Name Card
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Dr Song, You-qiang 宋又强

Principal Lecturer

Teaching List, Current
2023 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2023 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2023 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2023 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2023 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2023 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2MMPH61342CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2021 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S1SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2021 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2021 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2021 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2021 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2021 S2SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2023 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2018 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S2MMPH61342ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2020 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2SBMS77032ABlock C1: Cancer Biology (Carcinogenesis)
2019 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2019 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S1SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2019 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2019 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2019 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2019 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2019 S2SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2019 S2SBMS78022BBiomedical sciences seminar
2021 S1SBMS77011ABlock A1: Molecular Neuroscience (Developmental Neurobiology)
2020 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2018 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2018 S2SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2020 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2018 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2018 S1SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2020 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2018 S2MMPH61342ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2018 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2018 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2018 S1BPHM11111AIntegrated Course in Basic Sciences: Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry
2018 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2020 S1BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2020 S2BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2018 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2018 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2020 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2022 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2022 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2022 S1SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2022 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2022 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2022 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2022 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2022 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2022 S2SBMS7800FAMolecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biomedical Sciences
2022 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2021 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2022 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S1BBMS30091AGenome Science
2024 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2024 S2BBMS20032AHuman Genetics
2024 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2024 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2024 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
In vivo Study of Asporin Polymorphic Variants in Chondrogenesis and Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)Genetics2006 MPhil
Lam To Kam
Investigation of YS620 in Regulating Beta-amyloid Homeostasis via Autophagy in Alzheimer’s DiseaseNeuroscience2015 Phd
Liu Rong
Bioinformatics/ Neuroscience2023 Phd
Ranganathan Rajesh
Impact of Postures on Cobb Angle Measurements in Scoliosis New Mouse ModelsScoliosis Genetics2017 MPhil
Chen Zheyi
Investigation of the Inhibitory Roles of hnRNP A1 in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's DiseaseMolecular Biology2018 Phd
Chen Ruijun
Molecular Basis of Human Complex DiseasesBioinformatics2018 Phd
Yue Ming
Genetic Study of Lumbar Disc DegenerationHuman Genetics2006 Phd
Ho Daniel Wai Hung
Quantitative Characterization of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell State TransitionStem Cells2010 Phd
Lu Xibin
Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis of Genetic, Expression and Interaction Data to Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Alzheimer’s DiseaseBioinformatics and Molecular Genetics2010 Phd
Jia Yizhen
Genetic Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Associated Genes – A Perspective from Abnormal Cholesterol MetabolismMolecular Biology2003 Phd
Li Yan
Pax6/c-Myb regulates neuronal apoptosis in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s diseaseGenetics2007 Phd
