School of Chinese Medicine

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School of Chinese Medicine  
    in the Faculty of:
3917 6498 / 3917 6487
2872 5476
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3917 6482
RP - Teaching List, Current
2023 S2BCHM46992AChinese Medicine and Nursing
Yau, Chuen Heung
2018 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Hao, Dongfang
Sun, Shuxia
2019 S2BCHM26032AChinese Medicine Prescriptions
Yau, Chuen Heung
2023 S8BCHM1604SAChinese Medicine Clinical Attachment I
2022 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Hao, Dongfang
Sun, Shuxia
2018 S2BCHM56062APaediatrics of Chinese Medicine
Shi, Jun
2019 S2BCHM3602FAChinese Internal Medicine
Gao, Xuequan
Luo, Yi
Shi, Jun
Tsang, Ching Man
2018 S1BCHM26011AChinese Materia Medica
2018 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China
2018 S1MCHM61021ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
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