Name Card
rp01441 picture

Professor Leung, Ki Che Angela 梁其姿

Professor, Chair of History
Joseph Needham - Philip Mao Professor in Chinese History, Science and Civilization


Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
Public Lecture on "Were Daoist Immortals Pioneers of Immunology?"Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-09-232015-09-23
LSE International History Department: Online Panel on “Racism in the time of Corona Virus” on ZOOMPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2020-07-082020-07-08
Keynote speech “中國慈善文化的演變與傳承: 明末清初以來慈善活動的公共空間” at the China Charity Culture Forum 2018 (中國慈善文化論壇2018) in BeijingPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-11-202018-11-20
Public lecture “李約瑟的“中國科技文明史”對今天科技史研究的影響與意義” at the opening ceremony of“Chinese Wartime Science through the Lens of Joseph Needham” Exhibition, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-01-222018-01-22
Public lecture on “A Pioneer in Global Medical Charity: The Tung Wah Hospital" (慈善醫療全球化的先導者: 東華醫院)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2019-07-132019-07-13
Keynote lecture “Diseases, Health and Culture — Speaking from the Perspective of Lingnan (疾病、醫療與文化―從嶺南談起)” at the International Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2018 Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-08-162018-08-17
Public lecture “中華科技文明的基因”at《創科博覽2017 –鑑古追今開創未來》專家論壇Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-09-302017-09-30
Keynote lecture “Is Confucianism to be blamed for gender inequality in East Asia?”, Gender Summit 10 on “Better Science and Innovation through Gender, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement” in TokyoPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-05-252017-05-26
Zoom Lecture “Epidemic Governance in China: A Historical Perspective”, EURICS China and Covid-19 Webinar Series on “China in a Time of Pandemics: Politics, Culture and Society”Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-04-022021-04-02
Zoom lecture “日常食物的價值與生產技術: 醬油與中國近代史(1750-1950)”, School of History, Remin University of Beijing (中國人民大學歷史系歷史前沿講座)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2020-06-112020-06-11
RTHK“文化四合院−大地書香訪問”:梁其姿談古今防疫政策中政府與民間組織的角色Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-07-112020-07-11
Public Lecture on History and Business in China (Mainland) 2014(商業、科學、教與慈善:走向近代的廣州善堂(1870–1937))Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2014-03-222014-03-22
A short think piece entitled “Coronavirus and Multi-level Stigmatization” for The Teach311+COVID-19 Collective Channel - History of Science ON CALL ProjectKE Website and Mobile Device2020-04-202020-04-20
A 10-day seminar “Methodology and Practice in History of Material Culture” held at Peking UniversityOther KE Activity Types2019-12-092019-12-20
Dorothy Ko (Columbia University)
Dagmar Schäfer (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin)
An article “中西傳統的公共衛生與疫疾的防預” launched on the website of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking UniversityKE Website and Mobile Device2020-03-012020-03-01
Soy Sauce Across Asia: Tradition, Taste, and Technology (Online Dialogue), Singapore Heritage Festival 2021Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-05-272021-05-27
Hallam Stevens
Daniel Chan
RTHK “文化四合院之大地書香: 談古今防疫政策中政府與民間組織的角色”Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-07-112020-07-11
AGI’s Quantitative History Webinar Series “宋至清的防疫與治疫: 政府與民間组織的角色” broadcasted by RTHK Program 《大學堂》Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-05-312020-05-31
「茻友会客厅」[走进“豆”的前世今生,聊聊那些被遗忘的传统和历史] Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2022-06-252022-06-25
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Zoom lecture “Epidemic Governance in China: A Historical Perspective”EURICS China and Covid-19 Webinar Series on “China in a Time of Pandemics: Politics, Culture and Society”, 2 April 2021
Zoom lecture "醬油成為中國日常食物的歷史過程: 醬文化與政權的興衰"中文大學歷史人類學研討會, 28 December 2021
Chinese state and society in epidemic governance, past and presentWorkshop on “Contagious Words/Epidemic Behaviours: Language Big Data Approaches to COVID-19” (via ZOOM), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 17 October 2020
Becoming an everyday food: changing technology and value of modern Chinese soy sauce 1750-1950”The 6th Annual International Symposium on Quantitative History, Yantai, Shandong, 14-15 July 2018
Zoom lecture on “Crop and Food: Soybean in Chinese Food Culture”CUHK Agrobiotechnology Talk Series, 12 May 2021
中華科技文明的基因《創科博覽2017 –鑑古追今開創未來》專家論壇, Our Hong Kong Foundation, 30 September 2017
Is Confucianism to be blamed for gender inequality in East Asia?Gender Summit 10 on “Better Science and Innovation through Gender, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement”, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, 25-26 May 2017
Diseases, Health and Culture—Speaking from the perspective of LingnanInternational Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2018, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd., 16-17 August 2018
