Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology

Grant Data
Project Title
Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology
Principal Investigator
Professor Fang, Christian Xinshuo   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Completion Date
Conference Title
Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Local Anesthetic Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP) with Diffusion Optimized Micro Fluid Channels for Fracture Repair Manufactured By Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D Printing Technology
Drug Carrying Bone Plate (DCBP), Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS), Novel Local Anesthetic
Others - Medicine, Dentistry and Health
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects (RTH-ITF)
Funding Year
This project aims to develop a novel bone plate with built-in pain killer release mechanism, aiming to dramatically reduce the relatively unsolved problem of severe postoperative wound pain immediately following fracture repair surgery. An optimally sized cavity within the bone plate is designed to store local anesthetics, sustainably released for up to 48 hours following surgery via micro-channels. Local pain relief is optimized, side effects minimized, and recovery is enhanced. The previous challenge of cost-effectively manufacturing a cavitated bone plate with channels is overcome by advanced Integrated Machining Direct Metal Laser Sintering (IM-DMLS) 3D printing technology. The product should be mechanically strong with a safe profile of drug release. We will conduct, CAD prototyping then biomechanical and in-vivo biocompatibility validation according to ASTM and ISO standards and with large animal models. There are examples of other metallic 3D printed implants that are already internationally approved by regulating bodies, including the USA (FDA), China (NMPA) and Europe (CE Mark). Our proposed design and manufacturing technique of an orthopaedic bone fixation plate is novel and undescribed in existing products, patents or publications. International patents will be filed by us. As fracture repair surgery is one of the most commonly performed orthopaedic procedures, our products will have a large commercial potential. The technology platform can lead to both a generation of localized drug releasing implants and metallic 3D printed implants applicable to various clinical scenarios.