Name Card
rp00517 picture

Professor Wu, Joseph Tsz Kei 胡子祺


Contact Information
rp00517 picture

Professor Wu, Joseph Tsz Kei 胡子祺


Also Cited As:
Wu, TK
Wu, JT
Wu, J


Professor Joseph Wu specializes in mathematical and statistical modelling of diseases and their interventions. His research aims are: (i) to develop useful analytics and strategies for disease control and prevention; and (ii) to translate his research findings into public health policy and practice for improving global health. He has worked on COVID-19, seasonal and pandemic influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth diseases, HPV, MERS, yellow fever, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer. He earned his PhD in Operations Research from MIT in 2003 and BS in Chemical Engineering from MIT in 1999.

He is the director of HKU's first Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOC) Epidemics which has had more than 16,000 people enrolled since its first launch in 2014. He is the director of the Croucher Summer Course Vaccinology for Public Health and Clinical Practice.

He is a member of the Center for Communicable Diseases Dynamics (CCDD) at the Harvard School of Public Health. He is an associate editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology and a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health in the UK. He is a member of the WHO Advisory Committee on Immunization and Vaccines-related Implementation Research (IVIR-AC). He is a member of the Technical Working Group for the WHO Public Health Research Agenda for Influenza. He is a member of the MIT SOLVE Challenge Leadership Group and an SME advisor of MIT Innovation Node.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2007-09-29Most Promising Young Researcher Award: Most Promising Young Researcher Award
Research Achievement
Cheng, CTK
Yuen, JCH
Wu, CH
Wong, SY
Liu, SHK
2019-02-01Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award: HKU LKS Faculty of Medicine
Research Achievement
Fang, J
Yu, H
2014-12-01Research Output Prize 2014: Yu H, Wu JT, Cowling BJ, Liao Q, Fang VJ, Zhou S, Wu P, Zhou H, Lau EH, Guo D, Ni MY, Peng Z, Feng L, Jiang H, Luo H, Li Q, Feng Z, Wang Y, Yang W, Leung GM. Effect of closure of live poultry markets on poultry-to-person transmission of avian influenza A H7N9 virus: an ecological study. Lancet. 2014; 383(9916): 541-8.: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2019-02-01Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award of 2019: Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
TSANG, Kam Lun
2014-11-01Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award 2014: Yu H.J., Cowling B.J., Feng L.Z., Lau E.H.Y., Liao Q.H., Tsang K.L., Peng Z.B., Wu P., Liu F.F., Fang J., Zhang H.L., Li M., Zeng L.J., Xu Z., Li Z.J., Luo H.M., Li Q., Feng Z.J., Cao B., Yang W.Z., Wu J.T.K., Wang Y. and Leung G.M., Human infection with avian influenza A H7N9 virus: An assessment of clinical severity, Lancet. 2013, 382(9887):138-45.
Research Achievement
Research Output Prize 2017: HKU
Research Achievement
2009-11-01Pierskella Best Paper Honorable Mention: Institute for Operations Research and Management Science
Research Achievement
2017-08-01Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award: Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2014-12-01Outstanding Young Researcher Award: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2015-03-01Fellowship through Distinction: Faculty of Public Health, Royal Colleges of Physicians, UK
Research Achievement
2015-02-01Research Output Prize: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2021-08-01Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award: Effects of adjusting public health, travel, and social measures during the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination: a modelling study: LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2016-PresentMemberTechnical Working Group for WHO Public Health Research Agenda for Influenza, World Health Organization
2006-PresentScientific CommitteeAdvanced Data Analysis and Disease Modeling, Center for Health Protection, Hong Kong SAR
2010-PresentGrant Review BoardHealth and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR
2011-PresentInternal reviewer for RGC GRFLi Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong