiology - microbiology - pathology - prevention & control 3
precancerous conditions - genetics - metabolism - pathology 3
primary brain lymphoma 3
proteasome endopeptidase complex 3
proto-oncogene proteins 3
proto-oncogene proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
proto-oncogene proteins b-raf 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-2 - metabolism 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-bcl-6 3
random allocation 3
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - biosynthesis 3
receptor protein-tyrosine kinases - metabolism 3
receptor tyrosine kinase tie2 3
receptor, epidermal growth factor - genetics 3
receptors, growth factor - genetics - physiology 3
receptors, growth factor - metabolism 3
receptors, mitogen - genetics - physiology 3
receptors, vascular endothelial growth factor 3
reference values 3
risk factors 3
rna - analysis 3
rna, messenger - analysis 3
rna, messenger - biosynthesis 3
rna, neoplasm - genetics - metabolism 3
rna, viral - analysis 3
rna, viral - metabolism 3
salivary gland 3
sella-turcica 3
sequence deletion 3
sinonasal carcinoma 3
skull-neoplasms-complications 3
spinal cord neoplasms - blood supply - genetics 3
statistics, nonparametric 3
stomach neoplasms - complications - microbiology 3
stomach neoplasms - drug therapy - enzymology - pathology 3
stomach neoplasms - epidemiology - microbiology - pathology - prevention & control 3
stomach neoplasms - etiology 3
stomach neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 3
stomach neoplasms - metabolism - virology 3
sural nerve - pathology 3
syndrome 3
t-lymphocytes - pathology 3
t-lymphocytes - physiology 3
temporal lobe 3
teratoma 3
teratoma - drug therapy - pathology 3
testicular neoplasms - complications - metabolism - pathology 3
tomography, x-ray computed 3
tongue neoplasms - parasitology 3
transcription factors 3
trichinella spiralis - isolation & purification 3
trichinellosis - complications 3
tumor cells, cultured - metabolism - pathology 3
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis 3
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
tumor suppressor protein p53 - metabolism 3
tumor virus infections 3
tumour-associated macrophages 3
turcot's syndrome 3
u373 3
ubiquitin-proteasome 3
ubiquitins - metabolism 3
undifferentiated carcinoma 3
up-regulation - drug effects 3
urinary retention - etiology 3
vascular endothelial growth factor 3
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 3
vascular endothelial growth factor splice variants 3
vascular permeability factor 3
vegf 3
vidarabine - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives 3
viral matrix proteins - genetics 3
von hippel-lindau disease - complications - metabolism - pathology 3
von hippel-lindau syndrome 3
weight loss 3
[13c]-urea breath test 2
a146 2
adaptor proteins, signal transducing - genetics - metabolism 2
adenocarcinoma - drug therapy - genetics - pathology 2
adenocarcinoma - pathology - virology 2
adenoma - genetics 2
alleles 2
amplification 2
anti-bacterial agents 2
anti-bacterial agents - therapeutic use 2
antigens, neoplasm - genetics 2
array cgh 2
asia - epidemiology 2
asian continental ancestry group - statistics and numerical data 2
bone morphogenetic proteins - metabolism 2
caco-2 cells 2
cancer organoids 2
carbon isotopes - analysis - diagnostic use 2
carcinoma, large cell - genetics 2
carcinoma, squamous cell - pathology - radiography - virology 2
carrier proteins - genetics 2
caspase-3 inhibitor 2
cell adhesion molecules - genetics 2
chemotherapy 2
choristoma - microbiology 2
chromosomes, human, pair 19 2
cigarette smoke 2
cluster analysis 2
colon - metabolism 2
colonic polyps - genetics 2
colonic polyps - genetics - pathology 2
colorectal 2
colorectal carcinoma 2
colorectal neoplasms - diagnosis - ethnology 2
colorectal neoplasms - drug therapy - genetics - pathology 2
colorectal neoplasms - epidemiology - genetics 2
colorectal neoplasms - etiology - genetics 2
colorectal neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 2
colorectal neoplasms - pathology - virology 2
colorectal neoplasms, hereditary nonpolyposis - ethnology - genetics 2
colorectal neoplasms, hereditary nonpolyposis - genetics - pathology 2
crypt maturation program 2
cyclin e - genetics - metabolism 2
cytochrome c 2
cytochrome c group - metabolism 2
cytoskeletal proteins 2
demyelinating-diseases-chemically-induced 2
diagnosis, differential 2
disease models 2
dna fragmentation 2
dna mismatch repair 2
dna modification methylases - genetics - metabolism 2
dna ploidy 2
dna repair enzymes - genetics - metabolism 2
dna, neoplasm - analysis 2
dna-binding proteins - genetics 2
dose-response relationship, drug 2
drug therapy, combination - therapeutic use 2
ear 2
ear, middle 2
early-onset colorectal cancer 2
eating 2
endometrial neoplasms - etiology - genetics 2
endoscopy 2
endoscopy, digestive system 2
enhancer 2
epigenetic editing 2
epithelial cells - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
