Development of encapuslated stem cells formed into a 3D complex transplantable device using microfluidic technology

Grant Data
Project Title
Development of encapuslated stem cells formed into a 3D complex transplantable device using microfluidic technology
Principal Investigator
Professor Botelho, Michael George   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Green David William   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Shum Ho Cheung   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Completion Date
Conference Title
Development of encapuslated stem cells formed into a 3D complex transplantable device using microfluidic technology
Presentation Title
bone regeneration, Microfluidics, Stem cell, tissue engineering
Dentistry,Stem Cell Biology
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Seed Fund for PI Research – Basic Research
Funding Year
scaffold as one of the key components during tissue engineering has to be optimized in such a way that provides optimum support for cell-scaffold interaction. for this reason, the use of nano particles and nano alteration of the physical properties is the focus of many studies that attempt to mimic natural tissue. for bone tissue engineering, the use of nano composite of Hydroxyapatite (HA) combined with collagen is promising. However, physical microstructure of available commercial scaffold (i.e. porosity) lack similarity with that of natural bone. A gradient porous composite collagen/HA with high porosity and interconnectivity is required to enhance bone regeneration, secure proper vascularization, and avoid necrosis of graft. Here, a novel gradient porous composite col/HA scaffold will be produced using novel room temperature production technique along with the use of the non-ionic surfactant (Tween 20) and controlled freeze drying parameters. The objectives are therefore to examine production variables and associated cellular responses. 1. To evaluate the influence of different ratio of col/HA on porosity parameters of produced gradient porous scaffold. 2. To evaluate the influence of different quenching rates on porosity parameters of produced gradient porous scaffold. 3. To analyze the in vitro cellular response of hMSC on gradient porous scaffold of various range of porosity parameters. 4. To explain the relationship between cellular behavior and porosity parameters in an attempt to define optimum porosity range for enhanced bone regeneration.