Name Card
rp00410 picture

Professor Peiris, Joseph Sriyal Malik 裴偉士

Professor (Clinical)
Scientific Director of HKU Pasteur Research Centre
Tam Wah-Ching Professor in Medical Science
Professor: Chair of Virology
Tam Wah-Ching Professor in Medical Science

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
HKU 7286/01MHuman herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and HHV-7 infections: reactivation, latency and viral interactions15820002001
HKU 776110MThe role of Toll-like receptor 10 (TLR10) as an innate immune sensor for respiratory viral infections6069822010
N/AThe Zoonotic potential of influenze viruses in Southeastern China77207512001
HKU 7620/06MRole of toll-like receptors and retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 in the induction of cytokines in SARS-coronavirus infected human primary macrophages10545002006
N/AInfluenza pandemic preparedness in Asia (Research collaboration with national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc. (SJCRH) and The University of Hong Kong)13610601999
04050492Mass Tag PCR: A novel, multiplex and potentially sensitive approach for the rapid detection of respiratory pathogens8000962005
03040722The macrophage in the pathogenesis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus infection7292362004
HKU 773707MEffector roles of cytokine cascades in the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease13972262007
JRS00/05Virus-macrophage interactions: a basis for immunopathology of H5N1 influenza727061999
HKU 7335/02MThe application of DNA arrays to characterise the avian influenza gene pool in southern China8760002002
HKU 7092/99MInteractions between avian influenza A H5N1 virus and macrophages: a basis for immuno-pathology9350001999
HKU 7314/97MPublic health hazards associated with verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli5896801997
HKU 479/96MHuman herpesvirus 6 and 7 infections in bone marrow transplant recipients: differentiation of active infection from chronic persistence and correlation with disease7610001996
HKU 7542/03MGenetic variation of the SARS coronavirus: molecular epidemiology and antigenic variation10120002003
01030172The role of influenza virus gene constellation and viral morphology on cytokine induction, pathogenesis and viral virulence8241642003
HKU 7459/03MViral determinants underlying the increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in H5N1 infected human macrophages: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human H5N1 disease?17154002003
N/AInfluenza pandemic preparedness in Asia (Research collaboration with national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc. (SJCRH) and The University of Hong Kong)45196732001
N/AInfluenza pandemic preparedness in Asia (Research collaboration with national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc. (SJCRH) and The University of Hong Kong)35233602000
N/AVirology and pathogenesis of avian influenza and SARS3093822005
HKU 1/05CPathogenesis, cell signaling and virus evolution of avian influenza A (H5N1)46000002005
N/AThe pathogenesis of avian influenza A H5N1 in humans: macrophage and epithelial cell-virus interactions in vitro and ex-vivo31543582006
AoE/M-12/06Control of Pandemic and Inter-pandemic Influenza760000002007
N/ACommunicable Diseases Surveillance and Response (CSR) - Standardization and shipment of PCR diagnostic kit for Avian Influenza detection to Member countries (viz: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand)1560002007
13120532Host responses that correlate with respiratory droplet transmission of swine-origin influenza viruses in ferrets9704962013
T11-705/14-NViral, Host and Environmental Determinants of Influenza Virus Transmission and Pathogenesis580000002014
14131072Role of influenza virus surface glycoproteins in virus-induced cell stress and inflammation9645202014
N/ATransmission of respiratory viruses: from basic science to evidence based options for control1000002016
19181032Evaluation of the role of a single amino acid substitution associated with inter-species transmission of MERS-coronavirus from camels to humans14495022019
COVID190126Community based sero-epidemiological study of COVID19 to provide data in real time on age-stratified infection attack rates, disease severity and population-immunity, for guiding intervention policy280292152019
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
07060482Humanized mouse as a model to study the antiviral activity of human gammadelta-T cells against human and avian influenza A viruses in vivo7896482007
02040202Role of polymorphisms of the inflammatory response genes and DC-SIGNR in genetic susceptibility to SARS and other infections8050002004
T11-712/19-NControl of Influenza: Individual and Population Immunity386110002019
N/AGenetic polymorphism study of the immense response genes in relation to susceptibility, clinical outcome and treatment response of SARS750002003
T11-705/21-NVirological, immunological and epidemiological characterization of COVID-19500920002021
N_HKU737/18Investigation on the immunological cross-protection between different human coronaviruses10500532018
N/AStudy on the pathogenesis of SARS coronavirus by establishing transgenic mouse lines expressing SARS-CoV viral proteins500002003
COVID190220Investigating aerosol generation and transmissibility implications in upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy: a multicentre study20822722020
09080532Effect modifications of lifestyle factors on risk of mortality associated with influenza in an elderly cohort3338802009
N/AIs low serum mannose-binding lectin (MBL) associated with poorer outcome in patients with SARS?750002003
CHP-CE-03Effectiveness of vaccinating children in reducing influenza among household contacts - a community based, randomized controlled trial66281542008
