A Virtual Reality System for Strategic Operation Training

Grant Data
Project Title
A Virtual Reality System for Strategic Operation Training
Principal Investigator
Dr Lau, Henry Ying Kei   (Project Coordinator (PC))
Dr Chan Leith Kin Yip   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
A Virtual Reality System for Strategic Operation Training
Presentation Title
Strategic Operation Training
Others - Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Platform Research Projects - General Award
Funding Year
The project addresses the important issue of training high-level management and technical professionals for making strategic decisions in critical operations in the logistics and services sectors, in a timely manner. An integrated platform that provides the capabilities for professionals to experience the life-like scenarios of complex operations and interact dynamically with such environment, with their activities recorded and behavior analyzed in real-time is developed. The technologies of virtual reality and real-time motion capture is deployed with an artificial intelligence-based behavior profiling algorithm developed to achieve dynamic scenario creation and visualization, user skills profiling and performance evaluation in completing these critical operations. The project develops a fully immersive cave automatic virtual environment with the aforementioned capabilities that delivers a novel and cost effective solution for training and evaluation of professionals in decision making and high-order skills evaluation. The virtual reality-empowered system developed represents a state-of-the-art design of capitalizing the virtual reality technology with artificial intelligence methods to deliver an integrated system that create a cost effective, versatile and reconfigurable, interactive and immersive training environment that readily supports evidence and discovery-based training in operation planning and decision making. Mostly importantly, the virtual reality platform developed in the project will be deployed in real applications where extensive trials will be conducted with Cathay Pacific Services Limited (CPSL), a leading air logistics business in Hong Kong for supervisor training to perform effective logistics operations and supply chain management, as well as the Hong Kong Police Force for detective training and to attune the technology with real cases and operations in actual training and performance evaluation.