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Name Card
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Professor Biddle, Gary Clark

Visiting Professor

Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Invited Keynote Speaker, CGMA CFO Forum, Talk Entitled "Chief Forewarning Officer", Ritz Carlton Shanghai (450 participants)2016-12-01
Presented "Voluntary Capex Guidance and Capital Investment Efficiency" at Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne2016-06-01
Invited Keynote SpeakerNorth Asia Management Accounting Leaders Summit, co-sponsored by Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), CGMA, and China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Beijing, China2016-06-01
Invited Capstone Speaker for EMBA-Global Asia 5th Year Anniversary Celebration, Hong Kong2016-05-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk"Bentley University, Boston, USA2016-03-01
Invited Speaker on Board Governance Effectiveness for Asia Pacific Chartered Financial Analyst Boards, Sponsored by Hong Kong Institute of Directors, Seoul, Korea2016-02-01
Invited TED-Talk Speaker on "Financial Revolution in the Global Internet Era" for Kingdee International Software Shenzhen, China (200 participants)2015-12-01
Invited Speaker on "The Role of a Company Director" for Chartered Financial Analyst Officials and Hong Kong Institute of Directors, Hong Kong2015-12-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk" at University of Cambridge2015-10-01
Invited speaker on "Accounting for Law" to 80 staff of Baker McKinsey, Hong Kong, simulcast to Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City, Seoul, Shanghai2015-05-01
Presentation of "Evidence Regarding the Internal Controls of U.S.-listed Chinese Firms"University of Hong Kong2015-03-01
Invited Featured Speaker on "Creating Value for Directors" for Hong Kong Institute of Directors members2014-10-01
Keynote Speaker on “Business Enterprise Value Creation”CFO Forum, National Accounting Institute, Shanghai (200 participants)2014-05-01
Featured PanelistCAFR Conference2013-11-01
Invited Panelist on issue of “Is Professor Mathieson the Right Person to be HKU’s Vice-Chancellor?”Hong Kong Radio 3 "Blackchat" Program2013-10-01
Invited Featured Speaker on “Value Creation” for Executives’ Global Network2013-10-01
Presentation of "Do Adoptions of International Financial Reporting Standards Enhance Capital Investment Efficiency?"Tsinghua University, Beijing2013-07-01
Featured Speaker on "Value Creation - A Conceptual Perspective"Korea Business Enterprise Value Creation Conference, Seoul2013-06-01
"IFRS Adoption Still Prudent Despite Pushback from Some Regulators, Conference Hears" and "Listed Financial Institutions Must Prepare for Regulatory Review of Accounts, Warns Former HKEx Listings Head" Thomson Reuters Accelus2013-06-01
Featured talk on "Business Enterprise Value Creation"CPA Australia2013-05-01
Presentation of "Do Adoptions of International Financial Reporting Standards Enhance Capital Investment Efficiency?"University of Connecticut, USA2013-04-01
Do Adoptions of International Financial Reporting Standards Enhance Capital Investment Efficiency?University of Technology Sydney2013-03-01
Featured talk on "Business Enterprise Value Creation"Hong Kong Institute of Directors2013-03-01
Featured speaker on "Scandals of Chinese Listed Firms"Journal of Contemporary Accounting Research Symposium2013-01-01
"Record Fines: 'New Normal' for Banking Business?",Cable News Network (CNN)2012-12-01
Featured speaker on "Value-Creating Tools for Turbulent Times"Jakarta2012-11-01
Featured plenary speaker on "A New Paradigm of Accounting for Capital Market and Corporations: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice4th International Accounting Conference, Jakarta2012-11-01
Presented "Discretionary Loan Loss Recognitions and Systemic Risk in the Banking Industry"University of Hong Kong2012-10-01
Presented "SOX Internal Control Deficiencies and Auditors of U.S.-Listed Chinese versus U.S. Firms"Ohio State University, Columbus2012-10-01
Featured speaker on "Value-Creating Tools for Turbulent Times"Fudan University, Shanghai2012-10-01
Featured panelist and speaker on "Challenges and Opportunities of the Faculty"University of Hong Kong2012-09-01
Featured speaker on "Tools and Techniques for Value Creation"at Strategic Management Accounting and Business Analytics Forum Asia, Singapore2012-07-01
Featured plenary speakerUniversity of Western Australia Accounting and Finance Research Forum, Perth2012-06-01
Presented "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows" at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore2012-05-01
Invited featured capstone speaker for EMBA-Global Asia graduating class, Hong Kong2012-05-01
Invited speaker and panelist on "The View from the Remuneration Committee"Asia Pacific Global Employer Services Conference sponsored by Deloitte, Hong Kong2011-12-01
Presented TEDx Talk entitled "Accounting: It Adds Up"2011-12-01
Presented "Conditional Conservatism, SOX, and Cost of Equity Capital" at Brigham Young University2011-09-01
"China's Yurun Seeks Investor Goodwill", The Wall Street Journal2011-08-01
Presented briefing on "Predictions for the Global Economy" to Shui On Land senior management and finance staff, Shanghai2011-08-01
"Rich Man, Poor Man: The Widening Wealth Gap in Hong Kong", International Business Times2011-07-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk" and "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows" at Xiamen University, China2011-06-01
Presented "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows"University of Hong Kong2011-06-01
Featured plenary speaker on "International Financial Accounting Standards Research," American Accounting Association International Accounting Section Conference, Xiamen University, China2011-06-01
Presented "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows" at University of Tasmania2011-04-01
Presented "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows" at New York University2011-04-01
Featured speaker on "Market Prediction: Beware" at Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce2011-03-01
Presented "The Risk Management Role of Accounting Conservatism for Operating Cash Flows"Melbourne Business School2011-03-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk" at Yale University2011-02-01
Featured speaker on "Predictions for the Markets" to financial industry executives sponsored by CIMB Securities, China Club, Hong Kong2010-12-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk" at National Taiwan University2010-11-01
Presented seminars on "How to be an Effective Director of a Listed Company" and "How to Conduct Effective Director Meetings" for the Hong Kong Institute of Directors2010-10-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk"Skolkovo Business School, Moscow2010-10-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk"University of Washington2010-09-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk"Ohio State University2010-09-01
Presented "Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk" at London Business School2010-07-01
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2015 - 2016Book Editor
Accounting Review
2016Accounting Area Editor
Journal of International Business Studies
2014Editorial Board
Contemporary Accounting Research
2013Editorial Board
Contemporary Accounting Research
2012Editional Board
Contemporary Accounting Research
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
2013-07-012019-07-01Financial Reporting Review Panel MemberOFinancial Reporting Council
2013-05-012014-12-01External AssessorOOxford Brookes University
1997-01-012016-12-01External AssessorOHong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity
1996-01-012016-12-01External AssessorOCity Univesity of Hong Kong
2013-01-012016-12-01Program Committee Member and ModeratorOMIT Asia Conference in Accounting
2012-03-012016-12-01Chairman of Board Audit CommitteeOShui On Land Ltd.
2014-01-012014-06-01Co-organizerOCenter for Accounting Research and Education (CARE) Confernece
2006-05-012016-12-01Independent Non-Executive DirectorOShui On Land Ltd.
2006-05-012016-12-01Board Remuneration Committee MemberOShui On Land Ltd.
2012-03-012016-12-01Chairman of Board Audit CommitteeOKingdee International Software Group
2004-09-012016-12-01Board Nomination Committee memberOKingdee International Software Group
2004-09-012016-12-01Independent Non-Executive DirectorOKingdee International Software Group
2006-05-012016-12-01Member of Nomination CommitteeOShui On Land Ld.
2010-12-012012-12-01Chair and Member, Remuneration CommitteeOChinachem Group
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