Content delivery in future wireless heterogeneous networks: Caching, Computation, and Cooperation (C4-Net)

Grant Data
Project Title
Content delivery in future wireless heterogeneous networks: Caching, Computation, and Cooperation (C4-Net)
Principal Investigator
Professor Huang, Kaibin   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Kobayashi Mari   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Datta Tanumay   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Li Victor On Kwok   (Co-Investigator)
Dr. WEN Jiayao   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Wu Yueping   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Exposito Victor   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Yang Sheng   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Zhu Guangxu   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Ghorbel Asma   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Content delivery in future wireless heterogeneous networks: Caching, Computation, and Cooperation (C4-Net)
Presentation Title
Caching, Computation, Cooperation (C4-Net), wireless heterogeneous networks
Communication,Others - Computing Science and Information Technology
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme - Travel Grants
Funding Year
1) Investigate the fundamental information-theoretic limits of caching. It is crucial to study the theoretical performance bounds of throughput scaling under realistic setups (channels, network architectures, and user populations). These bounds will ultimately show the scaling laws that can be expected for the perceived spectral efficiency with the help of wireless caching techniques, which is an promising goal. 2) Understand the role of network computation and user cooperation in content delivery systems. First, provided that network nodes could exchange information, we would like to investigate what types of information is most useful in the sense of maximizing the common (multicast) data rate at each node [3,4,6]. Then, we look into efficient implementation of the information exchange based on centralized [1] or decentralized (e.g., P2P [8]) communications. 3) Define the network architecture and user population for wireless content delivery systems. The efficiency of caching/computation/cooperation depends strongly on the network architecture and the user distribution. Therefore, we will investigate hierarchical architectures that unleash the full essentials of such schemes, building on key sub-architectures such as (i) Femto cells; (ii) device-todevice (D2D) communication; and iii) MIMO multicasting.