Dynamics and Origins of Giant Planets Around Non-Solar-Type Stars

Grant Data
Project Title
Dynamics and Origins of Giant Planets Around Non-Solar-Type Stars
Principal Investigator
Dr Lee, Man Hoi   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Matsumura Soko   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Brasser Ramon   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Trifonov Trifon   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Dynamics and Origins of Giant Planets Around Non-Solar-Type Stars
Presentation Title
Extrasolar Planets, Planetary System Dynamics, Planetary System Origins
Planetary Sciences,Physics
Physical Sciences (P)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
General Research Fund (GRF)
Funding Year
1 We will analyze high-resolution adaptive optics image of the giant star nu Octantis to show that its binary companion is most likely a white dwarf. We will also analyze high-precision radial velocity measurements to show that the planet orbiting nu Octantis is likely a giant planet on a retrograde orbit. 2 We will investigate how the unusual nu Octantis system formed and evolved. The options that we will consider include (i) formation of the planet in a retrograde disk around nu Octantis and survival through the evolution of the companion star; (ii) a circumbinary planet that become circumstellar through planet-planet scattering and tidal capture; and (iii) a second-generation planet that formed when the companion evolved into a white dwarf. 3 We will examine whether the orbits of the two Saturn-mass planets around the low-mass M dwarf star GJ 1148, which are widely separated and show large eccentricity variations, are due to planet-planet scattering and the ejection of another giant planet. We will also analyze the spin evolution of the inner planet due to the tidal interactions between the planet and the star. 4 We will perform numerical simulations to investigate whether massive giant planets could be formed around low-mass M dwarfs in the pebble accretion model where solid cores large enough to accrete gas to become giant planets are formed by the accretion of cm-to-meter sized pebbles by planetary embryos.