COVID19F10To compare the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a third dose of the recommended COVID-19 vaccines in young adolescents in Hong Kong39101802021
COVID19F02To compare the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the 3 recommended COVID-19 vaccines in young adolescents in Hong Kong100000002020
HKU 7396/03MA population based study of hospitalization disease burden for respiratory viral infections in children6240002003
12110992The application of swine and human respiratory organ explant cultures to investigate inter-species transmission of avian influenza viruses to swine and humans9992162012
PHE-2The attack rate, transmission dynamics and viral evolution in a cohort of Hong Kong families during an epidemic of novel influenza virus (H1N1)5287382009
HKU 7532/05MImmune response of cord blood macrophages and dendritic cells to the 1997 and 2004 strains of avian influenza viruses11059142005
03040302Association of cytokine and chemokine genes polymorphism with susceptibility to SARS and severity of SARS7352942005
04050132Occult respiratory viral infections in coronial autopsies - a pilot project1580282005
17127218Immunomodulatory effect of macrolides in naturally occurring influenza virus infections in the community11513082018
HKU 7553/03MRapid accurate diagnostic assay for the SARS coronavirus5000002003
08070562Epidemiological implications of viral evolution from one generation of human influenza infection to the next7956602008
11100862Vitamin D and risk of influenza in children and adults in Hong Kong6123722011
15141162A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effect of Fever Suppression by Antipyretics on Influenza11999022015
19180882Treatment of highly pathogenic influenza A/H5N1-induced lung injury with mesenchymal stromal cell-derived exosomes14927802019
05163486Maternal antibody to influenza neuraminidase and the impact on protecting against influenza in the newborn8807652017
HKU 776810MA longitudinal community study of influenza virus infections in Hong Kong12000002010
08070762Effect of vitamin B2 in the treatment of human influenza H5N1 virus infection: studies in vitro and in vivo7995842008
13120602Influenza virus epidemiology in households of school-age children, 2013-149990002013
03040712Primary human lung epithelial cells as an in-vitro model to study the pathogenesis of SARS coronavirus infection8006482005
F-HKU708/16TInnate lymphoid cell ""adaptation"" during influenza virus infection612002016
17115015Role of costimulatory molecule CD137 in the antiviral activity of human gammadelta-T cells against influenza virus10224092015
03040792The functional role of ICAM3 polymorphism in genetic susceptibility to SARS infection7979692005
10090272A longitudinal study of infection attack rates among hospital outpatients in Hong Kong during the epidemic of the human swine influenza A/H1N1 virus in 2009 by tracking temporal changes in age-specific seroprevalence rates9252602009
14130662Association between basal leukocyte transcriptome profile and symptom development & disease severity after influenza virus infection in humans7967782014
HKU 777407MImmune defense of human gammadelta-T cells against Influenza a viruses7407312007
N/AA controlled trial of masks and hand hygiene for reducing influenza transmission25366532006
HKU 7225/02MGenetic determinants of influenza virus for inter-species transmission: studies using a reverse genetic approach17470002002
HKU 773507MTissue tropism and cytokine production within the upper and lower respiratory tract of humans following influenza virus infection6676732007
04050252Promoter polymorphisms of DC-SIGN in relation to host genetic susceptibility to SARS infection8049282005
COVID190205Molecular epidemiological study of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong207806482020
COVID190202The effects of pre-exposure with influenza A virus on the susceptibility to and severity of COVID-1912150002020
18171262Investigation of the reassortment between canine H3N2 influenza virus and human/avian influenza A viruses in canine and human respiratory tract explant cultures14917802018
CHP-PH-12Immunogenicity of twice-annual vaccination against seasonal influenza for two hemispheres in elderly in Hong Kong15568712015
10091132The biological and genetic determinants of seasonal influenza A virus replication in the lower respiratory tract9364362010
13120732A community-based longitudinal seroepidemiological study of influenza virus infections in Hong Kong 2013-149998042013
HKU 7334/01MMolecular evolution studies on H5N1/97 and related avian influenza viruses10040002001
HKU 783810MRole of influenza hemagglutinin glycoprotein in activation of dendritic cells and induction of effective immune response through C-type lectin receptors5916002010
11100582Estimation of excess mortality and hospitalization associated with pandemic influenza 20093984402011
AF/90/97Oral DNA vaccines49450001997
06060562Role of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) influenza A (subtype H5N1) viral pathogenesis and the potential use of its inhibitors for the therapy of H5N1 disease7436482006
17117122Comparing host responses of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infections 11787842022
PHE-21A longitudinal community study of influenza virus infections in Hong Kong15425002009
11100882The epidemiology of influenza in households of school-age children9997002011
PHE-20A detailed longitudinal study of infection attack rates among healthy adults in Hong Kong during the epidemic of the human swine influenza A/H1N1 virus in 200913990322009
18170792Tropism and pathogenesis of the highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H7N9 virus in human respiratory tract and potential therapeutic effect of interferon and cyclophilin inhibitors12995202018
