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Name Card
rp00043 picture

Professor Watt, Rory Munro

Associate Professor

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
17105115Bark and Bite: a Comparative Genomics Approach to Unwind Uncertainties in Treponeme Biology, Taxonomy and Pathogenicity9933492015
17103318Good-chop, bad-chop? Defining the activities of calpain-like cysteine proteases from oral Actinomyces bacteria9668382018
HKU 780112MRaising the alarmone in Staphylococcus aureus: establishing the molecular basis of the stringent response9500002012
HKU 705007PPolyphosphate metabolic enzymes as potential targets for anti-tuberculosis and general antibiotic drug development5450002007
HKU 779109MGenes get 'recT' : new and improved methods for bacterial DNA engineering9088502009
HKU 781911MTreponema denticola and periodontal disease: novel analytical approaches to probe host-pathogen relationships6500002011
17102823Stressed about fat: establishing mechanisms linking nutrients with survival mechanisms for oral and gut bacteria12148002023
-Isoprenoid biosynthesis via the methylerythritoal phosphate (MEP) pathway: proteomic analysis and identification of targets for inhibition330002006
HKU 704508PA Molecular toolbox for genetic, proteomic and metabolic engineering in the ethanol-producing bacterium Zymomonas mobilis3437002008
HKU 780713MWhats in your pockets? Single-site analysis of Treponema and Synergistetes populations associated with periodontal health and disease6195252013
17121814Breaking the chain or making magic? Establishing the roles of polyphosphate hydrolase proteins in pathogenic bacteria8846912014
17121820Putting the POP into periodontitis11887072020
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