Dense DomestiCities: Composite Building Histories in Hong Kong, 1950s-1970s

Grant Data
Project Title
Dense DomestiCities: Composite Building Histories in Hong Kong, 1950s-1970s
Principal Investigator
Dr Seng, Mei Feng Eunice   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Dense DomestiCities: Composite Building Histories in Hong Kong, 1950s-1970s
Presentation Title
Architectural History, Composite Building, Domesticity, Hong Kong, Urban Studies
History of Arts,Hong Kong Studies
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
General Research Fund (GRF)
Funding Year
1 To construct a critical cultural study of the composite building in Hong Kong to deepen our understanding of the built environment and the relation of the environment to the society, using a range of materials in popular media and previously unexplored archival documentation. 2 To examine how the historical forces – economic, political, social, cultural and ideological – that produce the composite building in Hong Kong, have shaped the city’s modernization and participation in global economy and culture. 3 To reassess the development of the composite building in Hong Kong as a significant historical juncture where new knowledge and technologies in building, housing and urban planning were circulated and consolidated to understand its pivotal role in the development of the city. 4 To illuminate a range of previously unexamined buildings in Hong Kong’s architectural history by deepening our understanding of the complexities and diversity at work in the city’s built environment and domestic spaces. 5 To contribute to the field of Hong Kong architectural history and expand upon the housing history particularly in the fields of social history, social anthropology, material and cultural studies, feminist studies, building, development planning, and global architectural history.