AuthorsNo. of Publications
lo, cm 286
cheung, tt 251
chok, ksh 238
dai, wc 166
chan, sc 128
fung, jyy 92
fan, st 87
she, wh 77
poon, rtp 73
ma, kw 67
sharr, ww 52
wong, clt 48
tsang, shy 31
sin, sl 24
yuen, rmf 22
wong, tcl 20
ng, kkc 19
tsang, hys 19
lai, cl 18
au, kp 16
seto, wkw 15
fung, j 13
ng, iol 13
ng, kck 13
yuen, mf 13
yau, tcc 12
poon, r 11
sharr, w 11
dai, wing chiu 10
chiang, cl 9
ng, kkc 9
chen, y 8
dai, jwc 8
fung, james yan yue 8
lo, clr 8
mak, ly 8
seto, wk 8
wong, cho lam tiffany 8
chung, hy 7
cui, tys 7
man, k 7
abbas, z 6
chan, lk 6
ho, dwh 6
lee, gh 6
lee, vhf 6
moreau, r 6
ning, q 6
pamecha, v 6
rahman, s 6
she, bwh 6
shiha, g 6
tsang, sh 6
tsui, ym 6
wong, t 6
amarapurkar, d 5
butt, as 5
chan, my 5
chawla, yk 5
chiu, whk 5
chu, kkw 5
chu, kwk 5
dai, j 5
fong, dyt 5
hibi, t 5
kim, dj 5
kong, fp 5
leung, tw 5
lo, ilo 5
rotellar, f 5
sarin, sk 5
sharma, bc 5
tan, ss 5
wong, ccl 5
yamamoto, m 5
yau, dtw 5
yau, t 5
yokosuka, o 5
berardi, g 4
chan, ekw 4
chanwat, r 4
chen, kh 4
cheung, cky 4
cheung, ety 4
chia, nh 4
chiang, aks 4
chiu, yt 4
choudhury, a 4
chung, phy 4
ciria, r 4
fuks, d 4
geller, da 4
ghazinyan, h 4
hamid, ss 4
iwashita, y 4
jenkins, cr 4
khong, pl 4
kokudo, n 4
kotewall, cn 4
lesmana, la 4
liu, apy 4
liu, r 4
maiwall, r 4
ng, kk 4
nishino, h 4
rela, m 4
shah, s 4
sood, a 4
wakabayashi, g 4
wong, dkh 4
wong, kky 4
yuen, wk 4
abe, y 3
abu hilal, m 3
akahoshi, k 3
alconchel, f 3
aoki, t 3
ariizumi, s 3
asbun, hj 3
au, kin pan 3
ban, d 3
benedetti cacciaguerra, a 3
bhangui, prashant 3
chan, mym 3
chan, p 3
chan, sk 3
cherqui, d 3
cheung, tan-to 3
chiang, chi leung 3
chiu, j 3
chiu, keith wan hang 3
chok, k 3
chu, fsk 3
devarbhavi, h 3
dokmeci, ak 3
duan, z 3
durán, m 3
duseja, a 3
eapen, ce 3
garg, h 3
goel, a 3
golse, n 3
gotohda, n 3
han, hs 3
hasegawa, k 3
hatano, e 3
hernandez-alejandro, r 3
ho, cl 3
ho, kkh 3
honda, g 3
hui, whr 3
itano, o 3
jafri, w 3
jain, p 3
kabacam, gokhan 3
kaneko, h 3
kato, y 3
kim, jh 3
kumar, g 3
lau, gk 3
law, wl 3
lee, as 3
lee, mf 3
leung, r 3
li, ch 3
liu, cl 3
liu, d 3
liu, jiang 3
lo, chung mau 3
luk, cw 3
luk, my 3
lópez‐ben, s 3
ma, k 3
mahtab, m 3
miyasaka, y 3
monden, k 3
mori, y 3
morimoto, m 3
nagakawa, y 3
nakamura, m 3
ng, ktp 3
ogiso, s 3
ohtsuka, m 3
ohtsuka, t 3
pang, l 3
payawal, da 3
poon, rt 3
rastogi, a 3
rela, mohamed 3
sakamoto, y 3
sapisochin, gonzalo 3
serrablo, a 3
sham, pc 3
sharma, mk 3
she, w 3
shing, bsy 3
shirata, c 3
spiro, michael 3
sugioka, a 3
tam, pkh 3
tanabe, m 3
tomassini, f 3
tsang, j 3
tsuchida, a 3
urade, t 3
vashishtha, c 3
wakabayashi, t 3
wani, za 3
zhang, w 3
zhang, x 3
adam, r 2
ai, v 2
al mahtab, m 2
alconchel, felipe 2
alikhanov, r 2
apasl aclf working party, 2
au, ky 2
balci, deniz 2
berenguer, marina 2
bhadoria, as 2
bhangui, p 2
bihari, c 2
bonney, gk 2
campos-varela, isabel 2
chadha, ryan 2
chan, kenneth sik kwan 2
chan, ks 2
chan, sl 2
chaudhary, abhideep 2
chen, s 2
cherqui, daniel 2
cheu, jws 2
cheung, c 2
cheung, tan to 2
chew, ca 2
chieh, akw 2
chok, sh 2
chowdhury, a 2
chu, skf 2
chui, ahw 2
clavien, pa 2
cui, ty 2
de martin, eleonora 2
de santibañes, e 2
eapen, c 2
egawa, hiroto 2
fung, j 2
garcia vazquez, a 2
halazun, kj 2
hamid, s 2
hessheimer, amelia 2
ho, daniel wai-hung 2
humar, abhinav 2
hung, fni 2
ip, jjk 2
isaac, j 2
iyer, sg 2
jafarian, ali 2
ji, r 2
jia, jd 2
kalisvaart, marit 2
kedarisetty, ck 2
keskin, onur 2
kim, kh 2
kirchner, varvara 2
koh, ps 2
kow, awc 2
kumar, m 2
lam, ko 2
lam, s 2
lang, h 2
lau, g 2
lau, vince wing hang 2
law, ah 2
law, aly 2
lee, jmf 2
lee, joyce man-fong 2
lee, venus wan yan 2
lerut, jan 2
lesmana, l 2
leung, awk 2
linecker, m 2
lo, c 2
lo, g 2
lo, gmyg 2
lo, r 2
lo, rcl 2
lodge, p 2
man, kwan 2
mathur, rp 2
mazzola, alessandra 2
miller, charles 2
mirza, df 2
muiesan, p 2
nasralla, david 2
ng, irene oi-lin 2
ng, k 2
ng, kc 2
olthoff, kim 2
pang, hh 2
payawal, d 2
pomfret, elizabeth 2
poon, ah 2
poon, jtc 2
rammohan, ashwin 2
robles-campos, r 2
sahu, m 2
samuel, d 2
sapisochin, g 2
saraswat, v 2
saraya, a 2
scalera, i 2
sharma, k 2
she, wong hoi 2
sin, s 2
soin, as 2
soubrane, o 2
spiro, m 2
sze, karen man-fong 2
sze, kmf 2
sze, mf 2
tanaka, tomohiro 2
tang, cn 2
tang, vwl 2
tang, yf 2
teerasarntipan, t 2
thanapirom, k 2
tinguely, pascale 2
tong, ch 2
treeprasertsuk, s 2
tsang, shh 2
tsang, simon hing yin 2
tse, hf 2
tsui, yu-man 2
victor, david 2
vinaixa, carmen 2
wang, cc 2
wang, x 2
wong, h 2
wong, l 2
wong, natalie sean man 2
wong, tc 2
wong, tiffany cl 2
xia, w 2
yao, tj 2
yip, vsk 2
yiu, kh 2
yoon, uzung 2
yoon, young in 2
yoshiizumi, t 2
yu, c 2
yu, wc 2
yuen, j 2
yuen, jch 2
abdi, zakee 1
abt, peter 1
adams, megan 1
ahamed, sh 1
ahn, chul soo 1
ai, vhg 1
akamatsu, nobuhisa 1
alam, s 1
alcantara-payawal, d 1
aldrighetti, l 1
ali, a 1
aloia, ta 1
alradhawi, mohammad 1
aluvihare, varuna 1
amarpurkar, d 1
anand, l 1
andacoglu, oya 1
andriani, oc 1
angele, mk 1
angelico, r 1
ardiles, v 1
armstrong, matthew 1
arora, a 1
arora, v 1
arulrajan, sithhipratha 1
ascher, nancy 1
auzinger, georg 1
azoulay, daniel 1
badenoch, adam 1
bajpai, m 1
balci, d 1
barauskas, g 1
barkun, jeffrey 1
barth, rolf 1
bartoszko, justyna 1
battula, n 1
belghiti, jacques 1
berlakovich, gabriela 1
berzigotti, annalisa 1
bezinover, dmitri 1
bhangui, pooja 1
bhardwaj, a 1
bhat, mamatha 1
biancofiore, gianni 1
björnsson, b 1
blakemore, timon 1
blasi, annabel 1
blumberg, emily 1
boehly, jennifer 1
bogan, stephanie 1
borakati, aditya 1
boudjema, k 1
braun, j 1
briggs, tim 1
broering, dieter 1
brombosz, elizabeth 1
brown, robert 1
brustia, raffaele 1
buchholz, bm 1
burra, patrizia 1
busuttil, ronald 1
butt, a 1
cai, j 1
caicedo, juan 1
campos varela, i 1
carpio, g 1
cattral, mark 1
chadha, r 1
chan, acs 1
chan, c 1
chan, daniel tl 1
chan, lo-kong 1
chan, miu yee 1
chan, mmy 1
chan, mp 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sik-kwan 1
chan, sr 1
chan, stephen 1
chan, yh 1
chandel, ss 1
chang, stephen lam 1
chapman, w 1
chapman, wc 1
chau, i 1
chaudhuri, dr 1
chawla, y 1
cheah, yee lee 1
chee, ce 1
chen, chao-long 1
chen, julie yun 1
chen, jy 1
chen, l 1
chen, t 1
chen, w 1
chen, wt 1
cheng, ckk 1
cheng, fwc 1
cheng, hm 1
cheng, ikp 1
cheng, swk 1
cheu, ws 1
cheung, aly 1
cheung, bhh 1
cheung, cw 1
cheung, elaine tin-yan 1
cheung, et 1
cheung, gary cheuk-hang 1
cheung, gc 1
cheung, t 1
cheung, tf 1
cheung, tt 1
chia, nam hung 1
chieh, alfred kow wei 1
chieh, alfred kw 1
chin, weng-yee 1
chin, wy 1
chinnakotla, srinath 1
chiu, a 1
chiu, eyt 1
chiu, kwh 1
chiu, st 1
chiu, wyj 1
choi, hl 1
choi, myo 1
choi, o 1
choi, sw 1
chok, kenneth siu ho 1
chok, ksh 1
chow, fc 1
choy, ch 1
chu, ka-wan 1
chu, kfs 1
chu, kw 1
chung, cd 1
chung, mwy 1
ciria, rubén 1
clary, bm 1
clavien, pierre-alain 1
coenen, m 1
crespo, gonzalo 1
crouch, cara 1
cui, c 1
cui, yt 1
dai, jw 1
dai, w 1
dai, wing-chiu 1
dalla valle, r 1
davidson, brian 1
de aretxabala, x 1
de jonge, jeroen 1
de martin, e 1
de santibañes, martin 1
de souza m fernandes, e 1
dematteo, rp 1
denehy, l 1
denehy, linda 1
deoliveira, ml 1
derosas, c 1
devarbhabi, hc 1
devarbhavi,, h 1
dewolf, andre 1
dharancy, sebastien 1
dhiman, r 1
dhiman, rk 1
di benedetto, f 1
di benedetto, fabrizio 1
dimitrokallis, nikolaos 1
dokmec, ak 1
dominguez, beatriz 1
dong, j 1
dong, jia-hong 1
dor, f 1
du, s 1
dueland, s 1
durand, francois 1
dutkowski, p 1
dutkowski, philipp 1
d’angelica, mi 1
d’haese, jg 1
eason, james 1
easpen, ce 1
edbrooke, l 1
eghtesad, bijan 1
eguchi, susumu 1
eilers, helge 1
el helali, a 1
elnagar, mohamed 1
emamaullee, juliet ann 1
emond, jean 1
enoch, mary anne 1
ettorre, gm 1
evarbhavi, h 1
fan, jkm 1
fan, ka hay 1
fan, ka siu 1
farid, s 1
farrer, giselle 1
fazal karim, md 1
fernandez, thomas 1
findlay, james 1
florman, sander 1
fok, aj 1
fong, john ka shun 1
fong, sy 1
fong, y 1
fong, yk 1
foo, dcc 1
forbes, stuart j. 1
forkin, katherine t. 1
fraser, kyra 1
friend, peter 1
fritche, dominic 1
frola, carlo 1
fung, james 1
fung, jf 1
fung, john 1
fung, jy 1
fung, kkf 1
fung, wcj 1
gallagher, tk 1
gane, e 1
gani, r 1
garcía vázquez, a 1
garg, v 1
geller, david 1
genyk, yuri 1
ghani, shahi abdul 1
ghazinian, h 1
ghobrial, mark 1
giorgio, patricia 1
gitman, marina 1
goldaracena, n 1
goldaracena, nicholas 1
goldaracena, nicolas 1
gorvin, lucy 1
goyal, o 1
grothey, a 1
grover, alexander steen 1
guarrera, james 1
guba, m 1
gupta, s 1
gustar, adrian 1
hagness, m 1
hannon, vivienne 1
hasegawa, kiyoshi 1
healy, pamela 1
heimbach, julie 1
heinrich, s 1
hernandez-alejandro, roberto 1
hessheimer, a 1
hidalgo, camila 1
hillingsø, jens g. 1
ho, chm 1
ho, dw 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, karin ky 1
ho, kl 1
ho, lm 1
ho, p 1
ho, ryan lok man 1
ho, sl 1
hobeika, christian 1
hogan, brian 1
hon, tc 1
hong, jc 1
hong, suk kyun 1
hu, c 1
hu, jh 1
hu, rh 1
hubbard, j 1
huda, fabia ferdousi 1
hui, yuan 1
hung, ifn 1
hung, ivan fan ngai 1
hung, jws 1
husain, abdullah 1
hwang, shin 1
ignatavicius, p 1
ikegami, toru 1
imber, charles 1
imventarza, o 1
imventarza, oscar 1
irwin, mg 1
izzy, manhal 1
jackson, whitney 1
jalal, arif 1
jamwal, k 1
jeilani, lelia 1
ji, j 1
jia, j 1
jia, jid 1
jin, k 1
jindal, a 1
joo, dong j 1
jovine, e 1
kabacam, g 1
kadir, da 1
kai, akl 1
kalal, c 1
kaldas, fady 1
kale, p 1
kalista, kff 1
kalisvaart, m 1
kam, charles shing 1
kam, cs 1
kan, a 1
kan, e 1
kang, kj 1
kang, yoogoo 1
kapoor, d 1
kasahara, mureo 1
kathirvel, manikandan 1
khan, mr 1
khanal, pragalva 1
khanna, r 1
khong, pek-lan 1
kim, dong sik 1
kim, hj 1
kim, jm 1
kim, ki-hun 1
kimpo, ms 1
kirchner, v 1
klair, tarunjeet s. 1
klinck, john 1
klintmalm, goran 1
ko, kl 1
komolmil, p 1
komolmit, p 1
kong, feng ming spring 1
kong, feng-ming 1
kong, feng-ming spring 1
kong, fs 1
kooby, david 1
kostakis, ioannis 1
kotewall, cn 1
kotton, camille 1
kow, a 1
kozono, s 1
krenn, claus 1
kronish, kate 1
krzanicki, dominik 1
kumar, a 1
kumar, knc 1
kumar, s 1
kunzler, f 1
kwan, c 1
kwan, cly 1
kwan, m 1
kwok, ggw 1
kwok, hiu tat 1
kwok, pc 1
kwon, choon hyuck david 1
kwong, a 1
lai, bb 1
lai, jennifer 1
lai, pb 1
laing, rw 1
lam, ahk 1
lam, b 1
lam, bk 1
lam, bky 1
lam, f 1
lam, sk 1
lam, tai pong 1
lam, tc 1
lam, tp 1
lam, walter 1
lam, y 1
lam, ym 1
lang, hhb 1
lata, s 1
lau, cp 1
lau, ll 1
lau, m 1
lau, ppl 1
lau, v 1
lau, wh 1
lau, whv 1
lau, yt 1
lee, ann shing 1
lee, e 1
lee, eva 1
lee, fas 1
lee, francis ann shing 1
lee, henry hy 1
lee, ho fun victor 1
lee, jm 1
lee, kf 1
lee, kh 1
lee, kw 1
lee, kwang woong 1
lee, swm 1
lee, tkw 1
lee, vwy 1
lenti, lorenzo 1
lesmana, cr 1
leung, b 1
leung, ckl 1
leung, gkk 1
leung, kc 1
leung, mwy 1
leung, rcy 1
levan, m 1
levstik, mark 1
li, bcw 1
li, cb 1
li, h 1
li, hf 1
li, j 1
li, p 1
li, pm 1
li, yy 1
liew, belle 1
lim, sg 1
lindsay, martine 1
line, p 1
line, pd 1
liu, h 1
liu, j 1
liu, jh 1
liu, ky 1
liu, linda 1
liu, x 1
liying, sun 1
lo, chung-mau 1
lo, il 1
lo, irene lai-oi 1
lo, osh 1
lo, rcl 1
lo, sh 1
loh, a 1
londoño, maria carlota 1
lu, aj 1
luk, y 1
lurje, georg 1
lópez-ben, s 1
ma, k 1
ma, ka wing 1
ma, ka-wing 1
machado, ma 1
machairas, nikolaos 1
madan, k 1
madhavan, k 1
mahay, arun 1
mahtab, m ai 1
maiwa, r 1
maiwall, m 1
mak, kw 1
mak, lung-yi 1
makhdoom, shahroo 1
malagó, m 1
malik, ashish 1
maluf, daniel 1
mamun-al, m 1
man, n 1
man, nancy kwan 1
man, nancy kwan 1
manser, tanja 1
mas, valeria 1
matins, paulo 1
mayr, andreas 1
mccaughan, geoffrey 1
mccluskey, stuart 1
mccormack, lucas 1
mckenna, gregory 1
menon, k 1
mercado, ma 1
merritt, william 1
mestre-costa, joao 1
midha, v 1
milan, michele mazza 1
milliken, don 1
mina, daniel santa 1
mina, ds 1
ming, vanessa sheung-in 1
mochida, s 1
mohamed, ahmed 1
mohan, pvg 1
monbaliu, diethard 1
montano-loza, aldo 1
montasser, iman 1
moodley, k 1
morare, nolitha 1
morkane, clare 1
mou, jwc 1
mrzljak, anna 1
muiesan, paolo 1
mukhtar, ahmed 1
muller, e 1
muller, elmi 1
munro, annalise 1
muthiah, md 1
nadalin, silvio 1
nagakawa, yuichi 1
nayak, sl 1
neumann, j 1
newsome, philip n. 1
ng, io 1
ng, kk 1
ng, kt 1
ng, kwok chai kelvin 1
ng, kwok sing 1
niemann, claus u. 1
niriella, ma 1
northup, patrick 1
o'farrell, bryan 1
oberkofler, ce 1
olithselvan, a 1
olmos, andrea 1
on behalf of the robothpb consensus group 1
orloff, susan 1
osakabe, h 1
otti, vanessa 1
ozden, ilgin 1
pai, sher lu 1
palli, graciela martinez 1
pan, terry 1
panaro, f 1
pang, hmh 1
pang, li 1
pang, r 1
pang, rw 1
pang, rwc 1
park, ji 1
parotto, matteo 1
pasupuleti, ssr 1
patel, dhupal 1
patel, madhukar s. 1
pawlik, tm 1
peng, sk 1
pericleous, stephanos 1
petrowsky, h 1
petrowsky, henrik 1
pfister, matthias 1
philips, ca 1
pinna, ad 1
pinto-marques, h 1
pirenne, jacques 1
pitchaimuthu, m 1
pittau, gabriella 1
planinsic, raymond 1
pollok, joerg m. 1
pomposelli, james 1
poon, ryc 1
porte, robert 1
potts, jonathan 1
pratschke, s 1
premkumar, m 1
qi, xl 1
qiu, q 1
qiu, s 1
qiu, w 1
quintini, cristiano 1
rahman, suehana 1
rajakumar, akila 1
rajan, v 1
ramirez, alejandro 1
rammohan, a 1
ramsay, michael 1
ramírez, maría amalia matamoros 1
rando, karina 1
rao, pn 1
raptis, da 1
raptis, dimitri a 1
raptis, dimitri a. 1
reddy, ms 1
reichman, trevor 1
reiner, cs 1
ren, jingyun 1
ren, qw 1
reyntjens, koen 1
rizkalla, nicole 1
roberts, john 1
roberts, john p 1
robles campos, r 1
rodríguez, gonzalo 1
roll, garrett 1
rothnie, alex 1
rubman, susan 1
rudow, dianne la pointe 1
ruffolo, luis 1
sahu, mk 1
saigal, s 1
sakhuja, p 1
saliba, faouzi 1
samuel, didier 1
sanabria, j 1
sandal, s 1
sandström, p 1
saraf, n 1
saraswat, va 1
sarin, s 1
satish, pranav 1
scatton, olivier 1
schadde, e 1
schizas, dimitrios 1
schlitt, hj 1
schofield, nick 1
scott, aneya 1
see, christopher 1
see, cyh 1
segev, dl 1
sellers, daniel 1
selzner, markus 1
selzner, n 1
selzner, nazia 1
seto, wai kay walter 1
seto, wai-kay 1
seto, wk 1
settmacher, utz 1
shah, sa 1
shaked, abraham 1
shaker, tamer 1
shaker, tamer mahmoud 1
shalimar, 1
sharma, anika 1
sharma, b 1
sharma, cb 1
shaw, conrad 1
she, b 1
she, bw 1
she, wong-hoi 1
shetty, amol 1
shi, gm 1
shing, k 1
shiu, hc 1
shresta, a 1
shukla, a 1
sin, sui ling 1
sin, sui-ling 1
sin, wai ching 1
sin, wc 1
singh, v 1
siriwardana, r 1
siriwardana, rc 1
so, ect 1
soejima, yuji 1
soh, sy 1
soin, a 1
soin, arvinder s 1
soin, arvinder singh 1
sollano, jd 1
song, ds 1
song, gi won 1
sood, v 1
soubrane, olivier 1
srivastava, a 1
staubli, sebastian 1
stojanovic, m 1
sucandy, iswanto 1
sudhir, s 1
suen, kh 1
suh, kyung suk 1
tai, ks 1
takishita, c 1
tam, hsc 1
tamir, noam 1
tanabe, kk 1
tanaka, a 1
tanaka, t 1
tanaka, y 1
tandon, p 1
tandon, puneeta 1
taneja, s 1
tang, chung-ngai 1
tang, v 1
tang, victor wai-lun 1
testa, giulano 1
testa, giuliano 1
thapa, br 1
tian, lu 1
ting, acw 1
tiu, r 1
tiu, tmrj 1
tokat, yaman 1
tong, a 1
tong, dkh 1
torres, oj 1
torres, ojm 1
torzilli, g 1
toso, c 1
towey, jennifer 1
troisi, roberto ivan 1
trunecka, p 1
tsang, dsf 1
tsang, f 1
tsang, hh 1
tsang, joyce pui yan 1
tsang, jpy 1
tsang, s 1
tsao, gsw 1
tschuor, christoph 1
tsui, mh 1
tsung, allan 1
tung, h 1
turner, benedict r h 1
vailas, michail 1
van der laan, luc j.w. 1
van gulik, t 1
vardhanabhuti, v 1
vauthey, jn 1
victor, d 1
vij, v 1
vij, vivek 1
villamil, federico 1
vinaixa, c 1
vohra, vijay 1
vyas, t 1
wadhawan, m 1
wagener, gebhard 1
walsh, r matthew 1
wan, wsc 1
wang, chih-chi 1
wang, z 1
wei, xiaojuan 1
weiss, emmanuel 1
wells, gemma 1
weniger, m 1
werner, j 1
wey, emmanuel 1
win, lm 1
wong, a 1
wong, ac 1
wong, ast 1
wong, carmen chak-lui 1
wong, cm 1
wong, cy 1
wong, cyk 1
wong, ecy 1
wong, emh 1
wong, fcs 1
wong, j 1
wong, k 1
wong, khc 1
wong, lc 1
wong, nsm 1
wong, pc 1
wong, s 1
wong, ssc 1
wong, t 1
wong, tc 1
wong, tt 1
wray, christopher 1
wu, c 1
wu, mz 1
wu, t 1
xia, victor 1
xue, y 1
yachha, sk 1
yagi, shintaro 1
yan, cheung tsz 1
yang, jm 1
yang, s 1
yang, x 1
yang, xx 1
yeung, csy 1
yeung, cynthia sin yu 1
yeung, esl 1
yeung, f 1
yeung, oscar 1
yeung, ow 1
yeung, r 1
yeung, rmw 1
yeung, vanessa ting yan 1
yi, nam j 1
yip, winnie wing ling 1
yiu, mk 1
yokosuka, q 1
yong, bh 1
yong, wp 1
yoon, yi 1
yoshizumi, t 1
yu, h 1
yu, yj 1
yuen, man-fung 1
zachiotis, marinos 1
zanetto, alberto 1
zeng, zc 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, qingyang 1
zhang, vanilla xin 1
zhang, vx 1
zhen, z 1
zhou, j 1
zhou, l 1
zuo, s 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hepatocellular carcinoma 55
liver transplantation 36
medical sciences 28
hepatectomy 22
gastroenterology 19
surgery 17
adult 16
cirrhosis 16
gastroenterology medical sciences 16
liver resection 16
recurrence 16
survival 16
liver transplant 15
next-generation sequencing 15
transarterial chemoembolization 15
