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Article: Rotational perturbations of high density matter in the brane cosmology

TitleRotational perturbations of high density matter in the brane cosmology
KeywordsCosmological Perturbation Theory
Cosmology With Extra Dimensions
Extra Dimensions
Issue Date2003
PublisherInstitute of Physics Publishing. The Journal's web site is located at
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2003 n. 11, p. 59-78 How to Cite?
AbstractWe consider the evolution of small rotational perturbations, with azimuthal symmetry, of the brane-world cosmological models. The equations describing the temporal, radial and angular dependence of the perturbations are derived by taking into account the effects of both scalar and tensor parts of the dark energy term on the brane. The time decay of the initial rotation is investigated for several types of equation of state of the ultra-high density cosmological matter. For an expanding Universe, rotation always decays in the case of the perfect dragging, for which the angular velocity of the matter on the brane equals the rotation metric tensor. For non-perfect dragging, the behaviour of the rotation is strongly equation of state dependent. For some classes of dense matter, like the stiff causal or the Chaplygin gas, the angular velocity of the matter on the brane is an increasing function of time. For other types of the ultra-dense matter, such as the Hagedorn fluid, rotation is smoothed out by the expansion of the Universe. Therefore the study of dynamics of rotational perturbations of brane-world models, as well as in general relativity, could provide some insights on the physical properties and equation of state of the cosmological fluid filling the very early Universe. " 2003 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Persistent Identifier
2023 Impact Factor: 5.3
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 0.932


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorChen, C-Men_HK
dc.contributor.authorHarko, Ten_HK
dc.contributor.authorKao, WFen_HK
dc.contributor.authorMak, MKen_HK
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2003 n. 11, p. 59-78en_HK
dc.description.abstractWe consider the evolution of small rotational perturbations, with azimuthal symmetry, of the brane-world cosmological models. The equations describing the temporal, radial and angular dependence of the perturbations are derived by taking into account the effects of both scalar and tensor parts of the dark energy term on the brane. The time decay of the initial rotation is investigated for several types of equation of state of the ultra-high density cosmological matter. For an expanding Universe, rotation always decays in the case of the perfect dragging, for which the angular velocity of the matter on the brane equals the rotation metric tensor. For non-perfect dragging, the behaviour of the rotation is strongly equation of state dependent. For some classes of dense matter, like the stiff causal or the Chaplygin gas, the angular velocity of the matter on the brane is an increasing function of time. For other types of the ultra-dense matter, such as the Hagedorn fluid, rotation is smoothed out by the expansion of the Universe. Therefore the study of dynamics of rotational perturbations of brane-world models, as well as in general relativity, could provide some insights on the physical properties and equation of state of the cosmological fluid filling the very early Universe. " 2003 IOP Publishing Ltd.en_HK
dc.publisherInstitute of Physics Publishing. The Journal's web site is located at
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physicsen_HK
dc.subjectCosmological Perturbation Theoryen_HK
dc.subjectCosmology With Extra Dimensionsen_HK
dc.subjectExtra Dimensionsen_HK
dc.titleRotational perturbations of high density matter in the brane cosmologyen_HK
dc.identifier.emailHarko, TC:harko@hkucc.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.authorityHarko, TC=rp1333en_HK

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