Centre of Buddhist Studies

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General Information
Centre of Buddhist Studies  
    in the Faculty of:
3917 5019
2549 3040
Key People
3917 5019
RP - Teaching List, Current
2018 S1BSTC10011AIntroduction to Buddhist teachings
2018 S2BSTC7001FAReadings in Buddhist Tibetan texts (Elementary)
2021 S1BSTC20041AChinese Buddhism and ritual
2018 S2BSTC80312ACapstone Experience: Special topics in Buddhist studies (3)
2022 S1BSTC60791AEarly Buddhism
2021 S2BSTC81212ACapstone Experience: Chinese Buddhist texts: a survey and sample readings
2022 S2CCHU90622BBuddhist Visions in World Cinema
2018 S2BSTC76032ADharma therapy
Yim, Shui Wa
2023 S2CCHU90622BXBuddhist Visions in World Cinema
2022 S1CCCH90181AXBuddhism and Chinese Culture
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