Professor Wang, Min 王敏
- Composite materials
- Materials/systems for controlled release of drugs/biomolecules
- Surface engineering
- Nanotechnology
- Biomechanics
- In vitro and in vivo evaluation of biomaterials
- Biomedical materials (in various forms: single phase or composite, dense or porous, bulk or coating, particulate or fibrous, single crystals)
- Engineering ceramics
- Processing, structural characterisation and mechanical testing of materials (ceramic, metals, polymers, and composites).
- Tissue engineering
Prof. Min Wang was awarded BSc in Materials Science and Engineering by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1985. He obtained his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of London in 1991. He is a Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). He is a fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK. Prof. Wang conducted research and teaching in universities in the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong before he joined the University of Hong Kong in 2003.
Over the years, Prof. Wang and his co-workers have investigated and developed various Biomaterials for medical applications. He has published a large number of technical papers for his research work. He has given many invited talks at various international and national conferences. He serves in the Editorial Board of several leading international journals and also reviews submissions for many other journals. He has provided consultancy on Biomaterials and biomedical engineering to multinational companies. Prof. Wang has been active in organising international conferences on materials and Biomaterials. Prof. Wang lectures on materials science and engineering, Biomaterials and tissue engineering, biomechanics, and biomedical engineering in courses for undergraduates, graduates and clinicians.
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