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Name Card
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Dr Lam, Olivia Shi Ching 林思騁



Teaching List, Current
2023 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2023 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2023 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2023 S2CCHU90422BHuman Language: Nature or Nurture?
2021 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2021 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2021 S2LING20032ASemantics: Meaning and grammar
2021 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2019 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2019 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2019 S2LING20302AMorphology
2019 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2019 S2LING79992ACapstone Experience: Dissertation
2018 S2LING60122BSpecial topics in linguistics
2020 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2020 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2018 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2018 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2018 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2018 S2LING20302AMorphological theory
2018 S1LING60121ASpecial topics in linguistics
2018 S1LING70061AReadings in Linguistics
2020 S2LING20032ASemantics: Meaning and grammar
2020 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2022 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2022 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2018 S2LING79992ACapstone Experience: Dissertation
2022 S2LING20032ASemantics: Meaning and grammar
2022 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2021 S2LING30022BExtended essay (capstone experience)
2024 S1LING10001AIntroduction to language
2024 S1LING70051AGrammar: Theories and Applications
2024 S2LING20032ASemantics: Meaning and grammar
2024 S2LING60192AGrammar and Interaction
2024 S2LING79972ACapstone Experience: Dissertation
2024 S2LING79962ACapstone Experience: Research Project in Linguistics
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
The Syntax of the Ti Construction in Tunxi HuiCode Mixing/Switching, Contact Linguistics2009 MPhil
Lu Wen
The Syntax of Adverbials in Chinese and ItalianTheoretical Linguistics2007 Phd
Camporese Nadia
The syntax and semantics of focus: evidence from DagaareSyntax / Semantics2011 Phd
Sakurai Kazuhiro
The Syntax-Semantics Interface of Resultative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and CantoneseSyntax and Morphology2010 MPhil
Chow Pui Lun
The Syntax of Particles in Mandarin ChineseFormal Theoretical Linguistics2009 Phd
Che Dewei
Passive and Permissive Constructions in Cantonese: An LFG AccountMorphological and Phonological Interface in Cantonese: an LFG Account2015 Phd
Chow Pui Lun
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2015-08-012016-07-31Faculty of Arts, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2019-09-012021-08-31Faculty of Arts, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardArts Faculty Board
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