10091062Role of retinoic acid inducible gene-1, toll-like receptor-3 and -8 in cytokine induction by influenza A H5N1 and pandemic H1N1 viruses in primary human cells9958362010
11101002Neutrophil mediated host-responses during influenza A virus infection, an in vitro study8759482011
17148416Impact of droplet and droplet nuclei exposure on onward influenza transmission potential and genetic bottleneck9777122016
14130802The effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in Hong Kong9984842014
17107718The role of PDGFR in influenza A virus infection and the therapeutic potential of its inhibitor in severe human influenza diseases8683912018
13121132Tropism of the novel human betacoronavirus lineage C virus in human ex vivo and in vitro cultures, as an assessment of its potential transmissibility and pathogenesis in humans9998602013
HKU 7543/03MRapid molecular diagnosis of SARS coronavirus4500002003
12111232Temporal antigenic variation of influenza viruses and its impact on seasonal transmission of influenza: A multidisplinary study linking epidemiology and genetic data in Hong Kong7178562012
10090142The role of balanced hemagglutinin-neuraminidase activity on the genesis of transmissible NA inhibitor-resistant variants in seasonal and novel pandemic influenza A H1N1 viruses8194482009
04050212Estimation of the effect of influenza on cardiorespiratory and all causes mortality in tropical and sub-tropical climates - a comparative study between Hong Kong, Singapore and Guangzhou for influence of seasonality and meteorological conditions7996562005
COVID190115Assessing novel coronavirus antibodies for specificity and function during clinical infection and community asymptomatic cases15150002019
10091272Influenza-like illness and viral aetiology in Hong Kong children9948372010
14131042The pathogenic role of the adaptation in the polymerase basic 2 protein of the new identified duck isolated H7N9 lineage in mammalian hosts6383402014
17111714Determining the ligand and function of TLR10: a novel innate immune sensor in viral infection6322662014
12110912A community-based study of respiratory virus infections9995442012
17105414A prospective longitudinal study to correlate maternal antibodies against influenza A and B with influenza infection and hospitalization in the first 6 months of life11502252014
HKU 7356/03MRoles of segment-specific vRNA sequences of influenza A virus in viral replication, transcription and gene expression11120002003
06060552Replication and pathogenesis of avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses in polarized human bronchial and alveolar epithelium7993782006
18170922Evaluation of disease severity of seasonal influenza viruses using human respiratory tract explant cultures, lung injury models, and correlation with glycosylation status11895202018
11100892Estimating the epidemic curve of influenza among healthy adults in Hong Kong during 2010-2011 Phase 1: Pandemic influenza A/H1N17023762011
17121016Mechanisms of lung injury caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and SARS-CoV and potential therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells14766892016
HKU 7430/03MA role for apoptogenic gene PKR in regulating TNF and cytokine expression in Avian influenza H5N1 infections8030002003
HKU 765811MEfficacy of face masks to prevent influenza virus transmission: an experimental study8500002011
03040772The role of dentritic cells in SARS coronavirus infection7945842005
21200442Longitudinal follow-up of COVID-19 seroprevalence in health care workers, 2022-2415000002021
HKU 761009MInfluenza A (H5N1) virus infection in human primary type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells: Cell tropism, inflammatory responses and apoptosis7000002009
C7019-16EEstablishment of Third Generation Sequencing Core Facility64445142016
HKU 7013/99MThe impact of fluconazole exposure on the differential expression of phenotypic and genotypic attributes of oral Candida isolates in HIV infection5687001999
15141212Kinetics of hemagglutinin stalk binding neutralizing antibody responses during natural influenza infection8473402015
HKU 784313MViral and environmental determinants that affect transmission of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza via large and small infectious particles in ferrets8227312013
17161342Surveillance of environmental contamination by antibiotics and antibiotic resistant pathogens11985622017
08070632Viral shedding, natural clinical history and transmissibility of influenza5514002007
01030391Seroepidemiological prevalence survey of SARS-associated coronavirus antibody in children residing in Amoy Garden compared to a control group in southern district5969852003
11100562A Randomised Controlled Trial of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Yu Ping Feng San) for influenza prophylaxis in elderly residential care homes in Hong Kong9946162011
COVID19F12To compare the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the recommended COVID-19 vaccines via intradermal and intramuscular routes in children and adolescents in Hong Kong87589302021
13120802Impact and severity profiles of respiratory viruses in children in Hong Kong7713962013
14130922Optimizing avian influenza surveillance strategy in live poultry market setting4175802014
03040872Sialic acid and receptor expression in normal respiratory tract, H5N1 influenza and non-avian influenza cases2495642004
HKU 763707MA comparison study of humoral and cellular immune responses in very young infants after intradermal versus intramuscular injection of influenza vaccine6707172007
18170882The role of PDGFR and the therapeutic potential of its inhibitor in MERS-CoV infection14992202018
HKU 7305/02MMechanism of HIV suppression of cytokine expression: Tat and PKR interactions8760002002
17114023Systematic investigation into the breadth of antibody and B cell cross-reactivity to avian influenza neuraminidase (NA) proteins in humans15528172023