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Name Card
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Professor Lau, Francis Chi Moon 劉智滿

Honorary Professor

Teaching List, Current
2018 S2COMP32352ACompiling techniques
2022 S2COMP32352ACompiling techniques
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Effective Partial Ontology Mapping in a Pervasive Computing EnvironmentDatabase, Internet, Information Security, Networking2002 MPhil
Kong Choi Yu
Positioning patterns from multidimensional data and its applications in meteorologyMeteorological computing2004 Phd
Wong Ka Yan
Delay-Aware Network I/O Virtualization for Cloud ComputingCloud Computing, Virtualization, Data Center Networking, Performance Isolation2012 Phd
Cheng Luwei
Distributed Algorithmic Studies in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksNetwork2009 Phd
Yu Dongxiao
Distributed Java Virtual Machine with Thread MigrationComputer network software for cluster1999 Phd
Zhu Wenzhang
Process Migration and Runtime Scheduling for Parallel Tasks in Computational GridsParallel Processing, Distributed System, Networking, etc.2002 Phd
Chen Lin
Fine-Grain Resource Allocation and Semantics-Aware Data Partitioning in Distributed ComputingParallel and Distributed Computing2014 Phd
Liang Feng
Personalized Web Search Re-Ranking and Content RecommendationArtificial Intelligence & Computer Graphics2010 Phd
Jiang Hao
Multicast Techniques for Bandwidth-demanding Applications in Overlay NetworksComputer Networking2004 Phd
Tsang Cheuk Man Mark
Online VNF Scaling with Network UncertaintiesSystems and Networking2014 MPhil
Wang Xiaoke
A Light-weight Mobile Code System for Pervasive ComputingSoftware Architecture2000 MPhil
Chow Yuk
Context-Aware State Management for Supporting Mobility in a Pervasive EnvironmentNetworking, Internet and WWW, Database, Algorithm Mobile Devices2002 MPhil
Siu Po Lam Pauline
Transparent Process Migration for distributed Java ComputingComputer System2006 MPhil
Wong Ying Ying
Dynamic Cloud Resource Provisioning and PricingComputer Systems, Information Systems2013 Phd
Zhang Xiaoxi
A Distributed Proxy System for Functionality Adaptation in Pervasive Computing EnvironmentsSoftware Architecture2000 MPhil
Kwan Vivien Joanna Wai Man
Optimal Data Dissemination in Stochastic and Arbitrary Wireless NetworksComputer System2008 Phd
Li Hongxing
Performance Modeling and Load Balancing for Distributed Java Virtual MachineDistributed Systems2005 MPhil
Luo Yang
Learning by Example for Parametric Font DesignMultilingual Solution for Embedded System2004 Phd
Lau Man Kin
Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with mSCTPComputer Networking2004 Phd
Tsang Cheuk Kan Ken
Effective Content Adaptation Strategies for Mobile ComputingInternet Computing2000 MPhil
Lum Wai Yip
Document Replication and Distribution Algorithms for Load Balancing in Geographically Distributed Web Server SystemsE-Commerce or Networks2000 MPhil
Zhuo Ling
Dynamic Utility Maximization for Multi-Cloud based ServicesComputer System and Networks2009 Phd
Qiu Xuanjia
A Pervasive Information Framework Based on Semantic Routing and Cooperative CachingDistributed & Parallel Computing2002 MPhil
Chen Weisong
Move My Data to the Cloud: an Online Cost-Minimizing ApproachSystems and Network2010 MPhil
Zhang Linquan
Scheduling and Flow Control in CMT-SCTPComputing Systems2009 Phd
Halepoto Imtiaz Ali
Memory Management Strategies to Improve the Space-Time Performance of Java ProgramsInternet and WWW2002 Phd
Yu Ching Han
Utilising Channels in Email: an Approach to Organising CommunicationHuman Computer Interaction2012 MPhil
Yang Xi
Fault-tolerant routing for unidirectional networksParallel and Distributed Computing2001 MPhil
Lam Chun Wing
Representation Learning for Natural Language ProcessingSystems and Networking2014 MPhil
Zhou Chunting
An Architecture to Support Scalable Distributed Virtual Environment Systems on GridNetworking and Grid Computing2002 MPhil
Wang Tianqi
The Performance and Locality Tradeoff in BitTorrent File Sharing SystemsHigh-Performance Computing2008 MPhil
Huang Wei
Attentive Gestural User Interface for Touch ScreensHuman-Computer Interaction2010 MPhil
Li Sirui
Balancing Space and Time for Moving Garbage CollectorsComputer Architecture2008 MPhil
Tong Liangliang
Minimizing Interference in Wireless Sensor NetworksApplied Algorithms2007 Phd
Tan Haisheng
Relationship Analysis for Web Content AdaptationComputer Systems and Applications2005 Phd
Lai Po Yan
Coflow Scheduling and Resource Sharing Games in Congested NetworksWireless Sensor Networks; Internet of Things; Parallel Computing2013 Phd
Li Yupeng
Distributed Object Sharing for Cluster-based Java Virtual MachineComputer Architecture & Parallel Processing1999 Phd
Fang Weijian
Gossiping in Meshes in All-Port Mode and with Short PacketsDesign, Analysis of Graph Algorithms and Applications2001 Phd
Wang Rui
A component-based software system with functionality adaptation for mobile computingSoftware Architecture2000 MPhil
Belaramani Nalini Moti
Group-based Checkpoint/Rollback Recovery for Large Scale Message-passing SystemsHigh Performance Computing2004 MPhil
Ho Chun Yin
