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Professor Chan, Shing Chow 陳成就

Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Also Cited As:
Chan, Shing-chow
Chan, SC

Professional Qualifications

S. C. Chan received his B.Sc (Eng) and Ph.D degrees from the University of Hong Kong in 1986 and 1992, respectively. He joined City Polytechnic of Hong Kong at 1990 as an assistant Lecturer and later as a University Lecturer. Since 1994, he has been with the department of electrical and electronic engineering, the University of Hong Kong, and is now a Professor. He held visiting positions in Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA, Microsoft Research Asia, University of Texas at Arlington, and Nanyang Technological University.

Prof. Chan’s main research area is signal processing and applications. His previous research covers fast transform algorithms, filter design and realization, multirate and array signal processing, adaptive and communications signal processing, data compression and image-based rendering, high-speed signal converters, biomedical signal processing and bioinformatics. His research sponsors include the HK Research Grant Council (RGC) and the innovative technology fund (ITF) of HK.

Prof. Chan has served in a number of professional and administrative committees. He is currently a member of the Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Associate Editors for IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I and Journal of Signal Processing systems, and was the Chairman of the IEEE HK Chapter of Signal Processing. He was the special session chairman of ICASSP2003 and is an organizing committee member of the IEEE 2010 ICIP.

Prof. Chan has published more than 200 journal and conference articles and is the co-author of a book: image-based rendering by Springer, 2006.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
Professional Societies
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