exons 2
exons - genetics 2
expression profiling 2
eye proteins - biosynthesis 2
family 2
fasting 2
follow-up studies 2
frameshift mutation 2
gastric epithelial cells 2
gastric mucosa 2
gastric mucosa - chemistry 2
gastric mucosa - drug effects - enzymology - pathology 2
gastric mucosa - immunology - microbiology - pathology 2
gastric mucosa - pathology 2
gastritis - diagnosis - drug therapy - pathology 2
gastritis - metabolism 2
gastrointestinal neoplasms - genetics - pathology 2
gene dosage 2
gene expression regulation 2
genes, apc 2
gist 2
gremlin 2
group ii phospholipases a2 2
helicobacter infections - complications - drug therapy 2
helicobacter infections - diagnosis 2
helicobacter infections - diagnosis - drug therapy - pathology 2
helicobacter infections - epidemiology 2
helicobacter infections - immunology - microbiology 2
helicobacter infections - metabolism 2
herpesviridae infections - diagnosis 2
hexanes-toxicity 2
hong kong chinese population 2
hyperplasia 2
information theoretic approaches 2
inheritance patterns - genetics 2
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - biosynthesis 2
international agencies 2
intestinal neoplasms - genetics 2
intestinal polyps - diagnosis - ethnology 2
intestines - metabolism 2
kit 2
kras 2
l-lactate dehydrogenase - metabolism 2
leukemia, myeloid, acute - genetics 2
macrophage migration-inhibitory factors - genetics - metabolism 2
macrophages - immunology 2
mass screening - methods 2
meckel diverticulum - microbiology 2
meckel's diverticulum 2
melanoma - genetics 2
microarrays 2
muscle proteins 2
mutations 2
muts homolog 2 protein - genetics 2
myofibroblast 2
neoplasm invasiveness - genetics - pathology 2
nerve tissue proteins - biosynthesis 2
nerve-degeneration-drug-effects 2
netherlands 2
non-fasting 2
nuclear proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
oncogene proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
oncogenes 2
open reading frames - genetics 2
organoids 2
p53 mutations 2
pan-cancer studies 2
pdgfra 2
peptic ulcer - diagnosis - drug therapy - pathology 2
phenotype 2
phospholipases a - biosynthesis - genetics 2
phosphoproteins - genetics 2
point mutation - genetics 2
precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma - genetics 2
printing- 2
protein kinase c - genetics 2
protein profiling 2
proto-oncogene proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
proto-oncogene proteins b-raf - genetics - metabolism 2
proto-oncogene proteins c-kit 2
proto-oncogene proteins c-raf - genetics 2
pyloric antrum - pathology 2
rapid urease test 2
ras proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
reagent strips 2
receptor, ephb2 - biosynthesis - genetics 2
receptor, platelet-derived growth factor alpha - genetics 2
receptors, notch - metabolism 2
reproducibility of results 2
selection strategies 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
sequence deletion - genetics 2
signal transduction 2
smoke - adverse effects 2
stem cells - metabolism 2
stomach 2
stomach diseases - microbiology 2
stomach neoplasms 2
stomach neoplasms - pathology - virology 2
stomach ulcer - drug therapy - microbiology - pathology 2
stromal cells - pathology 2
survival rate 2
test meal 2
time factors 2
tobacco - adverse effects - chemistry 2
tp53 2
transactivational ability 2
trex2 2
tumor biomarkers 2
tumor suppressor protein p53 - genetics 2
tumor suppressor proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
tumor virus infections - diagnosis 2
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis 2
united states 2
urea - analysis - diagnostic use 2
urease - analysis 2
urease reagent strip 2
wnt proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
2-repeat allele 1
3t3 cells 1
7-repeat allele 1
adenocarcinoma - enzymology - genetics 1
adenocarcinoma, mucinous - genetics - metabolism - pathology 1
adenoma - genetics - pathology 1
adhd 1
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 1
aging 1
aneuploidy 1
aneurysm, dissecting - pathology 1
array-comparative genomic hybridization 1
arteriosclerosis - complications - epidemiology - pathology 1
atherosclerosis 1
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - genetics 1
autonomic neuropathy 1
autopsy 1
basal ganglia - pathology 1
biomarkers 1
bmp 1
brain - drug effects - pathology - physiopathology 1
brain diseases - chemically induced - pathology - physiopathology 1
brain diseases - pathology - radiography - surgery 1
brain edema - etiology 1
brain ischemia - diagnosis - pathology 1
brain neoplasms - complications - diagnosis - pathology 1
brain neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology 1
brain neoplasms - diagnosis - surgery 1
brain stem - blood supply 1
brain tumor 1
breast neoplasms - genetics 1
brunol4 1
calcinosis - etiology 1
calcinosis - etiology - pathology 1
cancer-related mirnas 1
carcinoid tumor - enzymology - genetics 1
carcinoma, ductal, breast - genetics 1
