Name Card
rp00151 picture

Professor Li, Yuguo 李玉國

Professor, Chair of Building Environment

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
17207324Profiling population quanta generation rates for intercepting superspreading events in a city11038632024
17211615Logistic growth of the surface touch/contamination network in the built environment and its roles in disease spread8710442015
17206723A unified theory of dilution ability for the control of airborne infection11327812023
17202618Synergistic effects of heat dome and foehn wind on extreme heat events in a dense high-rise city6324212018
HKU 714212EProximity effect - Exploring short-range and long-range airborne routes of expiratory exposure between people in indoor environment9054252012
HKU 7009/01EA dynamic theory of natural ventilation in buildings4703702001
HKU9/CRF/12GVentilation of a High-Rise Compact City50000002012
HKU 7020/02EA theory of enclosure ventilation driven by combined forces7114042002
HKU 714507ECityVent  A Theory of Ventilation of a Dense and High-Rise City by Wind and Buoyancy Forces9708002007
HKU 7115/04EDispersion and ventilation control of exhalation pollutants in hospital wards3800472004
HKU 7154/05ENonlinear coupling of thermal mass and natural ventilation in buildings3592242005
HKU 714608EConnectVent - Ventilation of""connected""indoor environments in controlling airborne disease transmission3279372008
HKU 7150/06EBioPassVent - a theory of enclosure ventilation for purging combined pollutants8848502006
G_HK 017/02Wind-induced cross ventilation in buildings with large openings566002002
HA-NS-003Evaluating factors that affect ventilation effectiveness in SARS wards7318242004
HA-NS-002Understanding droplets due to the use of nebulizers and respiratory activities7983602004
G_HK031/04Interaction between natural ventilation and wind flow around a multi-storey building448002004
21004750.37107.14500Full-scale study of air conditioning systems for SARS wards1331032005
HA-NS-006NatVent: Use of natural ventilation as an infection control measure6971502008
HA-NS-007WardVent: How movement and anteroom affect ventilation performance in a ward setting7137002008
51278440Formation of droplet nuclei and airborne exposure in hospital wards10676002012
ECF Project 18/2013The 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 7-12, 2014, Hong Kong5000002013
17205014Effectiveness of building ventilation on reducing multi-route transmission of influenza in a large city8750002014
17208021Development of a protective facemask-inclusive human thermal stress prediction and warning system8156012021
17203420Spread and age of non-resident microbes in heterogeneous surface touch networks in crowded environments8739952020
17202719Physical characteristics of close contact and their roles in exposure to exhaled droplets between two people7483002019
COVID190113Understanding transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 virus in A&E and patient rooms20817962019
AR130014SmartComfort - Use of smartphone and cloud technologies for building thermal comfort, and ventilation and health studies in megacities1552792014
17249616Mechanisms of contact particle transfer between skin and fomite in the built environment8445592016
C7025-16GEnvironmental studies of the spread of respiratory viruses in a large dense urban social network85827032016
R4046-18Increasing the resilience to the health impacts of extreme weather on elderly people under future climate change6631432018
17201817HeatDome: The effects of ideal city shape and city clusters on urban-like heat island circulation in a calm and stratified environment5820002017
17203321Generation, transport and release of faecal aerosols in drainage and vent systems of high-rise buildings9113172021
C7104-21GA real-time monitoring and warning system for COVID-19 and influenza infection in building environment68199202021
51778555Urban heat island circulation of an ideal city setting under weak wind conditions in a stratified environment7536002017
17206522Why do super-spreaders mostly cause only one COVID-19 outbreak – an integrated viral and transmission kinetics study11154522022