A Pioneer in Global Medical Charity: The Tung Wah Hospital (1870-)Central Library, 13 July 2019
清末穗港澳地區醫學知識建構的全球在地化百年南開大講壇,中國天津南開大學, 23 March 2019
Zoom lecture “日常食物的價值與生產技術: 醬油與中國近代史(1750-1950)”School of History, Remin University of Beijing, 11 June 2020
Zoom lecture “域外中國醫史研究新方向: 食物與藥物的歷史”, Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai, 22 October 2021.2021-10-01
宋至清的防疫與治疫: 政府與民間组織的角色Quantitative History Webinar Series, Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong, 21 May 2020.2020-05-01
The Value of Everyday Food - The making of Soy Sauce and Chinese HistoryInstitute of Humanities and Social Sciences Public Lecture, Peking University, 19 December 20192019-12-01
Becoming an everyday food: changing technology and values of modern Chinese soy sauce 1750-19507th Global Social Science Graduate Student Conference: Becoming Agents of Technological Change, Hong Kong Baptist University, 17 April 20192019-04-01
中國慈善文化的演變與傳承: 明末清初以來慈善活動的公共空間China Charity Culture Forum 2018, Beijing, 20 November 20182018-11-01
東亞前近代的"南方醫藥"’觀: 從異域想像到地域意識的形成2018-09-01
李約瑟的“中國科技文明史”對今天科技史研究的影響與意義Opening Ceremony of “Chinese Wartime Science through the Lens of Joseph Needham” Exhibition, Hong Kong Baptist University, 22 January 20182018-01-01
Competing medical traditions in colonial Asia: The framing and managing of beriberi/jiaoqi/kakké 腳氣The 9th Meeting of International Society for the History of Medicine, Peking University, 7 September 20172017-09-01
A ‘South’ Imagined and Lived: The Pre-modern Entanglement of Medical Things, Experts, and Identities in East Asia’s SouthThe 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines (ICTAM IX), University of Kiel, Germany, 6-12 August 20172017-08-01
History of Variolation and Vaccination against SmallpoxFifth Summer Workshop on Chinese History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 6 July 20172017-07-01
A “South” Imagined and Lived: The Entanglement of Medical Things and Experts in Pre-Modern “Lingnan 嶺南”Eleventh Annual Frederick P. Mote Lecture in Chinese Studies for 2016-2017, Princeton University, 15 March 20172017-03-01
Business, Science, Religion and Charity: Charity Halls and Modernity in Canton (1870-1937)Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion, The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, 2 November 20162016-11-01
To build or to reform vegetarian China in the Republican periodFudan University, Shanghai, 9 March 20162016-03-01
Glocalizing Medicine in the Canton/ Hong Kong/Macau Region in Late Qing ChinaNYU Shanghai Center for Global Asia Lecture Series, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, 8 March 20162016-03-01
光緒十三年(1887)『腳氣芻言』建構腳氣症候的「方」與「法」International Conference on “The History of Material Culture in Medicine”, The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 11-13 November 20152015-11-01
Glocalizing Medicine in the Canton Region in Late Qing ChinaInauguration ceremony of Department of Medical Humanities at Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 22 October 2015.2015-10-01
Were Daoist Immortals Pioneers of Immunology?Public Lecture Series on History of Science in China, co-organized by the Education Bureau, Hong Kong Science Museum and East Asian History of Science Foundation (Hong Kong), 23 September 2015.2015-09-01
Globalizing Medicine in the Canton/Hong Kong Region in Late Qing China (1840-1911)Global China Lecture Series, Cambridge University, 14 May 20152015-05-01
Lecture on "The global circulation of a drug/spice in the longue durée: the story of Asafoetida/awei 阿魏"Advanced training program on “Inter-Asian Urbanity: Connections and Comparisons”, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 18-24 August 20142014-08-01
商業、科學、教與慈善:走向近代的廣州善堂(1870–1937)Public Lecture on History and Business in China (Mainland) 2014, co-organized by CUHK, Guangdong Province Museum, 22 March 20142014-03-01
Charity, Medicine and Religion: the Quest for Modernity in Canton (ca. 1870-1937)53rd Annual Edward H Hume Memorial Lecture, Yale University, 17 April2013-04-01
Lecture on “The Role of the Hospital in the Life of Hong Kong Population in the Early 20th Century as Revealed by the Kwong Wah Hospital Archive”Hong Kong Museum of History and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 21 January2012-01-01
殖民時代東亞腳氣病(jiaoqi/kakke/beriberi)的流行與解釋National Yang-ming University, Taiwan,18 November2011-11-01
Lecture on "Daoist temple or charitable hall? The unique model of the Xinggong Caotang in Guangzhou city centre"Fudan University, Shanghai, 19 September2011-09-01
Lecture on "What is the History of Disease"United International College, Zhuhai, 5 May2011-05-01
Public lecture on "The Beriberi/ jiaoqi (腳氣) Pandemic in Colonial Asia ca. 1850-1940: Meanings and Significance"Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, 14 March2011-03-01
Public lecture on "The Development of Modern Cantonese Traditional Medicine and Charitable Halls"Hong Kong Museum of History, 21 December2010-12-01
