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Name Card
rp00671 picture

Professor Chen, Guanhua 陳冠華

Professor, Dept of Chemistry
Professor, Chair of Theoretical Chemistry

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
G-HKU706/17Atomistic modelling of structural and transport properties of lead-iodide perovskite for solar cells896002017
HKUST9/CRF/11GUnderstanding the coupling of mass-transport and electrochemical reactions in the nanostructured fuel cell electrodes2500002011
HKU 700912PQuantum mechanical simulation of transient charge transfer in DNA7000002012
HKU 7012/04PTheoretical Investigation and Computer Simulation of Carbon-Nanotube-Based Devices: Gigahertz Oscillators, Field Emitters and Tweezers3920002004
HKU 7013/05PTowards the chemical accuracy: Combining first-principles methods and Neural Networks3080002005
HKU 700909PHigh frequency response and equivalent circuits of all-graphene electronic devices5900002009
HKU 7127/05EFundamental Study of Nanofluids in Nanochannels of Various Shapes4457842005
HKU 7099/02PA first-principles method for calculating STM images of nanoscale molecular systems and its application to alkyl substituted phthalocyanines and porphyrins3000002002
HKU 7100/00PPhotoexcitation in light harvesting systems2878172000
HKU 701307PFluctuation-driven nanoelectromechanical systems2670002007
HKU 7139/99PLinear-scaling semiempirical localized-dentisty-matrix method, and photoexcitations in bulk PPV-based materials4050001999
HKU 7093/98PMulti-dimensional free energy landscape of a small protein4150001998
HKU 7097/97PDynamics of condensed conjugated materials4560001997
HKU 7010/03PTowards the first-principles simulation of open systems3000002003
G_HK029/04Efficient linear scaling methods for optical properties of nanoscale material systems600002004
HKUST 2/04CCarbon nanotube/AFI zeolite composite: superconductivity and Li storage application3537502004
N_HKU 764/05Theoretical investigation of carbon-nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical systems7393002005
HKU 7011/06PFirst-principles simulation of dynamic responses of molecular and nanoscopic devices3884602006
HKU 700808PElectric properties of molecular electronic devices2937002008
G_HK018/08Quantum mechanical simulation of transient currents through molecular electronic devices596002008
HKUST9/CRF/08Experimental and theoretical study of carbon nanotube superconductivity and nanostructured graphene charactistics3000002008
HKU 700711PTime-dependent density functional theory for open systems and its application to emerging electronics10530002011
21273186The development of QM/EM method and its application in the simulation of junctionless FETs9796802012
G_HK701/13Development of an accurate and efficient numerical method for quantum transport in time-domai896002013
HKU 700913PFirst-principles ac quantum transport theory and its application to carbon nanotube field effect transistors6565212013
17309620Approaching exact density-functional theory: deep-learnt exchange-correlation potential5998612020
AoE/P-04/08Theory, Modeling, and Simulation of Emerging Electronics782680002009
N/AModeling and Simulation of Emerging Electronics: Bridging Atomistic Quantum Mechanical Simulation and Industrial Modeling9600002016
17316016Quantum mechanical simulation of photo-induced charge transfer at interfaces3268112016
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