Name Card
rp00401 picture

Professor Ip, Wing Yuk 葉永玉

Clinical Asso Prof of Practice
Associate Professor
Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Practice

Contact Information
rp00401 picture

Professor Ip, Wing Yuk 葉永玉

Clinical Asso Prof of Practice
Associate Professor
Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Practice

Also Cited As:
IP, Wing-Yuk, Josephine

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
1999-09-01Juvenile chronic arthritis in chinese Children. a single center 10-year experience, Best Paper Award: The Hong Kong Paediatric Society Annual Scientific Meeting
Wong, PWL
2001-06-01Study of biodegradable rods in rabbit long bone model, Best Paper Award: Cell and Biomaterial Meeting
Research Achievement
1997-11-01Vascularised bone graft based on the anterior tibial vessels, Best Paper Award: Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress
Fung, BKK
2013-09-01Best Paper: Prognostic Factors of Mycobacterium Marinum Infection of the Hand and Wrist: 23rd Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand
Research Achievement
1999-03-01Clinical study of comminuted fractures at shaft of proximal phalanx, Best Paper Award: The 2nd congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand
1997-11-01Biomechanical properties of the thin skin flap after administered by bFGF, Best Paper Award: Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
Research Achievement
1996-02-01Fracture fixation in digital revascularization and replantation, Best paper of the symposium: The 12th Symposium of the International Society of Reconstructive Mircosurgery 1996
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2004 to 2006PresidentHong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand
2012-2014PresidentHong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand
2010-2013Council MemberThe Hong Kong Medical Association
to presentInternational MemberAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic Suegery
Jan 2008 to presentSpecialty ConvenerHong Kong Women Doctors Association
2008-2011Specialty ConvenorHong Kong Women Doctors Association
2007 to 2008Co-chairperson4th Asia Pacific Diabetic Limbs problems conference
to presentInternational MemberAmerican Society for Surgery of the Hand
April 2008- June 2010Founding PresidentHong Kong Society for Diabetic Limb Care
2009-2012Committe MemberChina Peripheral Nerve Reconstrction Committee
2007 to 20082008 Congress secretariatAsia Pacific Federation of Surgery of the Hand
2006-2009Committee MemberSociety of Hand Surgery of Mainland China
to presentMemberAsia Pacific Orthopaedic Assocation
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