Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

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General Information
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering  
    in the Faculty of:
2859 2583 / 2859 2586
2858 6535
Key People
3917 2593

Professor, Chair of Robotics and Automation
3917 2593

Professor, Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management; and Professor (with the title of Chair Professor) (by courtesy) in the Department of Mathematics
2857 8213
RP - Teaching List, Current
2021 S2IMSE70342BOperational research
2023 S2IMSE70202CSupply chain management
2019 S2IELM60342BOperational research techniques
2019 S2ENGG13202DEngineers in the modern world
2020 S2IMSE31062AManufacturing technology
2020 S1ENGG13201BEngineers in the modern world
2020 S2IELM60342BOperational research techniques
2023 S1IMSE41221AGlobal logistics systems
2018 S1IMSE31151AEngineering economics and finance
2018 S2IMSE31292AInternship
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