School of Humanities (Philosophy)

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School of Humanities (Philosophy)
    in the Faculty of:
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2020 S1PHIL4920FASenior thesis (capstone experience)
2020 S2CCCH90252AHumanity and Nature in Chinese Thought
Hansen, Chad
2018 S1CCHU90051AFood and Values
2019 S2PHIL21002AParadoxes of decision
2023 S1PHIL70021AEthics: AI, Data and Algorithms
2022 S1PHIL21001AParadoxes of decision
2019 S2PHIL24352ATraditional Chinese political thought
2021 S1CCHU90051AFood and Values
2021 S1PHIL20021AEarly modern philosophy
2021 S1PHIL4920FASenior thesis (capstone experience)
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