Associations between Emerging Political Ideology, Political Participation and Social Media Use: Making sense of the connections between ""Localism"", ""Populism"", and Post-materialism in Hong Kong

Grant Data
Project Title
Associations between Emerging Political Ideology, Political Participation and Social Media Use: Making sense of the connections between ""Localism"", ""Populism"", and Post-materialism in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator
Professor Fu, King Wa   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Associations between Emerging Political Ideology, Political Participation and Social Media Use: Making sense of the connections between ""Localism"", ""Populism"", and Post-materialism in Hong Kong
Presentation Title
Localism, Political Ideology, Populism, Post-materialism, Social Media
Journalism and Media
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Funding Year
1. To conceptualize and operationalize the ""Localism"" in Hong Kong and its connection with some well-established political concepts 2. To understand the differences in political ideologies among Hong Kong people in the following domains: i. Localism (versus Cosmopolitanism) ii. Populism iii. Social Justice iv. Legality v. Altruism 3. To understand how these ideologies and domains stated in Q1 and Q2 are established and represented in the media, especially the on-line and niche media, and also to examine how these ideologies and domains are associated with use of social media, including types of social media used and habits of accessing the relevant content 4. To capture how these ideologies and domains are stratified in people’s: i. political attitudes: 1. Perspectives on significant political occasions from 2009 2. Future political development of Hong Kong ii. political behavior (engagement): 1. Institutional political participation (e.g. voting) 2. Non-institutional political participation (e.g. social movement) 3. Action against political fatigue and diluteness / Political self-efficacy and if there are any contradictions (i) between people’s political domains, (ii) between people’s political spectrum, their attitudes and their political engagement 5. To derive latent clusters of political spectrum by ideologies and domains stated in Q1, and how these latent political clusters relate to people’s socio-economic