An Image-Driven Integrated Approach to Construct IFC-based As-Is Building Information Models of Existing Buildings for Operations and Maintenance and First Response

Grant Data
Project Title
An Image-Driven Integrated Approach to Construct IFC-based As-Is Building Information Models of Existing Buildings for Operations and Maintenance and First Response
Principal Investigator
Dr Lee, Sang Hoon   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
An Image-Driven Integrated Approach to Construct IFC-based As-Is Building Information Models of Existing Buildings for Operations and Maintenance and First Response
Presentation Title
Building Information Modeling, Computing Technology, Existing Building, Industry Foundation Classes, Operations and Maintenance
Building and Construction
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Funding Year
1) To understand the operations and maintenance of existing buildings and analyze merits and limitations of existing techniques and methods for constructing as-is BIM models. • Task 1.1: To identify current processes and systems used for the operations and maintenance of existing buildings in Hong Kong • Task 1.2: To analyze merits and limitations of existing techniques and methods for constructing as-built BIM models of buildings in Hong Kong 2) To develop a detailed process and a corresponding computing system equipped with a set of mechanisms for the construction of as-built objects with their meanings and information. • Task 2.1: To develop a detailed process of constructing as-built BIM models of existing buildings • Task 2.2: To develop a set of mechanisms to support creating and assembling as-built building elements with their properties and relationships • Task 2.3: To develop a computational system that implements the mechanisms 3) To evaluate the functional performance of the approach proposed in the research and verify its accuracy • Task 3.1: To select target buildings and collect/generate input data sets • Task 3.2: To verify the functional performance of the process and the computational system using core building components • Task 3.3: To evaluate the holistic performance of the proposed approach focusing on the identification of relationships between building elements