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Article: Multipath routing for video delivery over bandwidth-limited networks

TitleMultipath routing for video delivery over bandwidth-limited networks
KeywordsBandwidth-delay constraints
Multicast routing
Multipath routing
Quality-of-service (QoS) routing
Video scheduling
Issue Date2004
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, 2004, v. 22 n. 10, p. 1920-1932 How to Cite?
AbstractThe delivery of quality video service often requires high bandwidth with low delay or cost in network transmission. Current routing protocols such as those used in the Internet are mainly based on the single-path approach (e.g., the shortest-path routing). This approach cannot meet the end-to-end bandwidth requirement when the video is streamed over bandwidth-limited networks. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose multipath routing, where the video takes multiple paths to reach its destination(s), thereby increasing the aggregate throughput. We consider both unicast (point-to-point) and multicast scenarios. For unicast, we present an efficient multipath heuristic (of complexity O(|V|3)), which achieves high bandwidth with low delay. Given a set of path lengths, we then present and prove a simple data scheduling algorithm as implemented at the server, which achieves the theoretical minimum end-to-end delay. For a network with unit-capacity links, the algorithm, when combined with disjoint-path routing, offers an exact and efficient solution to meet a bandwidth requirement with minimum delay. For multicast, we study the construction of multiple trees for layered video to satisfy the user bandwidth requirements. We propose two efficient heuristics on how such trees can be constructed so as to minimize the cost of their aggregation subject to a delay constraint.
Persistent Identifier
2023 Impact Factor: 13.8
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 8.707
ISI Accession Number ID


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorChen, Jen_HK
dc.contributor.authorChan, SHGen_HK
dc.contributor.authorLi, VOKen_HK
dc.identifier.citationIeee Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, 2004, v. 22 n. 10, p. 1920-1932en_HK
dc.description.abstractThe delivery of quality video service often requires high bandwidth with low delay or cost in network transmission. Current routing protocols such as those used in the Internet are mainly based on the single-path approach (e.g., the shortest-path routing). This approach cannot meet the end-to-end bandwidth requirement when the video is streamed over bandwidth-limited networks. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose multipath routing, where the video takes multiple paths to reach its destination(s), thereby increasing the aggregate throughput. We consider both unicast (point-to-point) and multicast scenarios. For unicast, we present an efficient multipath heuristic (of complexity O(|V|3)), which achieves high bandwidth with low delay. Given a set of path lengths, we then present and prove a simple data scheduling algorithm as implemented at the server, which achieves the theoretical minimum end-to-end delay. For a network with unit-capacity links, the algorithm, when combined with disjoint-path routing, offers an exact and efficient solution to meet a bandwidth requirement with minimum delay. For multicast, we study the construction of multiple trees for layered video to satisfy the user bandwidth requirements. We propose two efficient heuristics on how such trees can be constructed so as to minimize the cost of their aggregation subject to a delay constraint.en_HK
dc.format.extent523545 bytes-
dc.format.extent4152649 bytes-
dc.format.extent23319 bytes-
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communicationsen_HK
dc.rights©2004 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.-
dc.subjectBandwidth-delay constraintsen_HK
dc.subjectMulticast routingen_HK
dc.subjectMultipath routingen_HK
dc.subjectQuality-of-service (QoS) routingen_HK
dc.subjectVideo schedulingen_HK
dc.titleMultipath routing for video delivery over bandwidth-limited networksen_HK
dc.identifier.emailLi, VOK:vli@eee.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.authorityLi, VOK=rp00150en_HK
dc.publisher.placeUnited Statesen_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridChen, J=7501904450en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridChan, SHG=26642931100en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridLi, VOK=7202621685en_HK

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