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Name Card
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Dr Thach, Thuan Quoc 石國順

Research Officer

Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Spatio-temporal modelling of particulate matter and its application to assessing mortality effects of long-term exposureBiostatistics2012 MPhil
Zheng Qishi
Traffic-Related Exposures and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality of General and Older Population in Hong KongBiostatistics and Environmental Health Sciences2011 MPhil
Ma Xiaonan
Effects of apparent temperature on mortality in a cohort of older population in Hong KongEpidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases and Environmental Health Hazards2009 MPhil
Xu Wansu
Fe-rich chamosite in coal and lung cancer in XuanWei, ChinaPanel study of air pollution; Epidemiology 2017 Phd
Li Jinhui
Short-term and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Constituents and Related Health Effects in Hong KongAir pollution and health2017 Phd
Yang Yang
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