E2Power: Engagement and empowerment of communities through social capital development

Grant Data
Project Title
E2Power: Engagement and empowerment of communities through social capital development
Principal Investigator
Professor Lum, Terry Yat Sang   (Project Coordinator (PC))
Professor Wong Paul Wai Ching   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Luo Hao   (Co-principal investigator)
Professor Chui Cheryl Hiu-kwan   (Co-principal investigator)
Professor Lam Wai Fung   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Chan On Fung   (Collaborator)
Dr Lam Foster   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Guo Yingqi   (Collaborator)
Ms Chow Wan Chi   (Collaborator)
Dr Law Winnie Wai Yi   (Co-principal investigator)
Ms Chan Yan   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Cheung Chun Sing Johnson   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Liu Yuqi   (Collaborator)
Mr Lai Frederick   (Co-Investigator)
Mr Chua Hoi Wai   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Lam Ching Choi   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Lu Shiyu   (Co-principal investigator)
Professor Chen Yu Chih   (Co-principal investigator)
Ms Chek Yvonne   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
E2Power: Engagement and empowerment of communities through social capital development
CBPR, Community, Empowerment, Engagement, Social capital
Social WorkSocial Policy
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Research Impact Fund (RIF)
Funding Year
(1) To explore the concept of social capital in Chinese context and its functions among older adults, youth and ethnic minorities (local stakeholders) in HKSAR, and identify factors conducive to social capital in communities. (2) To identify ways to engage and empower local stakeholders for social capital development in Chinese context; particularly on how to design a community, comprising both physical and social environments, in a way that fosters social capital. (3) To develop a social capital index framework that allows for gauging the level of social capital in Hong Kong and other Chinese communities, including Taiwan and Mainland China, and examine how community-level social capital and physical environment contribute to well being.