SHIELD - Critical Infrastructure Protection in Hong Kong

Grant Data
Project Title
SHIELD - Critical Infrastructure Protection in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator
Dr Chow, Kam Pui   (Project Coordinator (PC))
Start Date
Conference Title
SHIELD - Critical Infrastructure Protection in Hong Kong
Presentation Title
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Others - Computing Science and Information Technology
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Innovation and Technology Fund Internship Programme
Funding Year
The objective of this project is to provide a platform for information sharing among different keystake holders in the area of cyber attacks. In particular, sharing of information and intelligence, and running of cyber attack drills. Being the last leg in the supply chain, the retail sector is the contact point between goods manufacturers and their end-customers. As more retailers move towards offering online shopping to their customers, their e-Commerce web sites are prone to security risks. The most common threat is DDoS attack where attackers will initiate heavy traffic to cripple and eventually bring down the e-Commerce web site. The SHIELD project has 3 components: 1) a smart box, called SHIELD (Smart Hacking and Intrusion Entrapment with Lawful Detection), will be built to perform intelligent packet filtering. 2) the information collected by the smart box will be sanitized based on a cryptographic model to protect data privacy in digital investigation. 3) the sanitized data obtained in step 2 above will be used for investigation using cyber attack profiling. Hong Kong Police established the Cyber Security Centre in December 2012 with the purpose to strengthen the cyber defense of Hong Kong. The SHIELD system will allow the Police and the industry to receive alerts prior cyber attack and to conduct timely incident response when these cyber attacks come. The technology developed could help all related keystake holders to be better prepared for the potential cyber attacks, and improve the response time when facing these attacks in Hong Kong. The SHIELD platform could also be used to provide a training ground for expertise development in Hong Kong. The SHIELD project also targets to develop a Vanilla version of the SHIELD for the retail industry and/or critical infrastructure suppliers.