Towards Better Computer-based PresentationSystem2012 Phd
Li Xiaoyang
A Semantic Web Architecutre for Personalized ProfilesInternet and WWW2001 MPhil
Chui Ka Lam Elsa
Cloud-assisted Multimedia Content DeliveryNetwork2009 Phd
Wu Yu
Process RoamingReplication, Distribution and Caching of Web Contents on wide-area networks2001 Phd
Ho Sai Chuen
Scheduling Wireless Links with SINR ConstraintsParallel and Distributed Computing2004 Phd
Hua Qiangsheng
Controllable Music Generation via Deep Learning MethodsComputer Music2018 Phd
Zeng Te
Transparent and Efficient Fault Tolerance on High-Speed Datacenter NetworkingSystems2015 Phd
Wang Cheng
Indefinite Causal Structures And Shannon TheoryQuantum Learning2015 Phd
Ebler Daniel
Resource Management in Cloud Computing: Algorithm and System Co-designData Center Networks, Wireless Networks2015 Phd
Han Zhenhua
Compression and Replication of Quantum Information Computer Science2015 Phd
Yang Yuxiang
From Conventional to Search-focused Programming EnvironmentsParallel Computing2013 Phd
Tauber Tomas
Smart city, Machine learning2020 Phd
Wen Dacheng
Amplification, Purification and Superposition of Orders in Continuous-Variable SystemsAlgorithms and Bioinformatics 2015 Phd
Zhao Xiaobin
Distributed Network Organization and Message Dissemination in Dynamic Ad Hoc NetworksParallel and Distributed Computing2016 Phd
Zou Yifei
Quantum advantages in learning unitary gatesQuantum Information Theory2017 Phd
Mo Yin
Extensible Domain-Specific Languages in Object-Oriented ProgrammingProgramming Languages2014 MPhil
Zhang Weixin
Networking, Mobile Computing2019 Others
Sun Yifei
Handling Uncertainties in Multi-agent Edge Computing Systems in Decentralized Manner: An Approximate MDP ApproachWireless Networks2018 Others
Hong Yuncong
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2000-01-012002-12-31Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2004-07-212005-12-31Faculty of Business and Economics, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2012-06-012014-05-31Human Research Ethics Committee1 member each from the Faculties of Arch, Arts, Bus&Econ, Dentistry, Edu, Engg, Law, Medicine, Sci and SocSc, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects, appointed by the relevant Board of the Faculty
2015-03-012017-07-12Joint Consultative Committee of HKU-SPACE and FacultiesThe Faculty Associate Deans whose responsibilities include lifelong learning, nominated by Faculty Deans.
2000-01-012002-12-31University Engineering Advisory CommitteeMembers of the Engineering Curriculum Review and Development Committee of the Board of the Fac of Engineering (ie the Chairman, being the Associate Dean of the Fac of Eng, the Heads of Dept and 1 member appointed by each Head of Dept of the Fac of Eng).
2017-07-012019-05-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeThe Chair of each Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee
2014-07-012014-12-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeThe Chair of each Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee
2003-01-012005-12-31University Engineering Advisory CommitteeMembers of the Engineering Curriculum Review and Development Committee of the Board of the Fac of Engineering (ie the Chairman, being the Associate Dean of the Fac of Eng, the Heads of Dept and 1 member appointed by each Head of Dept of the Fac of Eng).
1998-07-011999-12-31University Engineering Advisory CommitteeMembers of the Engineering Curriculum Review and Development Committee of the Board of the Fac of Engineering (ie the Chairman, being the Associate Dean of the Fac of Eng, the Heads of Dept and 1 member appointed by each Head of Dept of the Fac of Eng).
2003-01-012005-12-31Faculty of Arts, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2000-01-012002-12-31Faculty of Arts, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2009-04-062012-08-31Cognitive Science, Board of Studies inThe Deans of the Faculties or their nominees, contributing to the teaching of the degree programme
2003-01-012003-10-31SenateOther Heads of Teaching Department
2000-01-012002-12-31SenateOther Heads of Teaching Department
2015-12-112016-06-30Library CommitteeThe Chairman of each Faculty Library Committee and the Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology and Educational Resources (CITER) of the Faculty of Dentistry
2006-07-012008-06-30Student Grievances, Committee of Enquiry intoTwo other members of the Grievances Panel, appointed by the Chairman: members of the PanelCouncil
2002-07-012004-06-30Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, Committee ofA panel of 12 members of the Senate who are teachers, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a timeSenate
1987-09-011995-03-31Faculty of Engineering, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2019-07-012019-10-31Faculty of Engineering, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
1995-04-012019-06-30Faculty of Engineering, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2004-07-012005-12-31Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2003-01-012004-06-30Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
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