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Name Card
Monthly Increases
A Flourishing Society? Education for Wellbeing versus Civic Education
Proceeding/Conference:University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Seminar
A Level Playing Field? Complicit Meritocracy in a Post-Truth Era
Book:Post-Truth, Fake News: Viral Modernity & Higher Education
Academic freedom of students
Journal:Educational Philosophy and Theory
Advancing 21st Century Competencies in Hong Kong
Book:Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems
Aggressive Masculinity, Queer Politics, and Rape Culture: The Theorisation of Gender and Sexuality in Philosophy of Education
Book:From ‘Aggressive Masculinity’ to ‘Rape Culture’: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Gender and Sexualities Reader
Altruism, Non-Relational Care, and Global Citizenship Education
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society
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