Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
I am interested in Astrobiology, which concerns the origin, evolution and the future of life on Earth and elsewhere. On the timeline of 13.7-billion-year evolution of the Universe, Earth is the only known planet that has a 4-billion-year record of life. My recent research projects are focused on mineral records of the important evolutionary transitions of life in Precambrian: I. The earliest interactions between the proto-atmosphere and the ultramafic rocky crust; II. The high-resolution morphology of the earliest sedimentary rocks from Isua, Greenland; III. The mineral ecophysiology of the early oxygenic photosynthesis; IV. The phosphatization mechanism of the early proto-metazoan.
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
Professor Li, Yiliang 李一良
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