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Name Card
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Professor Leung, George Pak Heng 梁栢行

Head, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Associate Professor

Teaching List, Current
2020 S2BPHM21422APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2020 S2MMPH61722CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2023 S1BPHM41481APharmacotherapy of Special Populations
2023 S1PHAR33661AClinical Pharmacology
2023 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2023 S2BBMS40052ABiopharmaceutical Research and Development
2023 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2021 S1PHAR33661AClinical Pharmacology
2021 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2022 S2BPHM11222AIntroduction to Pharmacy
2022 S2BPHM11322ADrug Discovery
2024 S2MMPH61722AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2024 S2PHAR62032AVascular biology and therapeutics
2023 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2023 S2BPHM11322ADrug Discovery
2023 S2MMPH61722CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2023 S1MAPH73101APrinciples of Drug Actions
2023 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2021 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2021 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2021 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2021 S2MMPH61722AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2021 S2PHAR62032AVascular biology and therapeutics
2022 S2BPHM21422APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2023 S2BPHM11222AIntroduction to Pharmacy
2023 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
2020 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
2023 S2NURS75072AMicrobiology and Pharmacology for Nursing Practice
2021 S2NURS75072AMicrobiology and Pharmacology for Nursing Practice
2020 S1BPHM21421APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2020 S1BPHM31431APharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy III
2021 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
2019 S1BPHM21411APharmacy in Body System Series - Respiratory System
2019 S1BPHM31431APharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy III
2019 S1BPHM41481AClinical Pharmacy
2021 S1BPHM21421APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2021 S1BPHM31441APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Endocrinology
2023 S2MMPH61722AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2023 S2PHAR62032AVascular biology and therapeutics
2019 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2019 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
2019 S1MMPH61721AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2019 S1MMPH61721CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2019 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2019 S1PHAR33341AClinical Pharmacology for Nurses
2019 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2019 S1PHAR62031AVascular biology and therapeutics
2019 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2019 S2BPHM21422APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2022 S2MMPH61722CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2022 S2NURS75072AMicrobiology and Pharmacology for Nursing Practice
2019 S2BPHM11222AIntroduction to Pharmacy
2019 S2BPHM31462AAdvanced Pharmacology
2020 S1BPHM21411APharmacy in Body System Series - Respiratory System
2018 S1BPHM21411APharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy I
2018 S1BPHM31431APharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy III
2018 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2018 S1PHAR6200FACurrent Development in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics
2018 S1PHAR62031AVascular biology and therapeutics
2018 S2PHAR6200FACurrent Development in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics
2020 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2020 S1PHAR33341AClinical Pharmacology for Nurses
2020 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2020 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2018 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2020 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2018 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2018 S1PHAR33341AClinical Pharmacology for Nurses
2018 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2018 S2BBMS30142AAdvanced Pharmacology
2018 S1MMPH61721AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2018 S2BPHM21422APharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy II
2023 S1BPHM11201AEssential Skills for Pharmacy Students
2023 S1BPHM21421APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2023 S1BPHM31441APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Endocrinology
2018 S1MMPH61721CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2021 S2MMPH61722CAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2020 S2MMPH61722AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2020 S2PHAR62032AVascular biology and therapeutics
2018 S2BPHM31462AAdvanced Pharmacology
2020 S2BPHM11222AIntroduction to Pharmacy
2020 S2BPHM11322ADrug Discovery
2020 S2BPHM31462APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
2020 S2BPHM41252APharmacy Practice IV
2021 S2BPHM11222AIntroduction to Pharmacy
2021 S2BPHM11322ADrug Discovery
2021 S2BPHM41252APharmacy Practice IV
2022 S1PHAR33661AClinical Pharmacology
2022 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2022 S1MAPH73101APrinciples of Drug Actions
2022 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2022 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2022 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2022 S2MMPH61722AAdvances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
