Name Card
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Professor Zhou, Boqun 周博群

Assistant Professor


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Professor Zhou, Boqun 周博群

Assistant Professor


Short Biography:

周博群博士,香港大學中文學院助理教授。2019年獲得芝加哥大學東亞語言文明系博士學位,其後加入清華-密歇根研究員協會(Tsinghua-Michigan Society of Fellows),在清華大學世界文學與文化研究院(IWLC)執教兩年多,並於2022年加入中文學院。研究興趣集中在中國古代思想史、科技史、出土文獻等領域。近年專注的主要課題為先秦兩漢哲學文本中的技術隱喻,以及清華簡的研究與英譯。

Zhou Boqun is Assistant Professor in the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong. He earned his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations in 2019. Before joining the School of Chinese in, he taught at the Institute for World Literatures and Cultures at Tsinghua University for two years as a member of the Tsinghua-Michigan Society of Fellows. His research interests range across early Chinese intellectual history, history of science and technology, and Chinese paleography. His current book project examines the impact of ancient mechanics on Warring States ethical and political theories. He is also working on a critical translation of a group of Warring States bamboo manuscripts owned by Tsinghua.

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
Beijing Foreign Studies UniversityBA
The University of ChicagoMA
The University of ChicagoPhD
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