A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong

Grant Data
Project Title
A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator
Dr Pun, Jason Chun Shing   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Professor Chau Hoi Fung   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Completion Date
Conference Title
A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong
environmental monitoring, Light Pollution, night sky brightness
PhysicsEnvironmental and Ecological Studies (Obsolete)
Physical Sciences (P)
HKU Project Code
ECF 01/2007
Grant Type
Environment and Conservation Fund
Funding Year
The project aims to complete the first comprehensive survey of light pollution in Hong Kong. Light pollution is a form of environmental degradation and is a major source of energy waste. We plan to invite a large group of local astronomers, outdoor enthusiasts, and school students to collect the measurements using a small, portable, and easy-to-use tool called the Sky Quality Meter (SQM). Data will be collected with 30 SQMs in multiple locations for a period of one year to record the light pollution condition around Hong Kong. The results from this survey will serve as an important database for authorities to fully comprehend the current condition before the public can assess whether new rules and regulations are necessary to control the use of outdoor lightings in Hong Kong. Another important goal of the project is that participants of the survey are introduced with the problem of light pollution and all its damaging consequences. In addition, a public webpage will be set up as an educational resource for all issues related to light pollution and for publicizing our findings. Light pollution can ultimately be improved only by revised behaviours of its citizens, through reducing wasteful excessive lightings.