Plenary speech at the Conference on "The (After)Life of Traditional KnowledgeWestminster University, London, 21 August2010-08-01
Lecture on "History of Disease, Why and How"National Summer School for History Graduates, Nankai University (PRC Ministry of Education Programme), 1 September2009-09-01
Public lecture on "Wealth and Charity in Late Imperial China" in the lecture series "History and Business in China"The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Central Library, Hong Kong, 20 February2009-02-01
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
1999-01-012005-12-01MemberOAdvisory Committee of the Centre of Humanities, National Science Council, Taiwan
2007-02-01Research Funding Expert (Starting grants programme)OEuropean Research Council
2018-02-012019-08-01Independent ManagerOThe Endeavourers Leung Lee Sau Yu Memorial Primary School
1998-06-012025-05-01MemberOEuropean regional advisory committee/Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
2017-06-012017-12-01External MemberOEvaluation Committee for the Development Plan (2017~2020) of the Department of the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
2015-08-012021-07-01MemberOAdvisory Committee of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2019-07-012022-07-01MemberOExternal Advisory Committee for the Development Plan (2020~2022) of the Institute of Advanced Studies for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Macau, Macau
2020-09-012022-09-01Member of the Selection CommitteeOThe French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme, RFIEA Foundation
2014-01-012014-12-01MemberOHumanities Panel in UGC Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
2012-01-01MemberOConseil scientifique of the Reseau francais des Instituts dEtudes avancees, France
2010-08-01MemberOAdvisory Board of Research Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2023-01-012025-12-01MemberOAcademic Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica
2004-01-012008-12-01Nominated external memberOConseil scientifique of the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, France
2013-05-012015-04-01MemberOHumanities Panel of Research Assessment Exercise 2014/University Grants Council
2009-10-01MemberOBoard of Trustees of The D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia
2014-01-012014-12-01MemberOAdvisory Committee of the Chinese Civilisation Centre/City University of Hong Kong
2001-01-012003-12-01External ExaminerOHistory Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012-01-012013-12-01MemberOAdvisory Board of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences/National Science Council, Taiwan
2013-04-01Executive MemberOThe Tang Prize Selection Committee for Sinology, Taiwan
2015-11-012025-05-01MemberODeveloping Regions Review Committee, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Taiwan
2022-06-012027-09-01MemberOAcademic Advisory Committee, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking University, China
2008-09-01MemberOAdvisory board of the Karl Jasper Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies/University of Heidelberg, Germany
2016-09-012016-12-01MemberODirector Search Committee, Institute of History and Philology/Academia Sinica
2023-05-012026-06-01ChairpersonODepartmental Advisory Committee, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong
2017-09-012020-09-01MemberOKaiyuan Research Academic Committee
2013-09-012022-12-01MemberOAcademic Advisory Committee of the Institute of Modern History/Academia Sinica
2019-12-012025-12-01ConvenorOAcademic Advisory Committee of the Institute of History and Philology/Academia Sinica
2013-11-012019-10-01MemberOHumanities and Social Sciences Panel/Hong Kong Research Grants Council.
2020-10-012021-01-01MemberOPast Time Dimension Committee of the 2021 Dan David Prize
2010-12-01Panel Member (Humanities and Social Sciences)OAgence Nationale de la Recherche, France
2014-01-012014-12-01Review Panel MemberOEvaluation of the academic program of the Department of History, School of Humanities of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2013-09-012025-12-01MemberOAcademic Advisory Committee of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2011-01-01MemberOJury of the Laboratoires d'excellence scheme/French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France
1999-01-012001-12-01Nominated external memberOConseil scientifique of the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France
2019-03-012020-03-01External assessorOEuropean Science Foundation
2011-01-012011-12-01MemberOElection Committee of the Directorship for the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
1999-01-012001-12-01Committee memberODepartment of International Cooperation/National Science Council
2016-01-012016-12-01MemberOOverseers' Committee to Visit the Department of the History of Science, Harvard University, USA
2012-02-012014-01-01MemberOJoint Research Scheme Panel under the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel/Hong Kong Research Grants Council