outcomes 14
sorafenib 14
child-pugh a 13
hcc 13
liver failure 13
portal vein 13
blood transfusion 12
acute flare 11
cancer staging 11
cancer survival 11
decompensation 11
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) 11
high-intensity focused ultrasound 11
liver cancer 11
meld 11
ablation 10
alpps 10
bridging therapy 10
living donor 10
molecular biology 10
molecular pathology 10
morbidity 10
new technology 10
signaling 10
11c-acetate 9
cancer invasion 9
contrast ct 9
endocrinology 9
hifu 9
laparoscopic liver resection 9
living donor liver transplantation 9
milan criteria 9
mortality 9
non-invasive treatment 9
pet/ct 9
resection 9
survival analysis 9
acetic acid c 11 8
advanced cancer 8
advanced hcc 8
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma 8
adverse events 8
aged 8
antiviral agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 8
bile ducts - surgery 8
cadaver donor 8
cancer recurrence 8
cancer stem cells 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery - virology 8
cardiac function 8
child-pugh b 8
colorectal cancer 8
deceased donor liver transplantation 8
disease severity 8
elderly 8
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 8
gene mutation 8
gist 8
guanine - adverse effects - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 8
hepatectomy - methods 8
hepatitis b 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis - drug therapy - surgery 8
immunotherapy 8
liver cirrhosis - surgery - virology 8
liver disease 8
liver metastasis 8
liver neoplasms - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
prevention 8
rsk2 8
seroconversion (sc) 8
stereotactic body radiation therapy 8
thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 8
tki 8
tyrosine-kinase inhibitor 8
unresectable 8
waiting list 8
abdominal abscess 7
abdominal bleeding 7
abdominal surgery 7
adjuvant therapy 7
biliary anastomotic stricture 7
body mass index 7
cap 7
cardiac surgery 7
complication 7
cytology and histology 7
de novo hbv 7
de novo hepatocellular carcinoma 7
domino liver transplant 7
entecavir 7
experience 7
extended criteria organ 7
general surgery 7
glycolysis 7
graft-to-recipient weight ratio 7
head of pancreas 7
hepatitis b infection 7
hepatitis b vaccination 7
hypoxia 7
icc 7
indocyanine green clearance 7
laparoscopy 7
laparoscopy - statistics and numerical data 7
limon 7
liver biopsy 7
liver cirrhosis 7
living donor liver transplant 7
long-term outcome 7
long-term survival 7
mafld 7
medicine & public health 7
metabolic syndrome 7
model for end-stage liver disease 7
nafld 7
oncology medical sciences 7
pediatric 7
pfkfb 7
portal vein resection 7
prognosis 7
ptbd 7
pulse spectrophotometry 7
radiofrequency ablation 7
radiology and nuclear medicine pharmacy and pharmacology biology 7
recurrent hcc 7
retransplantation 7
right liver graft 7
right-lobe 7
small-for-size syndrome 7
survival outcomes 7
thoracic surgery 7
transthyretin 7
val30ala 7
vascular surgery 7
vcte 7
whipple operation 7
acute pancreatitis 6
acute-on-chronic liver failure 6
adverse outcome 6
aged, 80 and over 6
anastomosis, surgical 6
antiviral therapy 6
bile leak 6
biliary complications 6
biliary reconstruction 6
biliary stricture 6
breast cancer 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - therapy 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery 6
case-matched study 6
cdk1 inhibitor 6
cholangiocarcinoma 6
cholangiograms 6
cholestasis - etiology 6
close resection margin 6
colorectal liver metastasis 6
complex liver resection 6
controlled study 6
cytokines 6
deceased-donor liver transplantation 6
desmosplastic reaction 6
diagnostic imaging 6
donor hepatectomy 6
duct-to-duct anastomosis 6
ductal anomaly 6
en-bloc resection 6
end-stage liver disease 6
endoscopic retrograde cholangiography 6
endoscopic treatment 6
erc 6
family history 6
graft 6
graft survival 6
graft-weight-to-recipient-weight ratio 6
hepaticojejunostomy 6
hepatoblastoma 6
hepatocellullar carconoma 6
hepatocholangiocarcinoma 6
hepatopancreatoduodenectomy 6
inflammation 6
inflow 6
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 6
invasion 6
keywords 6
laparoscopic resection 6
ldlt 6
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - therapy 6
liver neoplasms - surgery 6
liver resection (lr) 6
liver stiffness 6
liver transplantation (lt) 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects 6
living 6
living donors 6
living-donor liver transplantation 6
metastases 6
modulation 6
neoplasm recurrence, local - surgery 6
nomogram 6
outcome 6
pdx models 6
pediatric donor 6
post-lt surveillance 6
post-transplant recurrence 6
prediction 6
predictive model 6
radiofrequency ablation (rfa) 6
right liver donation 6
right-liver 6
risk factor 6
ro3306 6
simultaneous resection 6
size 6
small-for-size grafts 6
stage resection 6
standard 6
stereotactic body radiotherapy 6
synchronous colorectal liver metastasis 6
systemic therapy 6
tricuspid annuloplasty 6
tumor recurrence 6
tumour thrombus 6
adefovir 5
adjuvant chemotherapy 5
alpha-fetoprotein (afp) 5
angioplasty - methods 5
anterior approach 5
antitubercular agents - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 5
aspartate aminotransferase 5
augmented reality 5
biliary obstruction 5
blunt trauma 5
cancer stem cell 5
chemosensitization 5
complications 5
cyclin d1 5
deceased-donor liver re-transplantation 5
dose-response relationship, drug 5
double bypass 5
dual portal vein 5
graft failure 5
hepatic artery thrombosis 5
hepatic malignancy 5
hepatitis b virus 5
laparoscopic hepatectomy 5
live donor liver transplantation 5
liver laceration 5
liver remnant 5
liver transplantation - methods 5
liver trauma 5
living-donor liver re-transplantation 5
macrophage polarization 5
malignancy 5
meta-analysis 5
metal stent 5
multiple injuries 5
non-operative management 5
oncological outcomes 5
opportunistic infections - prevention and control 5
pancreatic cancer 5
pancreaticoduodenectomy 5
pancreaticojejunostomy 5
pancreatoduodenectomy 5
pancreatogastrostomy 5
paraganglioma 5
penetrative trauma 5
portal vein - anatomy and histology - surgery 5
portal vein reconstruction 5
post-hepatectomy 5
post-operative complication 5
predicting scoring system 5
pretreatment extent of disease 5
relapse 5
remnant 5
risk stratification 5
single-cell rna sequencing 5
smad inhibitor 5
smad2/3/smad4 5
surveillance 5
tissue and organ harvesting - methods 5
tuberculosis 5
tuberculosis - diagnosis - drug therapy - transmission 5
tumor heterogeneity 5
vaccination 5
alpha-fetoprotein 4
antibody-mediated rejection 4
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy 4
