Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)

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Grant - Current
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
27506223Why do mutual funds delegate their voting authority?4198582023
Principal Investigator (PI)
17505223Whither Journalism? The Impact of Social Media on the Market for News in China3874322023
Professor Xia Lu
Principal Investigator (PI)
17504423When Will Political Compliance Strategies Pay off? A CEO Value-Strategy Alignment Model3718982023
Principal Investigator (PI)
17503022When Global Externality Meets Local Externality: Theory and Empirics Based on China’s Carbon Market4712922022
Xie Yang
Dr Pan Yuhang
Principal Investigator (PI)
27500923Uplifting or overshadowing? How high-status coworkers affect one’s career outcomes 3977312023
Principal Investigator (PI)
T24-508/22-NUnravelling the black box between air pollution and public health for transformative air quality management2022
Co-principal investigator
Dr Ho Kin-fai
Project coordinator
Professor Li Xiangdong
Co-principal investigator
Dr He Daihai
Co-principal investigator
Principal Investigator (PI)
17503922Unintended consequences of Morningstar ratings on mutual fund risk taking4186842022
Principal Investigator (PI)
17506623Understanding and Optimizing the ""Aesthetics"" of Product Ratings: The Case of Comparative Multi-Rating Display5756652023
Principal Investigator (PI)
17614822Transmission of shocks across countries in a heterogeneous production network5570852022
Principal Investigator (PI)
18192271Towards reducing repeated hospital attendance and admissions for patients with low back pain using a machine learning approach10628802020
Principal Investigator (PI)
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