carcinoma, large cell - enzymology - genetics 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - enzymology - genetics 1
cardiomyopathies - etiology - pathology 1
carotid arteries 1
carotid arteries - pathology 1
caudate nucleus - pathology 1
celf4 1
cell communication 1
cell differentiation 1
cell lineage 1
cell polarity - genetics 1
cell survival 1
central neurocytoma 1
cerebellar diseases - pathology 1
cerebellopontine angle 1
cerebellopontine angle - pathology 1
cerebellum - blood supply 1
cerebellum - pathology 1
cerebral arteries 1
cerebral arteries - pathology 1
cerebral hemorrhage - etiology 1
cerebral infarction - diagnosis - pathology 1
cerebral infarction - pathology 1
cerebral ventricle neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 1
cerebrovascular disorders - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 1
china - ethnology 1
clinical features 1
colon - drug effects - metabolism 1
colon - enzymology 1
colonic neoplasms - classification - genetics - metabolism 1
colonic neoplasms - diagnosis - genetics - mortality 1
consensus 1
ct 1
cystic medial necrosis 1
cysts - pathology 1
cysts - pathology - radiography - surgery 1
dark matters 1
diabetes complications 1
dilatation, pathologic - pathology 1
disease-free survival 1
dna copy number variations 1
drd4 1
dura mater - blood supply - pathology 1
dural substitute 1
ecm 1
encephalitis - diagnosis - drug therapy - microbiology 1
encephalomyelitis - diagnosis - drug therapy - microbiology 1
encephalopathy 1
enzyme activation 1
epilepsy, complex partial - complications 1
epithelial cells - metabolism - pathology 1
epithelial cyst 1
epithelium - pathology 1
expression data 1
fibrosis 1
fibrosis - pathology 1
frontal lobe - pathology 1
gastric mucosa - metabolism - pathology 1
gene expression profile 1
gene expression regulation - drug effects - genetics 1
gene frequency 1
genes, neoplasm - genetics 1
genome, human - genetics 1
genomic instability 1
genomics 1
genotype 1
han chinese 1
hct116 cells 1
health 1
heart ventricles - pathology 1
hedgehog proteins - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 1
hedgehog signaling 1
herbal medicine 1
hypertension - complications 1
infant 1
inflammation - genetics 1
intestinal mucosa - metabolism - pathology 1
intracranial aneurysm - pathology 1
intracranial arteriosclerosis - diagnosis - pathology 1
intracranial embolism and thrombosis - pathology 1
intraventricular neoplasm 1
kidney failure, chronic - complications - pathology 1
liver neoplasms - secondary 1
lung neoplasms - enzymology - genetics 1
lymphoma, b-cell - chemistry - pathology 1
magnetic resonance imaging 1
medicine, chinese traditional 1
melanoma - enzymology - genetics - metabolism - pathology 1
meningioma 1
meningioma - diagnosis - surgery 1
micrornas - genetics 1
microscopy, electron 1
minisatellite repeats - genetics 1
mirna-target interactions 1
mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 1
motor neurons - physiology 1
mri 1
multigene family 1
muscle, smooth, vascular - pathology 1
mutation, missense - genetics 1
myelitis, transverse - diagnosis - drug therapy - microbiology 1
myocardial ischemia - complications 1
myocardium - pathology 1
neomembrane 1
neoplasm metastasis 1
neoplasm proteins - chemistry - genetics 1
neoplasm recurrence, local - diagnosis - radiography 1
neoplasms - enzymology - genetics - metabolism - pathology 1
neoplasms - genetics 1
neoplasms, neuroepithelial - diagnosis - pathology 1
nervous system diseases - chemically induced - pathology - physiopathology 1
neural conduction 1
neurenteric cyst 1
neuroblastoma - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 1
neurologic examination 1
neurons - pathology 1
neurons, afferent - physiology 1
neurotoxins 1
oligodendroglioma - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 1
oligodendroglioma - pathology 1
optic nerve - drug effects - pathology - physiopathology 1
optic neuropathy 1
parkinson disease, secondary - diagnosis - pathology 1
peripheral nerves - drug effects - physiopathology 1
peripheral neuropathy 1
phytotherapy 1
podophyllin - poisoning 1
podophyllin poisoning 1
polyarteritis nodosa - pathology 1
precision medicine 1
prostheses and implants 1
protein kinases - chemistry - genetics 1
protein kinases - genetics 1
protein structure, tertiary 1
proto-oncogene proteins c-raf - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 1
ras proteins - immunology - metabolism 1
receptor, ephb2 - biosynthesis 1
receptors, dopamine d2 - genetics 1
receptors, dopamine d4 1
rectal neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 1
reoperation 1
seizures - complications 1
silicone elastomers - adverse effects 1
species specificity 1
substantia nigra - pathology 1
support vector machine 1
survival 1
temporal lobe - pathology 1
tissue adhesions 1
vascular pseudoparkinsonism 1
vertebral artery - pathology 1
vertebral artery dissection 1
vertebrobasilar insufficiency - pathology 1
virus diseases 1
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