bilirubin level 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - therapy 4
catheter ablation - methods 4
checkpoint inhibitor 4
chemotherapy 4
cholangiocarcinoma - pathology - surgery 4
cholesterol 4
combined hcc-cc 4
complex liver surgery 4
disease-free survival 4
dyslipidemia 4
ercp 4
fasting glucose 4
grafts 4
hepatectomy - statistics and numerical data 4
hepatitis 4
hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery 4
hilar cholangiocarcinoma 4
icg 4
kidney transplantation 4
left lobe graft 4
lipoprotein 4
liver neoplasms - mortality - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - therapy 4
mixed tumor, malignant - pathology - surgery 4
orthotopic liver transplantation 4
preoperative biliary drainage 4
radiosurgery 4
right lobe 4
right lobe graft 4
small for size liver graft 4
stereotactic ablative radiation therapy 4
stereotactic radiation therapy 4
survivor 4
technique 4
transplants 4
triglyceride 4
vascular reconstruction 4
vascular resection 4
aclf 3
adenocarcinoma - mortality - pathology - surgery 3
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for stage hepatectomy 3
cancer 3
colectomy - methods 3
colorectal neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery 3
compensatory sweating 3
conversion 3
hepatic resection 3
hepatitis b immune globulin 3
immunoglobulin 3
in-situ split 3
inferior vena cava 3
intensity 3
laparoscopic colectomy 3
laparotomy - statistics and numerical data 3
leiomyosarcoma 3
non-colorectal liver metastasis 3
primary hyperhidrosis 3
resection margin 3
soft tissue sarcoma 3
tenofovir 3
thoracoscopic sympathectomy 3
vena caval tumor 3
acute kidney injury 2
acute liver failure and scute liver failure 2
acute on chronic liver failure 2
anamnesis 2
anatomic landmark 2
anatomic liver resection 2
antineoplastic agents 2
ascites 2
blood clotting 2
case report 2
chronic hepatitis b 2
chronic liver disease 2
colectomy 2
colorectal neoplasms 2
cytoreductive surgical procedures 2
golden window 2
indocyanine green (icg) clearance 2
liver anatomy 2
liver function reserve 2
liver metastases 2
liver neoplasms 2
liver neoplasms/secondary 2
liver neoplasms/surgery 2
magnetic resonance imaging 2
minimally invasive liver surgery 2
multiple organ failure 2
neuroendocrine tumor 2
neuroendocrine tumors/therapy 2
perintoneal neoplasms 2
piro 2
portal vein embolization 2
radiomics 2
sirs 2
surgical resection 2
trans-arterial chemoembolization 2
acrylic resins - adverse effects 1
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged heaptectomy 1
associating liver partition with portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy 1
biopsy, fine-needle 1
breast 1
breast diseases - etiology - pathology 1
colorectal liver metastases 1
covid-19 1
cytology 1
endosonography 1
equipoise 1
ethics 1
expanding donor pool 1
expert liver surgeons 1
extended surgery 1
gallbladder cancer 1
high model for end-stage liver disease 1
laparoscopic major hepatectomy 1
mammaplasty - adverse effects - methods 1
mammoplasty 1
minimally invasive donor surgery 1
minimally invasive liver resection 1
pancreatic neoplasms 1
pancreatic pseudocyst 1
patient selection 1
polyacrylamide gel 1
review 1
robotic liver surgery 1
surgical outcomes 1
technical modifications 1
two-stage hepatectomy 1
variability of treatment strategies 1
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