Passive controller synthesis with application to low-order mechanical vibration control systems

Grant Data
Project Title
Passive controller synthesis with application to low-order mechanical vibration control systems
Principal Investigator
Dr Chen, Yong Hua   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Professor Wang Fu-Cheng   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Huang Lixi   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Passive controller synthesis with application to low-order mechanical vibration control systems
Presentation Title
inerter, mechanical network, Passive network synthesis, vibration control
Robotics and Automation
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
General Research Fund (GRF)
Funding Year
1) To establish minimal realizations of low-degree impedances with application to passive controller design for vehicle suspension, vibration isolators, and dynamic vibration absorbers: (i) realizations of biquadratic impedances as six-element non-series-parallel networks and of a sub-class that contains double poles and zeros, (ii) minimal mechanical realizations of a class of low-degree functions, and (iii) design of low-degree passive controllers for mechanical vibration control systems; 2) To investigate restricted one-port networks with application to vehicle suspension and realization procedure design: (i) further investigation of one-port mechanical networks containing one damper, one inerter, and several springs, and their application to vehicle suspension systems, (ii) establishment of transformerless realization procedures for arbitrary positive-real functions, and (iii) design of a transformerless realization procedure for a class of positive-real functions of any degree; 3) To develop the synthesis of multi-port passive networks based on modern systems theory and to investigate realizations of n-port resistive networks; 4) To design inerter-based vibration isolators for distributed systems: (i) optimization for fixed-structured inerter-based isolators and (ii) inerter-based isolator design under restricted realization conditions; 5) To construct a wireless semi-active inerter prototype and propose effective control algorithms for semi-active vibration control systems with a semi-active inerter.