Name Card
rp00427 picture

Professor Ho, Daniel Sai Yin 何世賢

Associate Professor

Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
Press Conference "HKUMed advocates for consideration of a total ban on tobacco in Hong Kong"Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2023-09-132023-09-13
2011/12 Student KE Project Grant Mentor: KE-SP-2011/12-20: What’s for breakfast?- Promoting healthy breakfast habits among primary school children (HK$5,490)KE Project Grant2011-11-142012-06-30
Pamela Tin
RTHK Radio 1 interview on tobacco control.Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2023-09-142023-09-14
RTHK Radio 1 星期六問責Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2023-07-222023-07-22
Interview by Ming Pao Weekly on e-cigarettesBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-04-082015-04-08
Press conference: "Support a Total Ban on Electronic Cigarettes"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-03-302015-03-30
Kwong Antonio
Ng Yolanda
Lai Wai Yin
TVB news interview on waterpipe smokingBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2014-12-192014-12-19
Health talks in primary and seconday schools on healthy lifestylePublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2014-07-012015-06-30
Letter to Legislative Council supporting a total ban of e-cigarettesPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-07-062015-07-06
Live interview by Cable TV 「至FIT男女」on e-cigarettesBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-04-052015-04-05
Interview by Yuen Long Public Secondary School on tobacco controlBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-03-302015-03-30
RTHK Radio 1 "Backchat" interview on tobacco control.Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2023-09-212023-09-21
Article on HK01: 天⾺公主降魔記—香港控煙的願景Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2023-09-052023-09-05
2018/19 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2018/19-57: YouTube videos for tobacco industry denormalisation in young people ($98,174)KE Project Grant2018-09-012022-06-30
2018/19 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2018/19-59: Video-based health education on passive drinking and forced drinking for adolescents in Hong Kong ($85,000)KE Project Grant2018-09-012019-06-30
Wu Yongda
“【賣酒18禁】專家︰飲酒致癌如將器官「浸酒」礙少年腦發展” (Drinking causes cancer and harms adolescent brain development)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-11-172018-11-17
“電子煙/加熱煙糖衣包裝暗藏致癌和有毒物質” (article on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-12-172018-12-17
【時事全方位】禁電子煙銷售合理?(Reasonable to ban sale of e-cigarettes?) Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-02-152019-02-15
Oral deputation on alternative smoking products, Legislative Council.Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2019-04-272019-04-27
Meeting with legislator Dr Pierre Chan on alternative smoking productsOther KE Activity Types2018-11-302018-11-30
School talk on tobacco control “新煙舊煙,唔吸最堅” (Say no to new and traditional tobacco products)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-12-072018-12-07
Press conference to advocate legislation against e-cigarettesPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-09-272018-09-27
電子煙. 美國FDA准許銷售IQOS加熱煙, 但不代表產品無害 (US FDA allows sale of IQOS does not mean it is harmless)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-012019-05-01
"調查:政府應鼓勵煙民轉用危害較少產品 醫生稱電子煙無助戒煙” (E-cigarettes cannot help quit smoking)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-182018-09-18
Petition for banning alternative smoking productsOther KE Activity Types2019-04-132019-04-13
“陳肇始:年輕人吸電子煙趨升 決全禁” (Sophia Chan: Total ban of e-cigarettes to curb rising trend in young people)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-272018-09-27
Support to enact a total ban on e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products – Briefing sessionsPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-09-212018-10-22
【加熱煙】煙商日本餐廳研究:新二手煙不影響人體 專家抱質疑” (Expert query industry study that secondhand smoke from heated tobacco products is harmless)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-012018-09-01
E-cigarettes, facing Hong Kong ban: a healthy way to quit tobacco or a risk in themselves?Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-02-162019-02-16
“【施政報告】組織受煙草商贊助「無煙世界基金會」主席反對禁電子煙” (Foundation for a Smokefree World against banning e-cigarettes)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-10-112018-10-11
“電子煙危害知多少”時事座談會 (Forum on the harms of e-cigarettes)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-12-172018-12-17
Adult use of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco productsPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2019-05-232019-05-23
逾4成中學生從家長取得酒類 學者籲改變社會文化” (Translation: Over 40% of students obtained alcohol from parents – academic urges for a change in social culture)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-11-282018-11-28
Hong Kong’s burgeoning e-cigarette industry on the precipice as city mulls total banBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-11-202018-11-20
【電子煙加熱煙】學者煙商對壘:犧牲青年增吸煙率 換煙商利益?” (Academic vs industry: sacrificing youth smoking for industry gains?)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-08-012018-08-01
RTHK Radio 3 Backchat “Ban on e-cigarettes”Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-10-192018-10-19
Lobbying members of Legislative/Executive Council on banning alternative smoking productsOther KE Activity Types2018-07-012019-06-30
Commercial Radio 正經星期六 “控酒” (Live radio programme on alcohol control)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-11-172018-11-17
“全面禁售電子煙, 年輕人怎麼說?" (Banning sale of e-cigarettes – what do young people say?)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-04-092019-04-09
“【禁電子煙】業界嘆開年飯變告別會, 修例存變數, 誰笑到最後?” (Banning e-cigarettes)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-02-132019-02-13
Hong Kong pushes ban on e-cigarettesBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-03-042019-03-04
Updated evidence on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.Other KE Activity Types2019-02-182019-02-18
“醫健寶庫:家長不應鼓勵青少接觸酒精” (Translation: Parents should not encourage adolescent drinking)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-07-142018-07-14
RTHK1 自由風自由Phone (Live radio phone-in programme)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-10-182018-10-18
Tobacco giant Philip Morris warns it may close HK$78 million Hong Kong research centre in light of government proposal to ban e-cigarettes and other new smoking productsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-04-212019-04-21
“控煙的科學、價值觀和利益衝突” (Science, values and conflicts of interest about tobacco control)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-162019-05-16
“全面禁止電子煙 醫學界支持 仍望他日全面禁煙” (Translation: Total ban of e-cigarettes, supported by the medical sector, looking forward to a total ban of all tobacco)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-10-102018-10-10
“團體批舉證難鼓勵私煙 學者:已取平衡” (Discussion on Government proposal to ban e-cigarettes)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-02-142019-02-14
《精靈一點》live radio programme on alternative smoking productsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-05-222018-05-22
電子煙無助戒煙 更易致癌 [Electronic cigarettes may cause cancer and does not facilitate smoking cessation]Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-10-272015-10-27
電子煙-更毒 [Electronic cigarettes – more harmful]Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-07-282015-07-28
Demonstration of zero-time exercise (2nd episode)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-07-182015-07-18
Adolescent e-cigarette use tied to breathing problemsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-11-092015-11-09
School health talk on alcoholPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-11-172015-11-17
Elderly Smoking Cessation Promotion Project 2017-18 "It’s never too late, act now and quit smoking" Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-10-262017-10-26
Smoke-free Teens committed to promoting smoke-free living in the community Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-03-162018-03-16
Press Event: Information and Communication Technology and Hong Kong Family Communication SurveyPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-11-112018-11-11
Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project Launch Ceremony cum Community Event Other KE Activity Types2018-11-112018-11-11
Alternative tobacco planning to enter Hong Kong; academic urges total banBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-10-242016-10-24
Revamped tobacco law a burning issueBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-10-242016-10-24
Interactive talk on truth about alcohol drinkingPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-06-242017-06-24
Press conference on "First Evidence on Escalating Risks of Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescent Heated Tobacco Product Users Supported the Call for a Total Ban Promptly"Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-08-032021-08-03
Dissemination report entitled "Report on Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2017"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-08-012018-08-01
