Faculty of Social Sciences

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General Information
Faculty of Social Sciences  
3917 1234 / 3917 1235
2517 0806
Key People
3917 1201

Associate Dean
3917 7439

Associate Dean
3917 7023

Associate Dean
3917 4375

Faculty Secretary
Mr Fan, TYH
3917 1202
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2022 S2CCGL90682AXSocial Entrepreneurship for Social Impact
Burnett, Margaret Julia
Chu, Ho Yee
2018 S2POLI31192ACauses of international war
2019 S1POLI60451AThe politics of global inequality
2023 S1PSYC80071AApplied developmental psychology
2022 S1SOWK63041P2Human behaviour and the social environment II
2018 S1POLI41091DCapstone experience: directed project in politics and public administration
2022 S2GEOG34032AExploring Korean cities and urban planning through K-movies and dramas
2022 S2CCGL90212AGlobalization and Tourism
2023 S1SOWK7007FASocial work and applied social science research methods: theory and applications
2020 S2POLI60292AWar and armed conflict: philosophical issues
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