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Article: Three Indonesian clusters of H5N1 virus infection in 2005

TitleThree Indonesian clusters of H5N1 virus infection in 2005
Issue Date2006
PublisherMassachusetts Medical Society. The Journal's web site is located at
New England Journal of Medicine, 2006, v. 355 n. 21, p. 2186-2194 How to Cite?
AbstractBackground: Since 2003, the widespread ongoing epizootic of avian influenza A (H5N1) among poultry and birds has resulted in human H5N1 cases in 10 countries. The first case of H5N1 virus infection in Indonesia was identified in July 2005. Methods: We investigated three clusters of Indonesian cases with at least two ill persons hospitalized with laboratory evidence of H5N1 virus infection from June through October 2005. Epidemiologic, clinical, and virologic data on these patients were collected and analyzed. Results: Severe disease occurred among all three clusters, including deaths in two clusters. Mild illness in children was documented in two clusters. The median age of the eight patients was 8.5 years (range, 1 to 38). Four patients required mechanical ventilation, and four of the eight patients (50%) died. In each cluster, patients with H5N1 virus infection were members of the same family, and most lived in the same home. In two clusters, the source of H5N1 virus infection in the index patient was not determined. Virus isolates were available for one patient in each of two clusters, and molecular sequence analyses determined that the isolates were clade 2 H5N1 viruses of avian origin. Conclusions: In 2005 in Indonesia, clusters of human infection with clade 2 H5N1 viruses included mild, severe, and fatal cases among family members. Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.
DescriptionCorrespondence and correction has been published at N Engl J Med 2007; 356:1375-1377. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc063637
Persistent Identifier
2023 Impact Factor: 96.2
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 20.544
ISI Accession Number ID


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorKandun, INen_HK
dc.contributor.authorWibisono, Hen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSedyaningsih, ERen_HK
dc.contributor.authorHadisoedarsuno, Wen_HK
dc.contributor.authorPurba, Wen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Hen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSeptiawati, Cen_HK
dc.contributor.authorTresnaningsih, Een_HK
dc.contributor.authorHeriyanto, Ben_HK
dc.contributor.authorYuwono, Den_HK
dc.contributor.authorHarun, Sen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSoeroso, Sen_HK
dc.contributor.authorGiriputra, Sen_HK
dc.contributor.authorBlair, PJen_HK
dc.contributor.authorJeremijenko, Aen_HK
dc.contributor.authorKosasih, Hen_HK
dc.contributor.authorPutnam, SDen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSamaan, Gen_HK
dc.contributor.authorSilitonga, Men_HK
dc.contributor.authorChan, KHen_HK
dc.contributor.authorPoon, LLMen_HK
dc.contributor.authorLim, Wen_HK
dc.contributor.authorKlimov, Aen_HK
dc.contributor.authorLindstrom, Sen_HK
dc.contributor.authorGuan, Yen_HK
dc.contributor.authorDonis, Ren_HK
dc.contributor.authorKatz, Jen_HK
dc.contributor.authorCox, Nen_HK
dc.contributor.authorPeiris, Men_HK
dc.contributor.authorUyeki, TMen_HK
dc.identifier.citationNew England Journal of Medicine, 2006, v. 355 n. 21, p. 2186-2194en_HK
dc.descriptionCorrespondence and correction has been published at N Engl J Med 2007; 356:1375-1377. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc063637-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Since 2003, the widespread ongoing epizootic of avian influenza A (H5N1) among poultry and birds has resulted in human H5N1 cases in 10 countries. The first case of H5N1 virus infection in Indonesia was identified in July 2005. Methods: We investigated three clusters of Indonesian cases with at least two ill persons hospitalized with laboratory evidence of H5N1 virus infection from June through October 2005. Epidemiologic, clinical, and virologic data on these patients were collected and analyzed. Results: Severe disease occurred among all three clusters, including deaths in two clusters. Mild illness in children was documented in two clusters. The median age of the eight patients was 8.5 years (range, 1 to 38). Four patients required mechanical ventilation, and four of the eight patients (50%) died. In each cluster, patients with H5N1 virus infection were members of the same family, and most lived in the same home. In two clusters, the source of H5N1 virus infection in the index patient was not determined. Virus isolates were available for one patient in each of two clusters, and molecular sequence analyses determined that the isolates were clade 2 H5N1 viruses of avian origin. Conclusions: In 2005 in Indonesia, clusters of human infection with clade 2 H5N1 viruses included mild, severe, and fatal cases among family members. Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.en_HK
dc.format.extent157397 bytes-
dc.format.extent2263 bytes-
dc.format.extent2395 bytes-
dc.format.extent2407 bytes-
dc.format.extent2677 bytes-
dc.publisherMassachusetts Medical Society. The Journal's web site is located at
dc.relation.ispartofNew England Journal of Medicineen_HK
dc.rightsFrom New England Journal of Medicine, I. Nyoman Kandun, Hariadi Wibisono, Endang R. Sedyaningsih, et al., Three Indonesian clusters of H5N1 virus infection in 2005, vol. 355, p. 2186-2194. Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission.-
dc.subject.meshDisease Outbreaksen_HK
dc.subject.meshInfluenza A Virus, H5N1 Subtype - genetics - isolation & purificationen_HK
dc.subject.meshInfluenza, Human - epidemiology - therapyen_HK
dc.subject.meshOseltamivir - therapeutic useen_HK
dc.subject.meshRespiration, Artificialen_HK
dc.titleThree Indonesian clusters of H5N1 virus infection in 2005en_HK
dc.identifier.emailPoon, LLM: llmpoon@hkucc.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.emailGuan, Y: yguan@hkucc.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.emailPeiris, M: malik@hkucc.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.authorityPoon, LLM=rp00484en_HK
dc.identifier.authorityGuan, Y=rp00397en_HK
dc.identifier.authorityPeiris, M=rp00410en_HK
dc.publisher.placeUnited Statesen_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKandun, IN=15070817700en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridWibisono, H=6506384207en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSedyaningsih, ER=6505549528en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridHadisoedarsuno, W=15070010800en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridPurba, W=6507123160en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSantoso, H=9233308200en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSeptiawati, C=15071294000en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridTresnaningsih, E=15133032900en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridHeriyanto, B=15070067300en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridYuwono, D=15133601000en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridHarun, S=14063332300en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSoeroso, S=15133254800en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridGiriputra, S=15070590300en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridBlair, PJ=7101645273en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridJeremijenko, A=23110654700en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKosasih, H=6507043017en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridPutnam, SD=7006619797en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSamaan, G=6602382950en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridSilitonga, M=15133028200en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridChan, KH=35338760600en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridPoon, LLM=7005441747en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridLim, W=7202378277en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKlimov, A=7202593405en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridLindstrom, S=35582139100en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridGuan, Y=7202924055en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridDonis, R=7004340676en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKatz, J=7403970287en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridCox, N=35261700100en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridPeiris, M=7005486823en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridUyeki, TM=6603544967en_HK

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