Interview by TVB 新聞透視Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-10-232021-10-23
Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2022 (Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine) for 'Saving Our Next Generation from Tobacco and Nicotine Addiction'KE Award/Prize on KE Achievement2022-07-012023-06-30
Lam Tai Hing
Interview by NowTV 經緯線 (控煙之路)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2022-07-102022-07-10
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Heated Tobacco ProductsWorld No Tobacco Day 2019 and 10th Anniversary of Smoke-free and Healthy Life Association of Macau2019-05-01
Electronic cigarette ​– risks to adolescents​Update Series on Child Health 2019, Hong Kong Paediatric Society, 27 April 2019, Hong Kong2019-04-01
The global health issue: Childhood obesity.Global and Community Health Initiatives and Leadership pre-workshop project. School of Nursing, HKU2018-12-01
Alcohol Consumption and Public HealthHarvard College in Asia Program – Hong Kong Spring Conference 20172017-03-01
Alcohol drinking in Hong Kong adolescentsWHO Regional Forum on Protecting Young People from the Harmful Use of Alcohol, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, 29 - 30 April 20162016-04-01
Obesity-related Epidemiological Studies in Hong Kong ChildrenThe Third Oriental Congress of Pediatrics2015-10-01
A School-based Survey on Adolescent Alcohol Drinking in Hong KongHealth Research Symposium 2014, 15 November 2014, Hong Kong2014-11-15
Territory-wide study on smoking exposure in adolescents and childrenHong Kong Paediatric Foundation – 20th Anniversary Conference Summit on Child Health and the Environment 20142014-10-01
Three-year follow-up of the Hong Kong Student Obesity Surveillance project (HKSOS) on trends and predictors of adolescent obesity and related behavioursJournal Club, Food and Health Bureau2014-08-01
Studies on alcohol and youth in Hong Kong, ChinaThe World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Meeting on Addressing the Harmful Use of Alcohol by Young People2013-11-01
Smoking and familyEnvironment, Quality, Health & Safety Week, Lamma Power Station, Hong Kong Electric2012-08-01
Alcohol and substance abuse in Hong Kong children and adolescentsHong Kong Child Safety Conference 2012 organised by the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University of Hong Kong2012-02-01
Trends and correlates of adolescent alcohol drinking in Hong Kong3rd Hong Kong Public Health Forum, School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong2011-12-01
Harmful effects of tobacco in children and adolescents (abstract and powerpoint presentation)3rd Conference of The Union Asia-Pacific Region, 8-11 July 2011, Hong Kong2011-07-09
Harmful effects of tobacco in children and adolescents3rd Asia-Pacific Region Union Conference, Current Challenges in Tuberculosis and Lung Health.2011-07-01
Smoking in Hong Kong children (abstract and oral presentation)Frontiers in Biomedical Research HKU 2010, 3 December 2010, Hong Kong2010-12-03
Obesity-related risk factors in Hong Kong adolescentsFrontiers in Biomedical Research, University of Hong Kong2010-12-01
A retrospective cohort study on the risk factors and outcomes of childhood obesity in Hong KongJournal Club of the Food and Health Bureau2010-12-01
Tobacco control in Hong Kong and AsiaAsia Pacific Perspective on Lung Cancer2010-09-01
Research design and study methodology (powerpoint presentation)Symposium on Research Methodology, 17 April 2010, Hong Kong2010-04-17
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2017Epidemiology Advisor
Hong Kong Medical Journal
2012Member of Editorial Board for Public Health
2012Member of Editorial Board, Epidemiology Section
Dataset International
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
2019-08-012025-07-01MemberOMedical and Support Services Sub-Committee, Council of the Aids Trust Fund
2021-03-012025-02-01Reviewer grant applicationOResearch Grant Council Competitive Research Funding Scheme for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector
2023-10-012024-12-01Co-opted memberOInformation and Research Committee, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
2020-09-012026-09-01MemberOExamination Committee, Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
2018-09-012024-08-01MemberOPublicity and Public Education Sub-Committee, Council of the Aids Trust Fund
2016-10-012024-09-01Reviewer grant applicationOHealth and Medical Research Fund
2009-04-012025-08-01Honorable AdvisorOB27 Association (Self-help association for people with ankylosing spondylitis)
2018-01-012025-08-01Academic advisorOSmoke-free and Healthy Life Association of Macau