2022 S2PHAR62032AVascular biology and therapeutics
2022 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
2022 S1BPHM21421APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Gastrointestinal System, Drug Kinetics and Toxicities
2022 S1BPHM31441APharmacy in Body Systems Series: Endocrinology
2022 S1BPHM41481APharmacotherapy of Special Populations
2023 S2BPHM41422AMolecular Pharmacology
2024 S1PHAR33661AClinical Pharmacology
2024 S1PHAR46121AClinical Pharmacology
2024 S1BPHM21411APharmacy in Body System Series - Respiratory System
2024 S1MAPH73101APrinciples of Drug Actions
2024 S1MMPH61271APrinciples of Drug Action
2024 S1PHAR61001APrinciples of Drug Action
2024 S2BBMS20052ABiomedical Pharmacology
2024 S1MMPH61271CPrinciples of Drug Action
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
An investigation into the anticancer effects and mechanism of action of Garcinone E on colorectal cancerPharmacology/Traditional Chinese Medicine2017 Phd
Li Renkai
Roles of prostaglandin E2 receptors and chloride channels in epoxyeicosatrienoic acids-induced relaxation in rat mesenteric arteriesVascular Pharmacology2006 Phd
Yang Cui
Drug Delivery and Translational Research2024 Phd
Fu Minqi
Oleanolic Acid Delivery using Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Cancer TherapyDrug delivery by microcapsule2012 MPhil
Man Kwun Wai Dede
The Role of Intracellular Ca2+ Channels in Airway Remodeling of an Asthmatic Mouse ModelCalcium signaling and disease pathogenesis2014 Phd
Hung Chun Hin
Effects of antiretroviral drugs on the vascular systemPharmacology in Vascular Biology2011 MPhil
Lo Carman
Modulation of vascular contraction by testosterone in porcine coronary arteryCardiovascular Pharmacology2005 MPhil
Chan Pik Shan
Modulation of Vascular Function by Genistein through cAMP-PKA Signaling Cascade in Porcine Coronary ArteryPharmacology2004 MPhil
Ng Wai Hung William
The Impact of the MicroRNA-17-3p on the Vascular Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ProteinVascular Biology2018 MPhil
Ren Wanying
Development of non-viral vectors for DNA delivery using chitosan, pH responsive peptides and nuclear localization signalsPharmacy2012 Phd
Xu Yingying
Study of the effects of FPMINT on human equilibrative nucleoside transporters and cell growthPharmacology of Nucleoside Transporters and Drug Transporters in Cardiovascular System2014 MPhil
Tang Chiu Tsun Philip
Potential protective effect of ergothioneine on endothelial functionVascular Biology2009 MPhil
Sit Sai Man
Pharmacological control of human nucleoside transporters in endothelial and cancer cells by emodinVascular Biology2010 MPhil
Lin Yuen Ting
Mechanism of action of Xinmailong, a proprietary Chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic heart failureCell biology and Pharmacology2012 MPhil
Cheung Chun
Formulation of nucleic acid with pH-responsive amphipathic peptides for pulmonary deliveryPharmaceutics2010 Phd
Liang Wanling
Control of adenosine in human umbilical vein endothelial cells during inflammationTraditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs2005 MPhil
Li Wai Sum Rachel
Effects of abacavir on cardiovascular systemCardiovascular Biology2007 Phd
Li Wai Sum Rachel
A study of tissue plasminogen activator in blood vessels: expression, regulation and vasorelaxing effectChinese Medicine/Vascular Biology2007 MPhil
Leung Chim Yan Idy
A Study of the Expression of NF-κB in Central Nervous System of Rats with Neuropathic PainChronic Pain: Molecular Mechanism2006 Phd
Chou Chiu Wen
Prostaglandin E Receptor Subtype 4: A Metabolic Player in White Adipose Tissue Remodeling and Cholesterol HomeostasisCardiovascular & Metabolic Research2013 Phd
Ying Fan
The Ligand Binding Properties and Non-genomic Signaling Mechanisms of Membrane Receptors for Estrogen and PhytoestrogensCardiovascular Pharmacology2007 Phd
Lin Hoi Yan Amanda
Prostaglandin E receptor subtype 4 and Repressor activator protein 1: Independent Multifaceted Metabolic PlayersCardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Research2010 Phd
Cai Yin
Characterization of Two-Pore Channel 2 by Nuclear Membrane ElectrophysiologyCellular and Molecular Physiology2012 Phd
Lee Shuk Kwan
Drug Delivery and Translational Research2023 Phd
Wang Qiyun
Cardiovascular Pharmacology2023 Phd
Liu Yiyang
Drug Delivery2022 Phd
Zhang Xinyue
Study of FPMINT derivative acting on human equilibrative nucleoside transportersPharmacology2018 MPhil
Mak Wing Shum Winston
Matrix metalloproteinase 7 deficiency acts as a protective effect against vascular dysfunction during atherosclerosis Cardiovascular pharmacology2019 Phd
Kong Li
Development of anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic agents from natural products for the treatment of cancerRegulation of Ion Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Endothelial Cells2015 Phd
Li Jingjing
Skin inflammation2023 Phd
Shiu Ho Ting
Drug delivery2021 Phd
Chan Ho Wan
Investigation of efficacy and mechanisms of pro-apoptotic natural products for colon cancer treatmentNatural compound and cancer2021 Phd
Zheng Chengwen
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2013-11-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2007-11-012010-10-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2023-10-01Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2020-10-202023-09-30Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2017-10-012020-09-30Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2010-11-012013-10-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
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