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Data Management Plan (DMP)
Data Management Plan (DMP)

DMP Submission & Approval System

Select your role to login, submit or approve DMPs on the DMP Submission & Approval System:

The DMPTool for DMP Writing

Create and write data management plans with a template available in this online tool: DMPTool@HKUL.

Research Data Management (RDM)
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Research Data Management (RDM)
The RDM Guide

Visit our guidelines on Research Data Management for best practices in managing, documenting, preserving and sharing research data.

RDM Training

Explore the Research Data Management training and seminars available at the HKU Libraries, including the Research Data Academy series.

HKU Data Repository (DataHub)
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HKU Data Repository (DataHub)

HKU Data Repository (DataHub)

Deposit and publish research data, scholarly outputs, or educational resources in the HKU institutional data repository, DataHub.

The HKU DataHub Guide

Visit our guidelines on how to use HKU DataHub to deposit, manage, share and publish your research data, and read the two important regulatory documents – the Depositor’s Agreement and the Take-down Policy before depositing your work in HKU DataHub.

FAIR Principles & Open Data
Guide to FAIR & Open Data

Visit our guidelines on the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and Open Data, with recommended practices in selecting appropriate repositories to share your research data FAIRly.

FAIR Data Principles & Open Data
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