The Greening of China’s Urbanization: Common Agenda, Local Leverage, and Diverse Pathways of Eco-Urbanism

Grant Data
Project Title
The Greening of China’s Urbanization: Common Agenda, Local Leverage, and Diverse Pathways of Eco-Urbanism
Principal Investigator
Professor Lin, George Chu Sheng   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
The Greening of China’s Urbanization: Common Agenda, Local Leverage, and Diverse Pathways of Eco-Urbanism
China's urbanization, China's urban geography, Chinese cities
Human Geography
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) 2022/23
Funding Year
1. Identify the growth and spatiality of China's new practice of eco-urbanism: How has the green-turn of China's urbanization come about? Is there a pattern both temporally and spatially that can be identified from the practicing of eco-urbanism among the Chinese cities at and above the prefectural level? Is the Chinese decarbonization agenda symbolic or genuine? Is there any relationship between the growth of eco-cities and the nature and characteristics of the surrounding regional economy? 2. Investigate the key stakeholders involved and their motivations and strategies: Why are Chinese cities so eager to pursue decarbonization, which seems counter-productive to their agenda of rapid economic growth for income and employment generation? Are the interests and concerns of the central state consistent with those of local governments and ordinary citizens? Why has the initiative of eco-urbanism been a success in some cities but a failure in others? Who are the main stakeholders involved and what are their different interests and motivations? 3. Critically evaluate the socioeconomic and spatial consequences of China’s new fashion of decarbonization amid rapid industrialization and urbanization: What are the social, economic, and geographical consequences of the growth of eco-cities and low-carbon cities? Who are the winners and losers of the practicing of eco-urbanism?