Zhang Yalun
Development of a toolset for integrative analysis of high-throughput sequencing data and its application to primary ovarian insufficiencyMolecular genetics/ Bioinformatics2012 Phd
Li Jiang
Investigation of PTPN21 in ErbBs signaling transduction and its potential biological functionMolecular Genetics2009 Phd
Lam Hiu Chor
Dissecting the genetics of complex trait in mouse – an attempt using public resources and in-house knockoutHuman Genetics2007 Phd
Tang Ling Fung
Genetic risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in ChineseGenetics2008 Phd
Chen Luhua
Deciphering the mechanisms of genetic disorders by high throughput genomic dataGenetics2009 Phd
Bao Suying
Bioinformatics Study of the Lineage and Tissue Specificity of Genes and Gene ExpressionBioinformatics2008 MPhil
Jia Yizhen
Functional characterization of tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor 21, a novel modulator of ErbB4/NRG3Genetics2007 MPhil
Lam Hiu Chor
Biomarkers of knee osteoarthritis: MRI T2 mapping and fatty acid binding protein 4Osteoarthritis Biomarkers2012 Phd
Li Teng
Hnrnpa1 Mutations Cause Congenital Heart DefectsMolecular Genetics2013 Phd
Yu Zhe
Genetic Contribution to Intervertebral Disc Maintenance in MiceGenetics and Skeletal Development2014 MPhil
Xiong Chi
Genome-Wide Association Study of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Southern Chinese and Significant Improvement in Detection of Missing Heritability and Genetic Risk Prediction in Genome-wide Association Studies by 1000 Genomes-based ImputationGenetics2008 Phd
Fan Yanhui
Kif5b interaction with NMDA receptors regulates neuronal functionMolecular Biology2008 Phd
Lin Raozhou
Genetic risks of periodontitisPeriodontology2011 Phd
Zheng Ying
Development of a Bioinformatics and Statistical Framework to Integrate Biological Resources for Genome-wide Genetic Mapping and Its ApplicationsGenetics2006 Phd
Li Miaoxin
Association between β-Chemokine Gene Polymorphisms and TuberculosisSusceptibility Genes in Tuberculosis2003 MPhil
Chu Sok Fan
An investigation of the effects of the transcription factor PAX6 in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model (CRND8)Molecular Genetics2013 MPhil
Ng Gordon Cheung Toa
Structural and Functional Study of Spindlinl/C11orf84 Protein ComplexStructural Biology of DNA Damage Response2014 Phd
Du Yongming
Genetic Association Studies of Lumbar Disc Degeneration (LDD)Human Genetics2007 Phd
Kao Yu Ping Patrick
Pathogenesis of congenital cataract in a gamma-crystallin mutant mouse modelDevelopmental Molecular Genetics2007 Phd
Tam Chung Nga
A study on mitochondrial uncoupling protein 4 (UCP4) in parkinsonian modelsNeurodegeneration2004 Phd
Chu Chi Yuen Andrew
The novel mouse γA-crystallin mutation leads to misfolded protein aggregate and cataractMolecular Genetics2007 MPhil
Cheng Man Hei
The 3’-untranslated region of CHOP mRNA encodes information that determines the expression level of the CHOP geneCelluar stress signal transduction2013 MPhil
Wong Po Yu
Public Health and Infectious Disease2023 Phd
Wang Jianhui
Identification of Candidate Genes for Bone Mineral Density Variation in Southern Chinese by Integrating Computational Gene Prioritization, Linkage and Association ApproachesGenetics of Osteoporosis2006 Phd
Li Hoi Yee
Genetic Skeletal Disorders2022 Phd
Zhang Jianan
A Loss-of-function Variant in MLKL Increases Alzheimer’s Disease Risk through Modulating γ-secretase Activity and AutophagyMolecular Genetics2015 Phd
Zhang Zhigang
Molecular basis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosisFunctional Studies of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis2017 Phd
Wang Xiaolu
Cell Cycle Associated Transcription Factors Modulate Neuroinflammation and Trem2-dependent Amyloid Beta Clearance in Alzheimer's DiseaseNeuroscience/ Molecular Genetics2016 Phd
Zhang Yi
Molecular mechanism of mammary gland development and breast cancer progressionCancer Biology2018 Others
Ma Luyao
Molecular Dissection of Mitochondria-Microtubule Interaction and Microtubule NucleationCell Biology2013 Phd
Li Tianpeng
Investigation of differentiation and migration of hematopoietic cells across tissues at single cell resolutionBioinformatics2019 Others
Yu Shiya
The Genetic and Molecular Basis of Congenital ScoliosisHuman Genetics2019 Phd
Feng Xin
Investigation of the effect of Apigenin in Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer Disease2019 Phd
Liu Wenjing
Investigation of the therapeutic values of Flavopiridol in Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer's disease2020 Phd
Chen Zheyi
MicroRNA-128 ameliorated cognitive deficits and reduced amyloid-beta deposition by inhibiting APPBP2 and mTOR in a mouse model of Alzheimer's diseaseNeurobiology2017 Phd
Li Siwen
Functional characterization of secreted protein Isthmin-1 in hematopoietic systemMolecular Signaling2020 Phd
Hosen Md Shakhawat
Neutrophil development at single cell resolutionBioinformatics2017 Others
Zhou Bo
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2013-07-012023-06-30Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2010-10-012013-06-30Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2007-10-012010-09-30Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2023-07-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the Board