Name Card
rp00447 picture

Dr Lee, Kin Wah 李建華

Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor

Contact Information
rp00447 picture

Dr Lee, Kin Wah 李建華

Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Also Cited As:
Lee, T
Lee, Kin-wah, Terence
Lee, TKW
Lee, TK


Dr. Terence Lee obtained his Bachelor degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He then continued his postgraduate studies and obtained his Master and PhD degrees in the University of Hong Kong. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong. He is currently the Editor of PLoS One, American Journal of Stem Cell Research and Journal of Liver: Disease & Transplantation. He is top 1% scientists of the latest ISI’s essential science indicators with 59 original articles in peer-renewed international journals including Cell Stem Cell, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Cancer Research, etc.

Dr. Lee is the principal investigator in the State Key Laboratory for Liver Research. He has long-standing interest in studying the underlying molecular mechanisms of liver carcinogenesis. His recent research mainly focuses on delineating the role of liver cancer stem cells in liver cancer development and metastasis.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2002-01-01Li Ka Shing prize for the best M.Phil. Thesis: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2006-01-01Young Investigators' Award 2006, Identification of LICAM as the potential biomarker for HCC metastasis: Shanghai International Liver Congress 2006, Fifth Shanghai International Symposium, Shanghai, China, 2006
Research Achievement
2006-10-012006 Young Scientist Award: Hong Kong Institution of Science
Research Achievement
2003-12-01Mary Sun Medical Scholarship: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2011-11-01Young Researcher Career Development Scheme (YRCDS): State Key Laboratory for Liver Research
Research Achievement
2004-07-01Mary Sun Medical Scholarship: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2008-10-01Wong KC Education Fund
Research Achievement
Lee, MF
Sze, MF
Ma, W
2014-08-01Scholar-in-Training Award: New Horizons in Cancer Research Conference: Harnessing Breakthroughs – Targeting Cures (American Association for Cancer Research)
Research Achievement
Leung, ON
Mak, WN
2015-09-01Junior Investigator Award: International Liver Cancer Association Annual Conference 2015
Research Achievement
Leung, ON
Mak, WN
2015-09-01Top scored abstract: International Liver Cancer Association Annual Conference 2015
Research Achievement
Lee, MF
Kai, AKL
Cui, C
Lau, YT
2018-09-01Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award 2018: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement